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“Yes, Pip. I’m sure you’re right.”

Pip climbed on the bed and knelt before the upturned bottom. With the slender fingers of one hand she spread Donna’s pussy lips apart and held them open. With the other she squeezed a goodly amount of the toothpaste into a place where toothpaste had never gone before. She smeared some up on Donna’s clit. Then she returned the toothpaste to the bathroom.

Donna frowned, At first nothing seemed to be happening but... But within a minute she was experiencing a slight burning within her pussy. In two minutes the burning sensation was very real and had spread to her clit and either soft, moist tissue in that general area. After three minutes the burning was growing with every passing second and an itching had started to go along with it. By the end of five minutes Donna understood all too well the nature of Pip’s torture and that it would be very effective,

“Pip, please gag me,” she pleaded, “I’m burning and itching and it’s going to drive me crazy, I’m afraid I’ll make too much noise if I’m not gagged.”

Pip, seeing that Donna was very sincere, fetched the strap gag with the huge rubber wad. Donna actually helped the gag by opening her mouth as wide as she could. With the gag in place, she nodded her thanks to Pip and went back to trying to ignore a terrible burning in her sex. It felt as if the whole sex, deep inside her and all around her vagina, was on fire. And itched. Her fingers flexed as she wished she could just reach her tormented vagina. By the end of half an hour, she was struggling fiercely against the ropes and whining pitifully. She shook her bottom and stretched her fingers towards her inflamed loins but that was all she could do. Several times she tried to roll on her side but the ropes defeated her. Pip was very good at making another girl a complete and very secured prisoner.

“Patsy and I found out about the toothpaste,” Pip informed. Donna strained to ignore the terrible fire and listen. “We wondered what could be put into a girl to make her feel more helpless when she’s tied down. We tried lots of things but toothpaste seems to work very well. And it’s always around.”

Donna was at the point where she could stand no more. She began making pleading sounds through the gag and looking pitifully at Pip. If Pip and Patsy had experimented with this torture, then she must surely understand just how horrible it was. A girl could go crazy from this torture!

Bur Pip just watched her slavegirl suffer, occasionally telling Donna how beautiful she was when she struggled. After about an hour the fire diminished slowly. At the two hour mark all that was left was a smoldering warmth. Donna, on the other hand, was a very exhausted girl. Constant struggling against tight bondage can exhaust a girl. Most of the times when Donna was bound up by the twins, she was left alone. The bondage was often very uncomfortable but rarely was there enough pain to make her constantly struggle for escape, This had been different. The burn in her sex was terrible and she couldn’t help herself from straining to reach and touch that part. Nor could she stop from jerking and twisting her body in restless efforts to do something.

Pip untied Donna when she knew that the toothpaste had exhausted it’s potency and the girl it tormented. Leaving only Donna’s hands bound behind her, she took the slavegirl to the bathroom and gave her a loving bath in warm, scented water. Later, it was an exhausted Donna who fell into bed and instantly to sleep, Pip slept with her, the youthful naked body pressed against Donna’s and her arms around the slave she loved.

Dawn comes to the desert with beauty. Delicate shades of pink and lavender tint the eastern sky while brilliant stars are still shinning down on the barren landscape. Patsy looked up from her imprisonment on the hard ground and was grateful for the coming of the day. She shivered in the pre-dawn cold but was inwardly glad that no caravans had passed that way to ravish her naked and helpless body. No jackals to tear the flesh from her body. But there had been other creatures, all small and crawly, At one point she was sure that it was a scorpion which crawled up between her legs, past her pussy, across her tummy, and stood for a while on one breast. The dim outline she could see in the starlight looked huge and menacing to the frightened teenager. She had frozen with fear and eventually the sharp, tiny claws crawled away into the dark.

The car came shortly after the blazing yellow sun lifted above the black hills. No Madam Natasha, just a chauffeur to unlock her handcuffs and fetch the nude girl back to Madam Natasha’s. She rode with hands handcuffed behind her back and ankles handcuffed together, and was glad for the warmth in the car. She didn’t know what today would bring but she was glad to get away from a night tilled with nightmares and terrible fears.

“Okay, here’s what I’ve found out,” Nigel announced as he poured himself a drink of straight whiskey from the small bar. “I hired a man to find out everything he could about our Madam Natasha. Sort of a detective, although they don’t have any such profession over here. He talked to people who should know about the activities around her brothel.” He paused to take another drink. “Found out some interesting things about this Natasha’s routines. But, unfortunately, nothing about Patsy. There are, however, certain habits or routines that this woman follows. For one thing, she always comes into the city here on the first day of the month, She has a conference with a couple of the big wigs here, then drives back out to her brothel. That’s about the only time she leaves the place, except for trips to other countries to buy slavegirls,” He paused for another drink.

“Except for one other time. From what can be picked up, this Natasha enjoys torturing slaves, be they male or female.” There was a gasp from Jan. “She especially likes to have an American girl around to play with. And one of the games she likes to do is to take her current slavegirl out into the desert and leave her in some kind of bondage for a day or a night. When she does that, she usually takes only a driver and the slavegirl.”

Nigel sighed. “But my man says that when she goes into the desert or the mountains for these games, she’s very careful, often doubling back and stopping to observe for someone following. He talked to one of her former drivers. He also told me that there are apparently a dozen places or more where she plays these ‘outdoor games’ and has no set pattern so she won’t be predictable. He didn’t think that we would be able to follow her without her knowing it.”

“So, what do we do?” asked Jan nervously.

“Well... I have an idea.” Nigel drained the glass. “I’ve arranged for a twenty-four watch to be put on the brothel. We know what car she takes from her driver. Next time she leaves for the great outdoors, we’ll know. Then we...”

Nigel outlined his plan. It was simple and might work.


The Plan

All four of the people in the large 4×4 were silent as the vehicle sped down the paved road towards Madam Natasha’s brothel. Nigel drove with Jan sitting beside him. He wore casual clothes that obviously were expensive. Jan wore a khaki suit that looked like a uniform without insignia. In the back seat, Donna sat next to Pip and wore the same type of outfit. Their outfits included rugged boots that would serve them well in the desert. Pip was covered with a blanket under which she was naked and well bound up.

After twenty minutes the vehicle pulled off the road. After a short drive it pulled up behind another vehicle near the top of a ridge. Nigel exited and dropped to all four as he crawled up to join another man who was lying on his stomach at the top of the small hill. Apparently this was Nigel’s spy. After a minute Nigel came back.

“She’s come back,” he said. “That was twenty minutes ago. From the total amount of time she was gone, he estimates she went only a couple miles. He thinks he saw a naked girl being loaded into the trunk in the courtyard so this is probably one of her little games going on. It will be dark in a couple of hours so probably she has left the girl out there for the night. Apparently she enjoys leaving naked girls chained out in the desert all night.”