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No sooner than their minimal luggage had been set down and the porters disappeared, Donna shed her clothes and rushed over to Jan. Turning her back, she crossed her wrists in invitation for a return to her proper status as a slave, It took Jan only a few seconds to find a piece of rope in her suitcase and a minute to bind the hands of the slavegirl she loved. Donna actually sighed in relief when she was finally comfortable.

Nigel said he had to make some inquires and left the room.

Since they had a suite that included two bedrooms, it was decided that Donna and Pip would share one, while the two who were obviously growing more in love each day would share the larger one. The growing affection between her mistress and the man who was once her enemy and who had once raped her, bothered her. She was not sure what it could mean for her, save that it would probably not be for the best. All Donna wanted was a return to the quiet existence they had led in Jan’s home. All she wanted to be was a good slavegirl for her mistress and her mistress’ daughters.

Donna carried her bag into the second bedroom and set it by the bed. She lay down on that soft looking bed to close her eyes and rest for just a second. A few hours later she woke to find a naked Pip sleeping with her arms around Donna. She closed her eyes and let sleep reclaim her and wash the jet-lag from her body.

A dozen miles from the capital city of Abacastan, nestled in the lower reaches of snow-clad mountains, was a small village noted for nothing save the huge, sprawling white building that covered as much ground as the rest of the village. There was a good paved road from the city, far too good for the needs of the simple peasants who tried to raise sheep in the foothills of that mountain. That white building had a front door like a fortress which, in other ways, it also resembled. The double doors could swing open to admit the limos and Mercedes Benz’ from the city where they found a good sized parking lot in the center square. There were many rooms in that big white building, mostly bedrooms. But some were torture rooms.

Patsy was currently upside down but the rotation of the big steel wheel would again bring her upright. The naked teenager was bound in an ingenious and painful position and had been suffering there for an hour already. The torture device was simple, a large tubular steel circle mounted on four short shafts. Those, in turn, were welded to other tubes coming together at the center. From that center a shaft that went into a hole in the wall. When that shaft turned, the whole assembly turned around and around. In the middle of that circle was Patsy, her arms and legs wide spread and bound towards the rim of the circle with thin cord. But simply binding her wrists and ankles was not enough for the pain-hungry Madam Natasha. Thin cord bound to her big toes and thumbs and then to the rim of the circle provided the unfortunate girl’s only support.

Patsy’s thumbs and big toes screamed in agony as the wheel slowly rotated, bringing new pressures to bear constantly and new agony for the naked teenager. At first she counted the seconds for one revolution and found that they numbered about one hundred and twenty, meaning a two minute revolution. When she was upside down, her big toes bore all her weight and she screamed, When she was right-side up, her thumbs took all the weight and she screamed. Other times it was a combination that produced her constant anguish.

From time to time Madam Natasha dropped in to watch and enjoy the suffering. Sometimes she said not a word, other times she asked if Patsy was enjoying herself. Patsy wanted to spit in her face but held back for fear of her life. This woman thought nothing of making innocent girls suffer and, if half of what she had told Patsy was true, held life itself to be of little value. Other peoples’ lives, that is,

Patsy cried with the pain and wished she were back home.

In the morning, Nigel called a Council of War. “This is what I’ve been able to find out,” he began, “The third buyer Pip described was indeed a business associate of Kroff’s, Her description gave the detective enough to go on, When I talked with him, I was able to hint that Kroff’s death had something to do with his buying of a teenage girl from Rashad, And that he might wind up the victim of an accidental hunting lodge explosion if he didn’t help me find the other girl. It took a bit but finally he opened up and told me who the woman was that did buy Patsy.

“Her name is Natasha Krishna. She’s a very powerful woman in this land where woman are definitely second class citizens. Very few women own land or any kind of business. This is the old world, you have to understand. All of you. Don’t do anything stupid. And remember not to act like you own the place, like most American tourists.”

“Okay. This Natasha is the owner of the largest and most successful brothel in the country and probably this part of the world. She’s became rich by providing what the customer wants. No matter what the customer wants, You got the money, they’ve told me, you can have anything at Natasha’s. Especially if you like to whip a girl’s behind, Or torture a girl.”

Jan gasped. Nigel hurried to reassure her, “No, I’ve checked and no one has heard of a teenage American girl, that would fit the description of Patsy, being a new girl there. This Natasha does often travel the world, purchasing girls for her place. But she also sometimes buys a girl for her own use. Just what that use is, I haven’t been able to find out. But it probably involves some rough treatment from what I’ve been able to pick up about her.”

No one said a word for a long minute, Donna finally broke the silence, “So what do we do? Could we just charge in there like we did with Kroff?”

“No way,” replied Nigel. “She’s got a small army of guards. And she could make one phone call and the entire military of this country would be looking for us. She’s powerful.”

“So was Margaret,” said Jan. “So was Margaret.”

“Margaret was different. And this is not California. I’m going to go up to Natasha’s tonight and look around.”

“Looking around is all you’ll do?” asked Jan pointedly. “Well, I have to look like a wealthy American tourist sampling the wicked, sinful ways of the Middle East. Don’t worry, I won’t fall in love with a whore and leave you for her.” His teasing didn’t go over well with Jan. “Well, nevertheless, unless you have a better plan, I’m going in to look the place over. Maybe I can find out if Patsy is in that place. That would be a good start.”

No one had a better plan so it was settled. That night, after a dinner of strange tasting dishes, heavy on the lamb and rice, Nigel set out on his quest. But not before Jan took him aside and had a little word with him. Donna could guess she was telling him that he had better not do any screwing around. From his arguments, it sounded like not screwing around would make him look suspicious. They finally agreed he could whip a little tail, and pretend to screw the girl. The girl probably would be grateful to not be raped and wouldn’t say a thing.

With Nigel gone, Jan paced the room like an expectant father. Pip and Donna tried to comfort her but there was little to be done. She was nervous and there was no way to ease her mind. Finally Donna jumped in with both feet to try and distract Jan.

“Jan, honey, did you know that I kissed Nigel?”


“I said I kissed him.”

“You did what?” said Jan in disbelief.

“I got right up close to him and brushed his shirt with my breasts. Then I rose to my tip toes and gave him a kiss. It wasn’t a sisterly kiss, either.” Donna smiled sweetly. There isn’t a man in the world who can resist a naked girl with her hands tied behind her back. And that’s not all. He’s quite a man.”