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Donna was suspicious. If this was all there was to Pip’s bondage of her, then something was wrong. This was the same teenage girl who had hung Donna in a suspended hogtie just an hour before. This tie was simple and not too uncomfortable. The pine needles under her back fortunately didn’t stick into her and the stress on her ankles was mild compared to some of the contorted and painful positions she had suffered at the hands of the twins. Pip seemed satisfied. For a while she just looked at Donna.

Finally she meekly asked, “We will get Patsy back, won’t we?”

Donna hastened to assure her, “We will. Don’t worry. We got you back, didn’t we? Nigel is good. He’ll get the job done.”

“He does seem to be a different person, doesn’t he?” Pip said. “He’s nicer towards me and seem to really like Mommy. Donna, he and Mommy are going to bed together, aren’t they?”

Donna considered lying because she didn’t know what Pip would think of the truth. Finally she said, “Nigel had sex with your mother before. Back when he had her and you two prisoners in your own house.”

“I know. But that was different. I think Mom is going to bed with him because she wants to.”

“Nigel Bransome is doing a lot for her. He even killed two men to get you back.”

“I know. She’s grateful... But is that all?”

This teenager was more perceptive than Donna had given her credit for. She had noticed the little things that Donna had also, those little things that clearly spoke of feelings Jan had towards this man. And, although Donna was sure that Nigel also felt strongly towards her mistress, she was more than a little uneasy about these new developments. She had hoped that after Patsy was retrieved, things would settle back to normal with Donna, Jan and the twins living happily by themselves. Donna being in the constant bondage as befits a slavegirl, of course. But now she was not sure what would eventually happen.

“Maybe not,” she finally answered truthfully. “I don’t know. I’ve never loved a man but apparently most woman can. But don’t worry, your mother loves you... and Patsy, very much.”

“I know that. And you. She loves you.” Pip knelt down beside Donna and leaned her head down until her mouth had covered one nipple. She began slowly teasing and licking and sucking. Donna closed her eyes and took a deep breath. It felt so nice to have this girl she loved doing that to her. After a while Pip switched to the other breast. Then her hands began caressing Donna’s naked body, teasing it here and there, exciting nerve endings all-over. One hand slipped down and the slender fingers began teasing Donna’s pussy from the back side which was all that was exposed with her legs bent upwards as they were. But it was enough exposure to make sure that Pip’s fingers could find her slit and slide into the moist tunnel. Donna groaned with pleasure and slowly arched her chest up. Those fingers felt so good. Donna was reminded of something Jan had told her:

“Only a woman knows how to really please another woman.”

The fingers increased their penetration and pumping motion, and quickly Donna was clenching her legs together and humping her hips to match the wonderful motion of those little fingers within her sex. Then, just as a climax seemed immediate, Pip withdrew and stood back. Donna moaned and jerked her shoulders a couple of times in frustration at the way she was so helpless. “Please...?” she begged.

But Pip did not return. “Old Chinese torture: get girl excited, then walk away,” she told Donna cheerfully. “Patsy and I do it to each other all the time. “We call it a form of torture. But it’s such delicious torture, isn’t it?”

Donna didn’t answer, the frustration she was feeling at being denied so close to an orgasm was keeping her from being civil. But inwardly she had to agree. It was a delicious form of torture.

Pip bid Donna a good night and walked away.

“Goodnight?” muttered Donna. “Goodnight! Hey, you aren’t going to leave me here all night? This is a forest, for goodness sake! What about the animals?”

Donna was alone. She stopped her useless conversation and settled back into the pine needles. She was still very frustrated and tried for a while to reach her pussy with her own hands. She could twist to one side and get her hands half way around her side but the fingers remained agonizingly far from the seat of her heated loins. Finally she let herself fall back in disgust and shook all-over in anger. But she wasn’t really mad at Pip. This was just Pip’s way of playing with her slavegirl toy. And it wasn’t really that bad. Not really. Just frustrating as hell.

Thin shafts of moonlight speared down through the pine branches to make little pools of silvery light on the forest floor. There were tiny sounds of night insects, the occasional distant hiss of a car traveling the paved road, and from someplace down the mountain the faint strain of music, so faint that Donna couldn’t tell what the song was. She found that when she grew tired of lying on her bound hands, she could roll to one side half way and let her hands have some freedom. But for the most part it was the usual slow passage of time in relative boredom. She listened carefully to the faint sounds around her and took a small measure of delight when she could pick out some distant bit of music or a car starting. Nigel’s house was pretty far up the mountain with only raw forest behind it, but less than a quarter of a mile from the nearest other houses.

Donna had spent the entire night tied in the small forest that was part of Jan’s garden. But this was different. This was the big forest, untamed and wild compared to Jan’s backyard. Just about the time Donna was getting nervous about why this place was named Big Bear Lake and the imagined possibilities of real bears prowling around at night, she heard footsteps, But it didn’t sound like what a bear’s footsteps should, or at least Donna thought, and she was proven correct when Jan walked into the clearing.

“Pip said I would find you here.”

“Did she also say that she worked me up to where I was really super horny and ready to climax then walked away?”

“Sounds like Pip,” was Jan’s calm reply. “She asked if she could leave you here all night. She said that the bondage wasn’t bad and you’d be comfortable.”

“The bondage is terrible and I’m uncomfortable,” protested Donna mildly.

“I guess you could sleep on that bed of pine needles.”

“Your bed would be nicer,” Donna said sweetly. “You could hogtie me and then pull me up between your legs until my mouth was right on your pussy, I could lick you into a frenzy...?”

Jan was tempted, Donna could see that much on her face in the moonlight. “You make that sound so nice,” she finally admitted. “But Pip really wants to leave you out in the forest all alone and I think that would be a nice change for you from my bed,”

Donna sighed. Well, she told herself, I’ve endured worse. “But,” Jan said. Donna’s ears instantly picked up. “But there’s no reason why you can’t provide that service right here.” Jan pulled off her blouse and tugged down the skirt. Underneath she was naked as was her custom so it didn’t take but a couple seconds before she was ready to have her slavegirl service her.

Jan squatted over Donna’s fate, lowering her sex until it was almost touching Donna’s nose. With a sigh Donna lifted her head and began licking, slowly at first to start the build up gently. She was an expert at this and knew very well what turned Jan on the best. After a few minutes Jan switched to a kneeling position straddling Donna’s head and facing her legs. She was beginning to moan with pleasure when she grabbed one of Donna’s large breasts in each hand and clamped her sharp fingernails onto the soft flesh. As her breathing became harder and harder, Jan’s fingernails dug deeper and deeper into the tender flesh. When she finally gasped aloud and stiffened, her fingernails were deep into the flesh. When Jan threw herself to the side to grab her pussy and roll around on the pine needle carpet, there were tiny red marks where blood was drawn on Donna’s breasts.