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“... So you, see, Rashad should not have ever had the girls if Margaret had not kidnapped all four of them in the first place.” Nigel was explaining to Natasha. Pip had been freed from her rock and was donning clothing they had brought along for her. Jan was taking turns hugging Patsy and then Pip. The driver was sitting on the ground, one hand handcuffed to one of the rings. Natasha was also handcuffed but only her wrists behind her back. She seemed to ignore the minor restriction as beneath her.

“I do not agree. A slavegirl bought is a slavegirl owned. It matters not how or where she came from. I own that girl.”

Nigel shook his head. “Well, I’m taking back this slavegirl.”

Natasha looked Donna up and down, noting not only the ropes still holding her arms tightly to her body, but that body also, noting it with an expert’s eye. “Is this girl your slave?” she asked.

“Sort of. Jan’s actually.”

“I will trade you. Take that teenager and leave me this woman.”

Natasha actually made it sound like a reasonable request and one she fully expected to be accommodated.

Donna looked quickly at Nigel, suddenly afraid that he might just decide to do that. He had Jan and the twins back, did he really need a fourth girl?

“No deal. I take all the girls.” He grinned at this powerful woman. “Consider yourself lucky I don’t take you, too.” He paused to let the words sink in. Natasha’s eyes narrowed a bit but that was all the reaction he got out of her. He shrugged and knelt down to attach another of the handcuffs to Natasha’ s ankles. “It’s only a few miles back to your brothel. You’ll be able to walk it. Might take you all night with those ankles chained but them’s the breaks. By the time you get there, we’ll be long gone from your delightful country.”

He took the assault rifle from where Jan had set it and walked to the front of the Mercedes. A short burst cut one front tire to ribbons. When he finished with all four tires, he emptied the weapon into the dashboard and engine. No one would be driving this Mercedes.

Tossing the empty weapon in the back of his 4X4, Nigel asked the girls to get in. All hurried to obey. Nigel waved a friendly hand in Natasha’s direction then got in himself. But he had driven only a few feet down the canyon when he stopped the vehicle. “Wait here,” he said, then got out.

Natasha was still standing in the dust when he reached her.

Jan watched out the back window but all she could see was Nigel talking. They were too far away for her to hear. Natasha showed no reaction to his words, and Jan wondered what was going on. If it had been left up to her, this bitch who had tortured her daughter would be a rotting corpse for the buzzards to pick on. But Nigel had prevailed, pointing out that this woman was simply doing what was natural in her culture. And that Jan had herself kidnapped Donna and keep her as a slavegirl. And wasn’t some of those things done to her by the twins torture, or pretty close to it?

Jan turned her head back to Patsy and missed when Nigel took Natasha’s head in his hands and kissed her full on the lips. Donna saw it in the rear view mirror but said nothing.

Then Nigel was back and they were driving for the airport.


Tying Up Loose Ends

Jan’s home was dusty but very good to be back to. Jan and the twins were overjoyed to be back and made no attempt to hide it. Donna, having had her hands crossed and tied behind her back in the car after leaving the airport, was back to normal. She was sure that very soon her clothes would be taken from her and she would be completely back to normal.

Nigel was the only one not sharing in the joy. He sat on a couch, deep in thought. Finally, as Jan was announcing that she was going to fire up the kitchen for dinner, he stood and went to Jan. “I’ve got some things to do. Important things.” Jan looked disappointed. “I’ll be back. But there is something that has to be done. You go ahead and get things back the way you want them. We’ll talk about... About us.”

Jan nodded, apparently words failing her. Nigel kissed her gently and left.

Donna lost her clothes before dinner, the twins saw to that.

All four enjoyed the food and the twins took Donna downstairs to the big room for a little torture before bedtime. They put her on the Horse. Only for a little while, just half an hour. But it was enough to make Donna feel she was home. It also hurt her pussy considerably but she tried not to protest or cry out too loudly. Later, after the twins returned to let her down, she was taken to Jan’s bedroom. There, naked and with her hands bound behind her back, she shared the bed of her mistress, servicing her with a lust and vigor that soon had her mistress gasping in ecstasy. Afterwards, her ankles were tied together and she slept happily beside her mistress.

The next day a phone call came for Jan. She listened, then sent the twins to fetch Donna from the tree in the garden they had lashed her to right after breakfast. Donna was dressed but with her hands handcuffed behind her back. Then all four got into Jan’s car and drove over to Margaret Summers’ house.

Inside, down in the dungeon, they found Margaret. The woman showed every sign of a struggle. Her hair was in disarray, there were some bruises on her arms and other marks that made it look as if her clothes had been torn from her body. She was completely naked and well bound when the girls walked in on her. Nigel was standing to one side, supervising the binding of Margaret’s assistant, Julie. The beautiful black girl was also naked and had been bound with arms behind her back, elbows corded tightly together, and legs tied at knees and ankles. Nigel and another man were about to put her into one of the shipping boxes that had been used when Donna and Jan were kidnapped. The girl had just been bent over and the strap over her body was being tightened down to squash her to the bottom of the box.

That job finished, Nigel and the man approached Margaret. Beside her lay a second box, open and waiting. Margaret was gagged with a rubber wad and strap gag that effectively prevented any loud noises and made speech an impossibility, She was obviously mad as hell and all present were certain those were terrible oaths and curses she was uttering into her gag. She had been bound as with Julie, arms behind her with elbows together, legs together. Being a big woman and very strong, it was a struggle to get her into the box. Jan even helped.

“Margaret was the last loose end,” said Nigel as he pulled savagely on the strap, crushing Margaret down. “If we didn’t do something about her, she would just kidnap you and the twins again. And Donna. This woman is a menace. There would be no way you could keep her from extracting what she undoubtedly thinks of as justified revenge, Probably on you and the twins, but also me for being the one who took you and Donna from her.”

“What are you doing with her?” asked Pip.

Nigel pointed to a label on the box lid. It was a shipping label and the address was Madam Natasha’s brothel. “She’s going where she won’t every get free. She’ll be Natasha’s pet slavegirl until Natasha tires of her. Then she’ll spend the rest of her life in the brothel, pleasing men every day. I’m sure the Arab gentlemen will enjoy whipping this well-built American woman before they fuck the hell out of her.” That was greeted with a muffled scream from the bound woman in the open box. “Margaret Summers will disappear. Just like you did, Jan.”

Nigel patted her bottom and then put the lid on the box. It was quickly screwed down.

“Sort of justice, no?” asked Nigel, smiling.

Jan looked at the box containing her former friend and more recent enemy. Then she nodded agreement. “And Julie? What are you going to do to her?”

“Same thing. Natasha will know what to do with her.”

“Nigel.. Jan searched for the right words. “Julie hurt us. She put us in some terrible bondage. She even tortured us. But it was all at the command of Margaret. And she was kind to us when she could be. Could you give her something beside a life of pain and degradation in a brothel?”