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“Does that not sound right, my dear?” The dark woman purred with delight at the fear in her captive’s eyes. “All I have to do is push the slightest and you will slip from that oh so small piece of wood. Like this.” With a gentle kick she knocked the wood out from under Patsy’s foot.

Everything was as the woman had described. Patsy’s toes reached in vain for the solid floor only a couple inches below them. She gasped for breath and could draw in very little. Her face began slowly turning darker, a little more as each agonizing second crawled onward. Her eyes were wide with fear and panic. Finally her free foot did kick at the air, wildly searching for something to support her. There was nothing.

Calmly, as if she had all the time in the world, Madam Natasha watched the struggles of this beautiful teenage girl. Her face was a blank. Perhaps she was savoring the terror and pain, perhaps not.

Suddenly her body leaped into the air. Her right arms slashed out in a wide arc, the fingers held stiff and flat. Her long red painted fingernails found the rope and easily sliced through it as would the sharpest razor.

Patsy’s body was hitting the floor as the strange woman landed lightly on her feet. The noose around Patsy’s neck had been a slip loop, not a hangman’s noose. It eased up immediately as her weight came off it. The teenage girl lay on the floor, sucking in air gratefully.

Madam Natasha calmly walked towards the door.

“Apparently not today,” she said quietly.

“Bitch,” spat Patsy as the door closed.

A world away from the suffering of Jan’s daughter, the mother sat in the den of Nigel’s Big Bear Lake house and watched as a private detective asked questions of Pip. The teenager was holding up well as she described how she and Patsy had been held prisoner at the slave trader’s house, kept in constant very strict bondage and chains. Finally there was the inspection by three potential buyers, all at the same time. The three disappeared and later two came back to claim their prizes. After that Pip and Patsy were both bound tightly and packaged in the wooden shipping crates for transportation. Pip could remember little of the trip for it was spent in darkness and discomfort for many long hours. She didn’t even now what country she was in until Nigel and Jan pulled her out of that hunting lodge.

The detective then quizzed her on the appearance of the other buyer, the one who now had Patsy. But she could add little to what the other Donna had said. On a black pad of paper she sketched the basic features of dark haired and eyed woman. She did remember the rose tattoo but could offer no other distinguishing marks. She tried to describe the woman’s accent but could not place it beyond that it sounded vaguely European.

Having gotten everything there was to get out of Pip, the detective left with a promise to put all his resources on the case. But he had to admit that it sounded like Patsy had been taken to some other country farther away than Canada. He was obviously optimistic only for Jan’s benefit.

For a while Jan and Nigel talked but there was little they could do beyond wait. Nigel had business functions he had been neglecting and had to get back to his regular home. He would come back when he could or when some word arrived about Patsy.

Jan and Pip made some more coffee and, after an hour or so, went to the bedroom to offer coffee to Donna.

Donna, as was usual for her, was naked and tied so she could not escape. Her wrists were crossed and bound behind her back in Jan’s usual manner and with Jan’s usual inescapability. She was sitting on the bed, legs wide spread and tied to the bottom comers. It was a rather comfortable position for her.

“Any news?” she asked as soon as Jan appeared.

“The detective is trying to track down that other woman. But I don’t think he has much hope.”

“Isn’t there something else we could do?” insisted Donna. “Nigel says that Rashad’s is too well guarded for us to try and sneak in to find out who his customers are. Besides, Nigel doesn’t think that he keeps records. The whole business is highly illegal, you know. He doesn’t think there is any way we could force the information out of Rashad.” Donna sighed. “Something will happen,” she offered.

“Patsy will be found and then we’ll go and get her. We got Pip, didn’t we?”

“He didn’t show it much but Nigel was shaken up by what happened up there. He had taken a gun because he thought he would only use it as a threat. Instead we killed two people.”

“But we got Pip,” insisted Donna.

“Yes, we got Pip,” Jan said, brightening up a bit and putting her arm around her daughter’s shoulder.

For a while longer nothing more was said until Jan, looking (Jut the window, made a suggestion. “It’s a nice day outside, Pip. Why don’t you take Donna for a walk?” She then went on to tell Pip which path to take and that she should be back by dinner.

Pip thought it was a good idea and immediately untied Donna’s feet from the bed. She knotted a rope to Donna’s collar and set off right after adding some more rope to her pocket.

The day was indeed beautiful, the sun warm and the air clear and good to breathe. They walked along for a few minutes without saying a thing. Except for the difference in trees, this was not dissimilar to all those times when Pip and Patsy had taken Donna out into the garden to bind her for the day. But neither of them could forget that only Pip was leading their slavegirl into the forest and her punishment.

Finally Pip selected a part of the trail where some dense trees provided a shield from prying eyes. There she led Donna a little off the trail to an area where several small pine trees formed a circle. There she tied Donna’s leash to a tree while she carefully inspected the trees in the circle. Satisfied, she untied Donna’s leash from her collar and ordered the older girl to stand in the middle of the circle. She tied one rope to Donna’s left elbow and ran that over to a tree where she tossed it over a branch. A second length of rope was run from her other elbow over the branch of a tree on the other side. Then Pip carefully pulled and tied each rope to Donna’s elbows so that she was firmly held between the trees by tight ropes. Then she tied a rope to each ankle and used the same two trees to spread Donna’s legs wide apart. As Donna’s legs widened, she was lowered and the ropes around her elbows tighten and partly supported her. When Pip was finished, Donna was barely able to hold her balance. If the ropes had not been attached to her elbows, she would quickly have fallen on her face.

“Can you escape?” asked Pip.

Donna, as she usually did, tugged at the ropes and twisted, this way and that. Soon enough she was able to report that she could not free herself and, indeed, she was a prisoner in the forest. “I didn’t bring a whip, you know,” said Pip. A small smile was on her face as she warmed to her favorite task, punishing an naked slavegirl. “But I have this last length of rope.” She folded the leash rope until it was doubled twice. That made it about the length of a riding crop. Pip swished the rope against her free hand a couple of times to gage the amount of pain it might inflict. “We can see what it can do.”

Donna was taken suddenly back by the first blow. Pip had swung her arm upward before Donna expected it and was unprepared for the surprising blow directly between her legs. She gasped and a tiny cry of pain escaped her lips. It was nothing like being whipped there with a riding crop or that other short whip the twins sometimes used on her pussy, but it stung with surprising intensity.

Pip walked around her naked captive, slashing her rope whip at unprotected parts as the whim occurred. The rope made a sharp thud against the flesh of Donna’s bottom and a little sharper sound against the backs of her thighs.

“It’s nothing like a real whip, is it?” Pip asked. “No,” admitted Donna. “But it hurts.”

Pip’s reply was to slash the rope directly across Donna’s breasts. “Oh! I said it hurts! Don’t you believe me?”