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Donna moaned but didn’t try to shake these off. She knew that those steel teeth were deep in her flesh and would not shake loose. After a while the sharp pain subsided to a dull ache and burn and Donna could open her eyes again. Across the room Jan’s head was bowed and her eyes closed.

Both girls moaned a lot that afternoon, but mostly Jan for whom the thin edge of the plank was an ever- increasing torment. A few times Donna saw her mistress shiver all-over, and there were many times when her muscles trembled under the strain. Donna had to admit that Margaret had been right. She was suffering much more because she had to watch her beloved mistress suffer. If only she could reach out and untie those cruel ropes on the woman she loved. But she was a prisoner of steel and rope herself. It was a long afternoon. Jan was the first to be untied. When her body was taken off the Horse, the poor girl could not move her arms or legs but lay lifeless on the floor while the gag was pulled from her mouth and all the cords removed save those holding her wrists crossed behind her back. Julie then untied Donna and helped her off the huge dildo attached to the chair. It wasn’t easy to pull herself up and off the monster because her legs ached and would hardly obey her, and because her pussy seemed to clamp itself around the rubber phallus as if it didn’t want to let go. But it finally came off with a wet sucking sound followed by a gasp from behind Donna’s still gagged lips. The gag was taken out but not without difficulty for the rubber had wedge behind her teeth and had to be pried out. Her wrists were left handcuffed high on her back but she didn’t care. All she could think of was the inert form of her mistress lying on the floor. As soon as the alligator clips were opened to release their steel bite on her nipples, Donna rushed to be by Jan but stopped suddenly half way when sharp pains shot through her breasts. Returning circulation in the nipples was added to the already very sore tits to make the naked girl stop and gasp in pain. But then she continued on to kneel beside her friend.

“Is... Is she dead?” forced Donna, through a jaw that ached terribly and didn’t want to move.

Julie laughed. “Of course not! Silly girl. She just fainted from unhappiness at being taken from the Horse she had become very attached to.”

Donna wanted to cry. She also wanted very much to touch her mistress and hold her in her arms. But the best she could do was to lean over and kiss her cheek.

“You really love that girl, don’t you?” asked Julie.

“Yes. Don’t you love your mistress?” Julie snorted.

“Ain’t love that keeps me here, it’s money. Well, there have been some fun times in bed with Margaret but she likes to have her female partners very tightly bound. I mean, like really really tightly bound. You know what I mean? When the ropes are so tight around your arms and legs and around your body that you are hurting just from that? When your breasts are circled with rope and squeezed so tight that they look like balloons instead of breasts? That’s what Margaret likes. When she takes me to her bed, she ties me so damned tight that I can’t hardly breath. And she makes my breasts look like they’re being strangled. Sometimes they even turn blue. Or purple or something. But they get to looking something awful.”

Julie pulled Donna to her feet and attached a length of rope to her collar as a leash. “And then Margaret sucks on my nipples until I think my poor breasts are going to explode. And she spanks my behind until I’m all glowing red back there. And when I’m all excited like that, and really want her to touch me so I’ll get satisfaction—then she spreads her legs and makes me use my tongue on her. ’Bout that time I’m pretty horny and worked up so I lick her something fierce and shove my tongue up as far as I can into her pussy. And I suck on her sex until she gets her orgasm.”

Jan was coming back to consciousness so Julie paused to tied a noose of rope around her neck. “Then the mistress you think I should love kicks me out of bed and I have to lay on the floor all night, tied up like a Christmas present and hurting all night. Between the pain and being incredible horny, I don’t get no sleep.” Julie took both of their leashes in one hand. “No, honey, I don’t love Margaret. But she do pay awful well. And it’s sort of fun. Least it’s better than having some man poke his thing in you, shoot his load, and be gone a minute later. A man don’t know how to treat a girl. Miss Margaret, she different.”

Julie led both girls from the room of torture back to the room where they spent the night in tiny cages. Jan could hardly walk and held her legs spread wide as she did, Donna wanted to cry for poor Jan. She knew the pain and ache caused by riding the Horse. She knew the terrible feeling that you would never feel anything again in your pussy, that it would never function again to give you pleasure from sex because it had been ruined. But Donna’s experience had been for only three hours at most. Poor Jan had spent the better part of a day upon the Horse, most of it moaning softly.

The cages were hanging up near the ceiling, out of the way for now. Tying Donna’s leash to a ring in the wall, Julie led Jan a few feet away and attached a pair of handcuffs to her ankles. Then she untied her wrists. Before Jan could do anything, her hands were locked in front of her with another pair of handcuffs. Then she was set down under one of the wall rings and a short chain was padlocked around her neck and the ring so she couldn’t move more than a couple of feet from the wall. Then Donna was similarly chained to the wall by her collar and a padlock. Finally her hands were unlocked from the handcuffs that had held them high up on her back. Her arms were stiff and ached as she lowered them, and there were angry red marks on her wrists where the steel had dug into her flesh. She moaned and could hardly move her fingers. Julie gathered her hands behind her back and locked handcuffs on them.

The two girls were then left alone. Donna tried to reach out to her darling but was held back by her neck chain. All they could do look at each other and offer verbal comfort.

“I’m sorry, Jan. What they did to you is terrible. Does it hurt?”

“It hurts,” Jan said slowly. “It aches and is numb still But it hurts. I’m sure they’ve destroyed my sex. I’ll never be able to enjoy sex again.”

“That’s not true!” Donna cried. “I know I felt like my sex was ruined but it wasn’t. Just takes a day or two go get back into shape... Oh, Jan, I wish I could have taken your place.”

“No, you don’t,” said Jan with the first spark shown all afternoon. “It was terrible. You would have hated it.”

“Better me than you,” Donna uttered in total sincerity.

Jan smiled weakly but said nothing. She was touched by her former slavegirl’s feelings. After a while her thoughts turned from her own suffering to Donna’s. “Your hands look terrible. Those cuffs must have really dug in.”

“They did,” answered Donna honestly. “But I have had worse.”

“And those little metal clips. Weren’t they the kind used for electrical work? What do they call them?”

“I don’t know but I never want to see one again.” Again they fell silent until Jan looked around them.

“Where are my girls?” she asked. “What has that bitch done with them?”

Donna explained as best she could what she had seen of the girls tied in their steel barred cages, and of the test Margaret had set up for them. “She’s just testing them to see if they really can escape from normal bondage,” Donna said. “Can they?”

“Probably. Those two have been in bondage almost all their lives. They’re both the best I’ve ever seen. When I tie them, I have to be very careful. Yes, they’re good.”

Just then the door opened and Pip came in, pushed by Julie behind her. Pip was still naked, as all four captives were and probably would be for a long time. And her arms were bound behind her back, at the wrists and at the elbows. Her ankles were handcuffed together but she seemed to be able to walk fairly well. Donna looked at the way her elbows were crushed together and shivered. She had been tied like that several times and it was always painful just being tied that way, let alone struggling against ropes. The teenager girl was led to one of the wall rings and her slender neck chained to it. Then Julie was gone.