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Nigel then rolled the naked slavegirl onto her stomach and Jan tied a piece of rope to her ankles. That went up and around her wrist bondage then back down to the ankles. Jan pulled while Nigel helped compress Donna’s legs double. When the final knot was tied and Nigel stopped pushing down on Donna’s legs, the naked girl was tightly hogtied, and certainly not going to be able to free herself.

The two of them picked her up and placed her on a coffee table, Then they moved the coffee table over to where it was easily visible from the bed. More rope was used to bind Donna’s stomach to the table, fixing her in place so she could not wiggle forward or backward, nor even roll to either side. Satisfied at last that the had their slavegirl totally helpless, blind and silent, Jan turned to Nigel and gave him a very long, very passionate kiss.

In her rope and tape prison, Donna wondered what was going on. She could hear the two moving around but there were no words spoken so she still didn’t know why it was she had been so completely bound up as well as blindfolded and gagged. After a while she detected noises that sounded like zippers. There were some very low moans that Donna wasn’t sure she really heard. Then there was a couple of exclamations from a female voice that Donna knew was Jan. But what was happening?

There was the sound of rustling on the bed, of moans of pleasure, and perhaps now and then a sound that might have been a slap of bare hand against bare skin. Over a long time the sounds of sexual excitement in a woman came to Donna’s muffled ears, mixed with other sounds that she couldn’t identify but made her think of a woman being tightly bound up. Donna shook her head and wished she could see, even if they didn’t allow her movement.

At long last there were sounds of gasping and moaning and little squeals of pleasure that could only be a woman nearing orgasm. Donna shook her head and tried to rock her body off the coffee table but could not move an inch. When Jan cried out with the intense pleasure of orgasm, Donna’s body arched and stiffened as much as it could and she ached with frustration. All the naked and tied down girl could think of was how wonderful it had been a couple days before when she had been ordered to surrender herself to Nigel’s sexual gratification. Now the shoe was on the other foot, or the penis was in the other pussy, however you looked at it, and all Donna could feel was horny and very frustrated.

There were two more orgasms for Jan, spaced out over the night, while Donna could only lie on her hard wooden table, ache from the cruelly tight bondage, and wish it were her over there in bed. She slept some, between the orgasms for her mistress, in a bondage that most girls would have found impossible to endure, let alone nap in.

In the morning she was untied by a smiling Jan. “Well, did you two enjoy looking at me while you had sex,” she said more crossly than she meant to.

“Yes,” was all that Jan would reply. Donna noted that Jan’s wrists and ankles bore rope marks but wisely refrained from asking where they came from. She was only the slavegirl property of this woman, she reminded herself. It was not her place to inquire into her mistress’ love life, no matter how near to her naked and bound body it had taken place.

They all went down to breakfast and no more was said about the evening’s entertainment.

After spending the night hogtied on a coffee table, Donna was a bit stiff the next morning. But she didn’t protest as Nigel and Jan made her put on the sheer white blouse they had bought and then bound her arms with the wrists crossed high up on her back by her shoulder blades. A harness of rope around her shoulders formed the anchor for her wrists to be tied to so she couldn’t pull them back down. She was then dressed in the black leather skirt they had bought yesterday, no panties. Donna noted that the skirt barely covered her pussy and sitting down would be downright obscene, but again said nothing.

The blouse tucked into the skirt and from the front looked pretty nice, the bound slavegirl thought as she saw herself in the mirror. They added high heels with about the tallest heels Donna had ever seen. The store manager said that they were three and a half inches, and that really high heels were all the rage now. Donna found that she could walk easily even without her arms for balance, but only after a few minutes practice. And she liked what they did to the shape of her legs.

Jan dressed up in one of her new dresses and Donna had to admire the way it set off her raven hair and fine figure. The simple diamond necklace went well with a low neckline that revealed a fair amount of the tops of a nice pair of breasts. Jan’s heels weren’t as high as Donna’s but high enough to make her legs look very nice.

“How are we going to get Donna down to the car?” asked Jan, eyeing the see-through qualities of her slave’s blouse. “That blouse is next to nothing. And that skirt is so short, she looks like a hooker.”

“Not to worry, dearest,” Nigel said smoothly. He produced a short jacket which he put over Donna’s shoulders. The zipper in front was pulled up half way and the sleeves were tucked into the pockets. The effect was not too unusual looking, provided one did not look too closely.

“But what about the skirt?” asked Jan.

“So she’s a hooker. You think this hotel hasn’t see them before?”

Jan snorted but didn’t press the issue. They made it to the car with only a few stares from the males in the lobby. It was a little awkward for Donna to get into the back seat of the car, and in the process she flashed quite a bit of pussy at the doorman who was holding open her door. If he was shocked by the display of female private parts or at the way this girl didn’t seem to have any arms, he didn’t say a word.

It wasn’t a long drive to Rashad’s and it was made in silence, each person deep in his or her own thoughts. Finally they pulled down a long driveway lined with thick bushes, and came to a gate guarded by a man in a business suit. He checked them over and even checked the car’s license plate against a clipboard. Then he waved them on. Rashad was as Donna remembered him; dark complexion and a reasonably handsome face. He greeted the three of them warmly and invited them into a lounge where they were offered drinks. With the polite foreplay over, Nigel launched into his story about he and his wife wanting to get rid of this slavegirl and buy another. He made Donna out to be a good slave but lacking in spirit. Then he outlined an ideal slavegirl that fitted either of the twins quite well. When he finished, Rashad said nothing but seemed deep in thought. Finally he came back to life and asked if he might see the merchandise.

Jan took Donna’s coat off and told her to show her figure off. Donna did, turning around like a fashion model, letting this slave trader see her big, bouncy breasts and the way her hands were tightly bound and out of the way. She got a little thrill out of showing her figure off for a man she knew bought and sold girls. It was easy to think of the whole thing as a game when she knew that Nigel and Jan wouldn’t really sell her. So Donna laid it on thick, both in showing off her lovely body and in acting very submissive and obedient.

It must have worked. Rashad almost licked his lips. “No spirit, you say?” he asked. “But everything else is first rate, no?”

“Oh, the girl is good looking,” Nigel tossed off casually. “But what good is a slave who is already broken?”

Rashad nodded. A man used to handling slavegirls would surely understand those who like to break a girl’s spirit and reduce her to an obedient slave. It was a challenge to do it without ruining the girl.

“I understand,” he said. “Perhaps I can help you. But perhaps you would like to have this lovely creature not present while we discuss the details, no?”