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Vanessa just had time to see the leader unbuckle the heavy leather belt around his breeches and pull it free, before four pairs of hands took hold of her arms and legs. Forced face down on the bed, she glanced nervously back over her shoulder.

'Pull her good and tight lads!'

Vanessa felt the hands around her ankles and wrists draw her limbs to full stretch. There was the sound of the belt swishing through the air then Vanessa felt a terrible stinging across her buttocks.

'Yeeow! Stop it!'

Wide eyed with alarm she looked over her shoulder to see the belt whistling down through the air again towards her bare legs.

Vanessa shook her head, tears pricking her eyes, a burning sensation spreading across her thighs. The belt snapped down again, this time over her back.

'Oww! Stop it!' she blurted, tears welling up in her eyes as the pain across the backs of her legs throbbed unbearably. The belt snapped down again over her rump and Vanessa jerked and writhed against the four pairs of hands that held her down.

'I can't bear it! Let me go! No more... please...'

There was a nerve-racking pause and Vanessa fearfully looked up at the leader of the pirates. She had given up trying to pull free from the hands that grasped her and held her arms and legs outstretched. Her shoulders ached fearfully and needles of pain ran down her legs from the tension that her legs were under.

'Starting to feel sorry for yourself, eh?'

'Yes...please don't whip me anymore,' Vanessa begged, looking up at the leader with wide, sorrowful eyes.

'Right then girl. We're going to stay at sea for three days then we'll return and sell you at the slave market. By then whoever had you before should be elsewhere. Now, until then you've got a simple choice to make: either you service each of my crew every day and willingly or you can stay bound to this bed and every six hours you'll get twenty lashes. It's your choice!'

'How many of you are there?' Vanessa asked timidly.


She thought quickly. Servicing nine men for three days or being whipped every six hours - there was no contest!

'I'll look after your men,' she announced, trying to make it sound like a reluctantly made decision.

'Excellent!' roared the Captain. 'Right then Bosun Flint, leave a man at the helm for now and we'll let the rest of the crew all have their first taste right now!'

'But not all of you together!' Vanessa protested.

'What's wrong with that? Eager little slut like you should have enough stamina to service nine men. Right Flint, get the men in order of seniority after myself. So, what's your name girl?'


'Well Vanessa, get that pretty mouth of yours around my cock before I lose my patience with you and give you a good flogging anyway!'

Vanessa set to work, sucking and licking until the man told her to stop and turn round on the bed, supporting herself on her hands and knees. His hands grasped her buttocks and drew them apart. Then without any preamble he rammed his cock into her pussy. Groaning and swearing with fevered excitement and satisfaction he pumped away until he came. With scarcely a pause the man named Flint, the tallest and meanest of the crew, pressed a hand against her back between her shoulder blades encouraging her to stay bent over for him. Hands then grasped her ankles and pulled her backwards, taking her by surprise. With her legs pulled over the edge of the bed and held widely apart, her sex was driven up against his thick cock and then he was inside her, his powerful hands clasping her hips to keep her held in place. Before he'd come though Vanessa herself was brought to orgasm and as she gasped and writhed, held by the men, they laughed and agreed amongst themselves how "the little tart was loving it".

After Flint, a third man took her and by the time he'd finished with her Vanessa was already feeling exhausted.

'Could I rest for just a minute,' she begged.

'Stop whining you little slut and get on with it!'

A fourth man took her and by the time he'd come, her pussy felt so tender that she again begged them to let her rest. When they ignored her begging she tried to crawl away but hands dragged her back to where they wanted her.

'Please! I really need to have a rest. My poor little body aches...'

Her pleading just made them laugh.

'Maybe we should give her juicy little pussy a rest? Use her the other way lads!'

'Oh no... don't, please...' Vanessa cried.

'Good idea, pull her down the bed lads so her arse is hanging over the edge!'

'Come on guys... please... I've had enough!' Vanessa protested.

'Hold her still, my turn, come on now you blonde beauty...'

Vanessa was now held still by four eager volunteers as a fifth man pushed his thumb deeply between her buttocks making her whimper and squirm.

'Done this before, darlin?'

Vanessa, lying, shook her head negatively. Secretly a part of her was eager to suffer what was about to befall her, but there was no way she'd ever let on to these animals that she enjoying being treated like this! God, if they knew that, what else might they do to her?

'Come on then honey, time to soften up for us.'

The man twisted his thumb inside her anus, then drew it partially from her before pushing it back in. Soon her muscle was softening under the repeated pressure and then the man withdrew his thumb and drew the globes of her arse apart with both hands.

'You'll get to enjoy it soon enough darlin!'

The man drove his cock into Vanessa's rear making her cry out in protest.

'This isn't fair... please...' Vanessa shook her head and struggled pathetically against the four pairs of hands that held her down whilst the cock slid back and forth, harder and deeper at each stroke.

'God, she's a horny little bitch!'

'Look at her panting, she's loving it!'

Someone grasped her hair and drew her head back. Vanessa felt spunk filling her rectum and then the cock was promptly withdrawn.

'Right, me next!'

'No more... please!' Vanessa sighed, writhing pathetically against the four pairs of powerful hands that held her still.

Ignoring her pleading the sixth man took his turn, driving his cock into her arse with such determined force that she gasped and imagined for a moment that she was going to faint.

'Keep still now girl... come on, not much more...'

The man rode her mercilessly, his cock pumping into her in quick hard thrusts, his balls slapping against her thighs each time his cock sank into her, his hands holding her tightly by her slim waist as she squirmed under the assault.

'Please... not so hard... too much...'

Her pleading though seemed to make the man use her even more harshly and Vanessa cried out as she was brought to a shuddering climax of her own which seemed to vindicate his treatment of her in his own eyes.

'The little tart's loving it! Look at her!'

The man came, and with a groan of satisfaction withdrew from her. Without giving her time to even recover her breath another man took up his place between her spread and held legs and he thrust his cock into her aching body.

'No, stop... please...' Vanessa gasped, almost delirious now after what she'd been put through.

'Come on darlin', that lovely young body of yours has still got some work to do!'

'Can't take anymore...let me rest...please...'

Ignoring her pleading the man drew his cock from her then rammed it back in.

'No! Stop it... no more...'

'Now, if you want us to stop then you've not kept your end of the bargain and it's a whipping you'll get instead, so what's it to be?'

'This isn't fair...' Vanessa sighed, weakly lifting her head and looking around at the men circling the bed.