When Linda shifted her position, he moved the cigarette closer. Linda's mouth opened, but nothing except a rush of air came out. He touched the glowing tip to that rubbery nub. Linda stiffened, waiting for the pain to scald her brain.
At first there was nothing. Then a rush of intense cold was followed by heat and pain.
"Eiyyyeeeeee!" she screamed, kicking one foot out while knocking Jack's hands away from her tits. She overturned the chair as she stood up and whirled away from the truckers.
"No, baby, you gotta stay still," Jack snarled, throwing the cigarette away and smacking her face with his left hand.
"Oh God!" she sobbed, holding her injured face in both hands.
"Now back into the chair."
Her tit hurt, but there was nothing to be done. Reluctantly, fearfully, the blonde woman parked her ass on the chair, waiting for the next round of abuse.
There was more than enough rope in the cellar for their purposes. Jack took a six-foot length and crossed it over her neck, looping it around her nipples and crossing it again just under her large, high riding boobs. Linda felt him fastening the rope to the back of the chair. Her hands were next. Sam brought her arms down to the sides of the chair, binding both wrists to the splintery wood. The ropes were pulled tight. Linda's temporary freedom was at an end.
"You're… hurting me!" Linda cried.
She moved her head around, watching them bind her body. Yes, they were hurting her. But it was a pain she enjoyed. The rope around her neck, pressing against her ribs, leaving long red marks against her white flesh made her pussy grow moist again. It was beginning to swell open, juice seeping from the slot and wetting down her thighs. Linda curled her toes, scratching her ankles with them while flames of goodness licked up her legs.
Next Sam took another length of rope and looped it several times around both ankles, drawing them finally together and binding them to the bottom rung of the chair. Jack finished the binding by sliding a three-foot length around her waist and drawing it back tightly, nearly choking off the woman's diaphragm by fastening it to the chair with two square knots.
"Now, for the fun, eh, babe? You dig it, don't you? Man, all the cunts Max gets dig gettin' roped and branded spine ways, don't they, Jack?" Sam said, grinning mockingly at her.
The big trucker moved to that odd-looking engine to her right. Bending down, he pulled out a series of red and black wires, at the end of which were two-inch toothed clamps. In a flash Linda knew what they were going to do. That as a portable generator, the kind she'd seen in countless workshops.
At school, in the metal-working class, Linda had seen Mr. Browning the shop coordinator repair several of those. They put out a strong charge of electricity, and now they were going to attach them to some part of her body!
"No!" she shouted, her face reddening as the frantic woman thrashed helplessly in her bonds. Linda jerked her body from side to side, her tits jiggling, slapping together, falling apart, the chair squeaking several inches across the floor. No, no, they couldn't do something that cruel to her.
But both truckers only snickered, growing silent, as each one took a clamp and moved to either side of Linda.
"No," she gasped, her jaw firmly set as she watched the men open the clamps and moved them toward her swollen nipples. The nipple was still sore from the burning! She begged them to leave her alone, not to hurt her again. But they grew more excited, rubbing the cold metal up and down her reddening nubs. Linda shivered, sucking in a short breath. Sam was first, squeezing the clamp open, then letting it snap shut on the half-inch long nub.
"Ooowwwww!" Linda's head snapped back while a hellish shock of pain shot through her tits. Linda quickly realized the more she moved, the more agony coursed through her body. Gritting her teeth, the young blonde woman managed to keep still while Jack clamped the other instrument to her sore nipple.
The wires drooped to either side of her, crossing over her belly, attached to the dusty little motor that both Sam and Jack were now inspecting. It was awful, terrifying to have something like this happen to her. The tugging weight of the wires hurt her nipples terribly. They were turning a dark red, almost purple, as the tiny grooved teeth bit into the sensitive flesh.
"Go on, baby, beg for it. Go on, ask us to hold up, huh?"
Linda kept her mouth shut. She wasn't going to egg them on, make them so excited they forgot they could kill her.
"Let's switch it on. Hold the back of her chair," Sam whispered softly.
Linda heard and braced herself for the shock. Snapping her head to one side, she shut her eyes, digging her fingernails into her palms. There was a snapping sound, then a strangely warm, tingling sensation in her tits.
"Noooooo!" The low current flowed relentlessly through, her nipples. Her small nubs swelled, ballooning out so much they threatened to tear from the surrounding flesh. Her nipples turned a darker and darker red, nearly becoming purple as more of the electricity sparked into her boobs.
The men watched with curiosity, Sam's hand on the small dial. He twisted it a little more counterclockwise, adding more juice.
Linda screamed harder and higher. The cords stood out on her neck while her head snapped back. Her long blonde hair splashed over her jutting shoulderbiades. Sweat streaked down her cheeks and chin, a little pool of it collecting in her navel. Her flesh glistened with perspiration. The pain grew more and more intense. Everything in her body seemed to be going out of control. Her rectal muscles tightened, then relaxed, only to tighten again, making her feel as if she were taking a shit. Linda cried out for them to stop, her feet dancing on the floor while more pussy juice seeped out of her holes.
"Give her some more," Jack said.
Linda thought she was going to lose consciousness. It was as if someone had punched her in the chest. The toothed clamps were slicing cruelly into her tit-tips while more volts of electricity shot into her. The wires jiggled back and forth while her body snapped and swayed. The ropes cut into her flesh as the girl struggled helplessly against the relentless current.
"No more! Oh God,no more!" she cried.
Then suddenly the current stopped. Linda nearly fell forward. The ropes kept her tied to the chair. Her cries turned into low moans as her blonde hair curtained her flushed face. They stopped, but she knew it was only a ruse. They were making her feel confident, hopeful that they would listen to her pleas for mercy.
Linda breathed deeply, rubbing her fingers. Glancing down, she saw the clamps had moved slightly, revealing the tooth marks in her flesh. The woman turned her head away, sobbing silently. How had she gotten into something as awful as this? Oh, how she wished she could wash away the whole episode of Max from her life.
"Give it to her!" Jack gasped quickly.
Before the sentence registered, Linda felt a sharp shock of electricity punch through her tits. The woman cried out like an animal, her body swaying jerkily from side to side, her fingers curling and uncurling uncontrollably. Something warm and wet trickled down her calf. She was pissing on herself, the piss mixing with her cunt juice as more and more electric current tore through her.
"Hey, man, cut it! She's gonna pass out in a sec," Sam said, turning the dial to off.