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But today was not one of those days on which she had to worry about what to do with free hands. She followed along behind the twins at the end of a rope leash they had tied to the ring in her collar, and did not worry about anything. The twins would bind her or chain her in some way that she could not escape from, and that was all there was to it. She didn’t even wonder how they would tie her, not even if it would hurt much. Sometimes their bondage hurt a lot, sometimes less, but always there was some pain.

The clearing was a small one, and it held only two things of interest; two small squares of concrete set in the ground, each with a large metal ring firmly planted in the middle. The twins had used this area many times before, the last one being to lock her collar to one of the rings with a padlock so that she had to keep her head down by the ring in the ground all day. They had then laughingly untied Donna’s hands so that the slender metal collar and padlock were the only restraints on the naked girl. They found it amusing that she was totally free of arm and leg, but still completely helpless. It had been an awkward day, with Donna having to spend it all either lying down or kneeling. The ring was too low for her to sit up. But Donna had been grateful because that was certainly one of the twins least painful positions. It had almost been a holiday from the usual tight ropes and painfully contorted positions.

Perhaps again today? she wondered. But the twins had not brought a padlock. Donna could see that all they held in their hands was another piece of rope, maybe twenty feet long. Well, at least it wouldn’t be one of their major productions that involved hundreds of feet of rope and Donna’s being very uncomfortable for hours on end.

They sat her down on the grass half way between the two rings, then set about binding her ankles together side by side and very tightly. They finished that job with several feet of rope hanging out. Pip took that rope down to the ring in front of her feet and passed it through the ring to come back up to her ankles were she pulled it very tight and knotted it several times to insure Donna would not be able to jerk it free. Meanwhile, Patsy was busy untying the leash rope from Donna’s collar and binding one end of it around the naked girl’s wrists. That rope then went back to the ring behind Donna and through it. Patsy pulled and Donna felt her arms moving away from her body. When the strain was really beginning to get uncomfortable, Patsy stopped and tied off the rope in many firm knots.

“You realize, don’t you,” Pip asked as the twins stood back to admire their handiwork, “that if you fall to either side, you won’t be able to get up?”

Donna sighed. It was true. With her arms pulled out behind her, a fall would meant that she would have to say lying on her side the rest of the day. Still, that wouldn’t be so bad.

“But we don’t want you to fall over and get nasty old dirt all over you,” added Patsy. “So we decided that if you’re lying on your side when we come back, we’ll take you back to the dungeon and make you ride the Horse for two hours before dinner. Won’t that be nice?”

It would not be nice but Donna refrained from so stating. The twins knew as well as she just how horrible the Horse was. Although, Donna thought, they didn’t suffer on it as much as she did because they were not yet full grown, and didn’t weigh as much as Donna. That put more weight pressing that cruel plank edge right up into her pussy. It was a terrible punishment and Donna hated it. The twins always tied her so tightly that she couldn’t move a muscle while riding that wooden plank they called the Horse.

“Bye, Donna, dear, we love you,” they chanted as they skipped off into the trees.

Donna sighed. But this wasn’t too bad. She was sitting on the ground with her legs straight out in front of her and her arms at an angle behind her. But it wasn’t too bad. At least her back was straight up and sitting like this wasn’t too uncomfortable. But she wasn’t kidding herself. Even something as seemingly innocent as this could grow more and more uncomfortable until her muscles were screaming for release. And there was the problem of not falling down. She resolved not to fall over and give the twins the satisfaction of condemning her to two hours of riding the Horse.

Hours drifted by slowly, and all Donna had to tell the passage of time was the shifting shadows from the trees and the increasing ache in her shoulders and back muscles. A couple of times in the warm afternoon sunlight she caught herself drifting off into sleep. But she fought it back because she would certainly wake up lying on her side and knowing she was doomed to a hellish two hours before dinner.

In mid afternoon, not far from the time the twins would normally come to observe their captive’s suffering and eventually free her, Donna thought she heard a noise behind her. With difficulty she looked back over her shoulder but could see nothing save greenery. Besides that was not the direction the twins would come from, the path from the house was directly in front of her. Unless they were playing some kind of game, and sneaking around to observe her when she didn’t know they were there. Donna sighed. Well, there was nothing she could do about it so she just sat there in her bonds.

Her shoulders were really aching by now and her lower back was in pain because she had taken to leaning forward as much as she could to ease the stain on her shoulders. Her bottom and the backs of her thighs were itching from the grass, and she had endured various ants crawling over her legs and the rest of her during the long day.

Suddenly there was a little noise again behind her. But before she could look around something grabbed her head from behind and shoved a wad of something into her mouth. The startled girl didn’t have time to react, only to realize that the hands cramming something into her mouth were not the small hands of the twins. These were the rough and strong hands of a man!

Donna squealed but the rubber wad was tight in her mouth, pushing her tongue down and preventing any kind of speech. Quickly the straps attached to the rubber wad were buckled around her head. In less than a minute the gag was secured tightly around her and Donna was silent save for the whines that escaped through her nose.

Only then did her assailant step around to where she could see him. It was a man she had never seen before! He was young, early twenties, and dressed totally in black save for the hands and face. The face was the part Donna didn’t like, Not that he was ugly, but it was his expression. He was not grinning like so many men do when staring at a naked woman. He was not even smiling in the slightest as a job quickly and well done. She could not even detect gloating in his eyes that he now had control over a beautiful naked and totally helpless young woman. What made her shudder deep down was the businesslike expression. No triumph, no joy, not even fear. He was just doing a job and doing it efficiently.

Donna watched as he produced a knife and slashed the rope holding ankles to the metal ring. Then he cut the rope holding her arms pulled back. Donna grunted at the stab of pain the sudden lower of her arms brought then looked up into the eyes of this strange man. But he did not meet her eyes, instead he roughly turned her over onto her stomach. In a second her ankles were being pulled up by the rope hanging from them. That rope he tied to her wrists in a quick but very tight hogtie.