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Finally Margaret rose from her deck chair. “Let’s go see how Jan and the twins are doing, shall we?” she said amiably. Donna followed, still taking snubbed steps because of the handcuffs on her ankles, and fearing with every step that she might slip and fall. “Those handcuffs make it hard to walk, don’t they?” Margaret asked.

“Yes, Mistress,” offered Donna. “Mistress! I like that. It’s good to hear you call me that. Especially since you’ll be calling me that for the rest of your life.” She turned a shrewd eye towards Donna. “Or until I tire of you and get rid of you.” That pronouncement sent shivers down Donna’s spine. This woman scared her.

“Of course,” Margaret continued, “I do love your body, it’s so whippable. And I’m sure I’ll be whipping it for a long time to come.” She sighed happily. “A long time...”

Donna said nothing. Their path led them down the same stairs Donna had just laboriously climbed. They went to a closed door that was painted blue in contrast to the white of the hallway. Margaret opened it and stood aside for Donna to enter. Taking it as an order, not a politeness, Donna shuffled in. Then stood there gasping.

Jan was on the Horse. It was a little bigger than the Horse in Jan’s big room but along the same lines. The naked girl was astride a wooden plank, the edge buried deeply into her crotch. Her arms had been retied so that the wrists were together and the elbows touching. Then the wrists had been pulled upwards until the unfortunate girl had to lean forward to ease the strain on her shoulders. Each ankle had been noosed with a loop of rope and was pulled wide apart so her legs couldn’t touch any part of the plank. Donna had guessed right, Jan’s entire weight was pressing down hard on that thin wooden edge which must have been cutting into her soft flesh something fierce. She had been gagged and Donna could hear moaning as she entered the room.

Jan’s eyes were closed as she suffered in immobility and constantly growing pain. Small whines and moans escaped the gag and gave testimony to the suffering of this nude girl.

Donna turned to Margaret immediately. “I’ll take her place,” she offered without thinking. “Oh, please, get her down! She’s suffering so much.”

“You will take her place,” said Margaret sweetly. “But only after Jan has ridden this Horse all day. Perhaps I’ll bind you up there for the night? Would you like that? Or maybe tomorrow you will ride the Horse all day. But don’t try to tell me what to do. You all will suffer when and how and where I dictate. Understood?”

“Yes, Mistress.” Donna felt terrible. Here her beloved Jan was suffering and would continue to suffer all day while Donna stood in relative comfort and could do not a thing to help her.

“You’d better understand. I will put up with no lip from my slavegirls.” She smiled as she returned her attention to Jan, who had opened her eyes at the sound of voices. “Comfy, Jan, darling? Hope so, ’cause you’re-going to be there all day. Did Julie tell you that? Well, anyway, just so long as you understand that it will be many, many hours before you get off your high horse!” She laughed at her little joke. For a few minutes Margaret enjoyed watching the suffering of the girl on the Horse and the way it was mirrored in the eyes of the nude slavegirl beside her. “Maybe later we’ll come back and I’ll have Julie tie you in here so you can watch your former mistress. You seem to be enjoying it as much as I do.”

Donna’s nostrils flared at that absurdity but she held her angry words back.

Margaret smiled again. “Come on,” she said, “let’s go see how the twins are doing.”

The twins were in another room, locked in small cages that were rectangular boxes rather then the bird cages of the night before. Each girl had her wrists crossed and bound behind her back, and her legs tied at the ankles and again above the knees. The cages were standing on end with the girls standing within. Additional ropes had been tied to each elbow and a bar of the cage nearest it so that she was held in the middle of the small cage by her elbows. Each girl had been gagged with a ball on a strap, the rubber ball having been shoved deep into her mouth, behind her teeth, so it pushed her tongue down and make speech impossible.

Donna sighed a small sigh of relief. At least the girls didn’t seem to be in much pain. In fact, she had seen them put each other in much worse bondage just as a game.

“The twins will spend the morning here. Then I will have them hung upside down this afternoon and let them hang for an hour or so. After that I’ll let Julie whip their bottoms before letting them down. I detected some small areas of skin that were not marked up. A good, general whipping will be sure to cover those missed areas. If not, we’ll try again tomorrow.”

Donna watched the girl’s eyes grow wide at the mention of another whipping and she knew how they must feel. Her bottom was still very, very sore from the whipping of yesterday, as were her breasts and the bottoms of her feet.

Margaret didn’t linger around the twins’ cages. She ushered Donna out the door without allowing her to talk to them. They went back down the hall and into the room where Jan rode the painful Horse. “I’ve decided that perhaps you should stay and watch Jan today,” said Margaret. “I have to go and make sure things are taken care of in the mysterious disappearance of Jan and her daughters. And, of course, their ‘house guest’, Donna. The police will put in an investigation. But I’ve made sure they won’t find anything. And that they won’t investigate real hard. The official conclusion will be that four girls met an unknown fate at the hands of persons unknown.”

Donna was led to a chair in one corner. In the middle of the seat was a huge rubber dildo sticking straight up. “A little on the large size, yes?” asked Margaret sweetly. “But a little lubricant and I think Julie can get it to slide into you.”

“Oh, no! Please don’t do that. It will hurt. It’s so huge. It will be shameful to have to sit on that.”

“I know, honey,” purred Margaret. “It will hurt and will be shameful. And you’ll be punished for telling me not to put you there. Slavegirls can’t talk back, you know.”

Donna swallowed hard. With her hands handcuffed to her neck collar behind her, she was very helpless and totally powerless. Julie unlocked the handcuffs from her ankles and pushed her legs apart so that she was spread wide. She then lubricated the huge rubber phallus as Donna watched. She did it slowly and lovingly, as if it were a real male penis and she was exciting it. Suddenly the two girls took Donna, one on each side, and picked her up to hold her over the rubber penis. Julie made sure that Donna’s pussy lips were spread wide as they lowered her onto the huge prong. Donna gasped as she felt the large head of the beast pushing against the entrance of her vagina, She tried to close her legs and to squeeze the muscles of her pussy to keep the thing out but her legs were held wide by the two strong women holding her, and her own weight forced the monster slowly in as they lowered her.

“Oh, it’s huge! I can’t possible take that. It’ will split me in two!”

In the background, were the muffled cries of protest from the suffering girl on the Horse, which were of course ignored.

Donna might have felt as it she was astride a telephone pole but the monster prong did slide up inside her, filling her up in a way that she had never felt before, She was gasping and panting and moaning by the time her bottom came to rest on the seat.

“See, you can too take it. I’ve seen Julie take larger ones than this. Right, Julie?”