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“I’m sure it does,” the teenager said sweetly. “But not much. I doubt I could put any real marks on your skin. All I see is redness but no nice purples or blues.”

“I’m sorry,” Donna started to say, but bit it back. Instead she meekly offered, “But it does hurt, really it does.”

Pip then began a long, drawn out session of slashing Donna’s naked body all-over with the rope whip. Very little of her skin was spared but also very little damage was done. Her breasts and bottom were red and the inside of her thighs turned a nice color but it was hardly the purple, black and blue that the twins so enjoyed watching form on Donna’s bare skin.

Still, as a punishment, this rope whipping had it’s merits.

Pip could swing away with all her strength and not do any serious damage. But the ropes stung the skin enough keep Donna whining and squealing.

Pip took rest periods, during which they chatted while Donna continued to stand awkwardly in the bonds. Both carefully avoided talking about Patsy. Donna was glad that her mild suffering was making Pip regain some of her former zest for punishment.

Later in the afternoon Pip finally grew tired of lashing at a naked and bound girl with her rope whip. For Donna it was none too soon. Many parts of her body were stinging and burning from the attention of the clotheslines, And she was awfully tired of standing with wide spread legs.

But Pip wasn’t finished with her surprises. After untying Donna’s ankles and elbows, she made Donna sit down on a log and she bound Donna’s ankles together. Then she made the girl wiggle until she was lying on her stomach on the pine needle carpet. Donna was surprised that here and there a pine needle stuck into her like a sharp steel needle. But she had little time to ponder that some pine needles might stick upward to prick the unsuspecting female body. Pip was tying her ankles to her wrists in a classic hogtie. It certainly wasn’t the tightest hogtie that Donna had ever been in, but it would keep her from even crawling. She wondered if Pip planned to leave her lying on the forest floor all alone.

But leaving Donna alone and in strict bondage, a standard practice of the twins, was not her intent. Instead she shed her clothes to stand before Donna as naked as the bound slavegirl. Then she pulled on Donna’s shoulders until the hogtied girl was on her knees. Holding her captive with one hand, Pip sat down on the log, spread her legs wide around the helpless girl, and lowered Donna until her face was in Pip’s pubic patch. What came next required no words. Donna knew how to please another woman and went to work. Her surprise at being made to do this act when the twins had never before required this service of her was swallowed up in her efforts to bring this teenage girl to a climax. Those efforts were rewarded when Pip shuddered, cried a small gasp of ecstasy, and clutched Donna’s head hard against her sex.

With the usual resiliency of youth, Pip was soon back on her feet, clothed, and untying Donna’s ankles and the hogtie rope. Once Donna was back on her feet, the teenager re-attached the rope to her collar as a leash and hustled her along towards the house.

Donna swayed slowly in mid-air, agony showing in every line of her face.

“Mommy’s right,” chirped Pip brightly. “These beams are ever so useful for all kinds of bondage.”

Donna was hardly in the position to disagree. She, naked as always, was in a very uncomfortable position, basically a hogtie but with one important addition. She had been put on two bar stools on her stomach while Pip bound her ankles together then tied them up to her wrists in a fairly tight hogtie. But then the mischievous teenager tied a rope to that joining her hands and feet, and ran that up and over the beam. Then she tied it back between Donna’s hands and feet. After that it was an easy task to tilt and remove the bar stools from under the slavegirl. Her body sank until the rope took the slight slack and suspended her a couple feet off the floor. With her arms and legs pulled painfully tight behind her, she was quite helpless and in considerable discomfort. For a while Pip just watched the hanging nudity slowly swaying back and forth and twisting slightly. Then she went over and took one of Donna’s legs in her hand. Pulling gently, she was able to displace Donna four feet from vertical. Then she let go and watched in delight as the bound up package swung in a wide arc, bounced off the couch a couple times, and whined in agony.

“Pip,” Donna said, her voice laced with stress, “do you know that this is a very painful position? Very painful.” She carefully chose her words so that it didn’t really sound like a protest.

“Oh, yes, I know how it hurts. Patsy tied me like this sometimes. And I’ve tied her this way. Mommy doesn’t like it ’cause she says it’s too much strain. But we like it ’cause it makes you feel so very helpless. You do feel helpless, don’t you?”


“Good. I knew you’d like it.”

The youngster toyed with her hanging slavegirl, swinging her this way and that, grabbing a breast and holding on to stop the girl’s motion. Then she let loose and giggled as Donna bounced off the couch.

From elsewhere in the house came Jan’s voice, calling Pip.

“Got to go,” said Pip cheerfully as she headed towards the door.

“Wait,” cried Donna. “You’re not going to leave me like this! It’s terrible!”

“Well, if you don’t like it,” Pip said sweetly, just untie yourself. Bye!” Donna was left swinging in air a few feet off the floor and surprised at Pip’s treatment of her. “But, Pip,” she called after the teenager, “I’m heavier than you are. This hurts more than it does you! Pip???”

Donna whined and sighed at the same time. Her wrists hurt terribly and the strain on her shoulders and back was horrible. She groaned, hung her head and wanted to cry.

When Pip came back, Donna’s body was hanging totally limp and motionless in it’s bonds, the only sign of life being a moaning that came from the bowed head, a pathetic sound of pain. Pip casually placed a couple of cushions from the couch under Donna then cut the rope holding her to the beam. Donna fell a couple feet to land on the cushions on her stomach. Pip then untied the ropes from her ankles but left the wrists crossed and securely bound.

“When you feel, up to walking, come on into the kitchen. Dinner’s ready.”

Dinner was a little later than normal and it was dark outside as the three girls sat around a small table in the kitchen, eating. Donna’s hands had been freed and locked in front of her with handcuffs so she could eat. The food was good, as usual, but Jan seemed distracted and Donna was sure it was worry about Patsy that keep her from being the usual happy girl they all loved.

“Mommy,” Pip said. “It’s a nice night outside with a full moon. Could I take Donna into the woods and tie her to a tree?”

“I guess so, dear. I’ll stay in the house, in case Nigel calls.”

“Okay, Mom. I’ll fix her up all real nice then come back and tell you so you can go see her.”


Donna was led from the house after dinner, her hands crossed and bound behind her back, and completely naked save for her collar. Pip seemed to know right where she was going to take Donna for she didn’t hesitate. Soon they were in the small clearing with the trees all around it in a circle. Humming happily to herself, Pip untied Donna’s leash from her collar then used the rope to bind her ankles together. Pip looked carefully at the trees around her, picking which she wanted to use. She took Donna over to that tree and pushed her down to the ground. When Donna was sitting on her bottom, Pip pushed her back onto her bound arms and lifted her legs straight up. With an admonishment to keep her legs raised up, Pip tied a rope around her ankle bondage, tossed that rope over a branch, then tied the other end to her ankles again. In just two minutes Donna was in a simple but totally escape proof bondage, lying on her back with her legs bent at a right angle and straight up. Pip walked around her, examining the position from every angle.