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Linda slumped once again. For a second she wished Max would comeback. That would end this phase of the electric chair game. But then she knew things might increase, might become deadly.

"Man, I wanna have some of that ass," Jack said, running his hands over her thighs.

Linda flinched, feeling as if she'd been touched by something incredibly filthy. She knew he wanted to butt fuck her. The electricity might have been something better to endure.

"Hey, you know what Max gets like when…"

"He said enjoy ourselves, right?" Jack interrupted as he held a hand in front of him. He stuck out one finger, shaking it at his buddy. "And to me that means little mama here's public property, right?"

Sam shook his head, then shrugged his shoulders.

"I won't tell. And she's dead if she does," Sam said, turning around and seeing that the Doberman was sitting up now. He had his head tilted to one side, his long pink tongue hanging out one side.

He slipped the clamps off her sore nipples, something Linda nearly thanked him for. She felt the ropes loosening around her ankles. Finally the ropes dropped from her legs, along with the ones binding her torso to the back of the chair, the lines holding her wrists together and to the chair were the last to go. Linda couldn't muster the strength to try to escape. They knew this. They knew she was defeated, far too exhausted to try to make a run for it, let alone fight them in the cellar. She sat there, half slumped on the floor, waiting for the next horror.

"Get up," Sam snarled.

Linda tried, then fell bank to the chair, her arms hanging limply at her sides.

"Oh, I…"

"Damned bitch," Sam said, taking her by the waist and hauling her off the chair like a sack of shit. Linda's toes scraped across the dirty floor. They were taking her toward a doorway. Were they going to take her back upstairs, back to the bed where she could at least lie down?

"Hold her up. Shit, she's like a damn heavy weight relaxed like this," Sam grunted.

Jack moved behind her, hooking his big arms around her waist and holding her up while his buddy pulled out two leather cuffs with metal hooks dangling from them. Linda saw them hanging from his right hand as he approached her.

"Oh no, no…"

Not more chains! Not more ropes! The woman tried to straighten her legs more, to make a desperate attempt to get away.

But it was laughable. The men didn't even notice her struggle. Sam buckled the smooth, cool-feeling leather straps to her wrists. At least the material didn't aggravate her chafed wrists where the ropes for the past few hours had been cutting.

"Hitch 'er up," Jack said, nodding his head from one side to the other. He was indicating two iron rings driven into the wooden molding of the doorway.

Sam took first the right arm, then the left, attaching the hooks threaded through her cuffs to the iron rings in the doorway. Sam backed away, watching the woman's body sag slightly forward. Her arms were spread apart at about a seventy degree angle from one another, bound high over her drooping head. She could at least touch the floor with both feet, her knees bending slightly. Jack unzipped his Levi's, pulling out his hard cock. Linda felt she needed all the strength and determination to keep from blacking out. He was going to skewer her with that dick. The woman felt already torn apart, beaten and mocked beyond belief. And now…

"Let's see just how fuckin' tight your asshole is," Jack said.

He stuck out his right forefinger and slid it down between her quivering buttocks, Linda's eyes widened, her face becoming a mask of intense concentration. The cuffs moved back and forth over her wrists as her body swayed.


He was touching her butthole, his jagged flngernail teasing the wrinkled pink flesh, Linda blushed with shame as she felt the callused fingertip wiggling back and forth, sinking slowly into her shitter. Hot flashes radiated from her violated asshole, making her clit vibrate more furiously than ever.


The big man had stuck his finger up her asshole now up to the second joint. Linda's legs shot forward, the weight of her body suddenly being shifted to her aching arms. The pain was wildly excruciating and yet oddly exciting.


Her face was pinched, her eyes shut tightly as tears oozed out from under her long lashes. This was an awful humiliation. White hot flashes of agonizing pain brought more tears coursing down Linda's cheeks while the big man stuck more fingers into her asshole. When a fourth slipped in, scream after scream ripped from her throat, echoing off the walls.

"Yiiiiiii!" Linda wailed higher as he yanked his fingers out, making her feel as if he pulled out her ass guts. He let her hang there limply for a while as he spat on his palms and greased down his eight-incher with spit.

"You got a real tight asshole," Jack said, wiping more spit from his mouth. "Gotta loosen that up for Max. When be gets here, he's gonna thank me," the trucker said, working his fingers lightly over his dick.

Linda sobbed and gasped, feeling a strange kind of excitement start to burn through her body. She tried to fight back. But how? How could she fight what were nearly overwhelming feelings? Her tits were so hot, ached to be touched. Red and black stars of bright light popped in front of her as she still tried to convince herself the men were forcing her to commit these foul acts. No, of course she wouldn't submit to something like this, not even from Max.

But hadn't she let him piss on her, shit on her? Hadn't she cum while he beat her with a belt, fucked her so cruelly she nearly cried with pain as much as with pleasure? Wasn't this horrible scene the culmination of something she'd been courting for years?

"Yeah, baby, yeah."

Jack squirmed closer to her, his cock slipping between her buttocks.

Linda's eyes widened while her lower jaw slackened. She felt his cockhead quickly find her asshole, press hard up against it. The young woman wriggled her hips, her ass cheeks bouncing sensuously against Jack's hot cock. The big trucker inhaled sharply, holding his breath while tightening his finger grip on Linda's thighs. The pressure against her butthole increased, the big man's dick bending slightly at the center.

"Nooooooo!" Linda cried, her head jerking back.

Jack kept on shoving, his groin tilted slightly up ward while his knees trembled. Finally the woman's sphincter muscles gave in, relaxing and letting the first few inches of the man's cock slip in.


It was the most painful thing she'd ever experienced! Linda felt as if someone had skewered her with a red-hot poker, almost disemboweling her. Her arms jerked the leather cuffs holding her in place while her feet danced frantically in all directions. Tendons bulged out as the woman screamed down the walls.

Jack ignored her screams and pleas, using his broad hips to force her thighs apart. He moved one hand under her ass cheeks, holding her closer and closer to his groin. The big man raised her a bit to aim his cock a little better. Linda was whimpering and gasping, even when he brushed her clit with his fingers.

"Oh, nice and hot and tight. Shit, this woman's a real slut, nice and hot," Jack breathed. He licked the nape of her neck, then started biting her. Linda moaned, feeling another inch of his slippery cockmeat slide into her shitter.

"Ohhhhhhh God!"

In a second Jack was all the way in her shitter. She could hear the slapping of his balls against her rounded buttocks. He was starting to saw in and out of her shitter, pounding her without any regard as to damage he might cause in her body. The pressures in her cunt and asshole wore building up. Linda was starting to enjoy this fully, pretending to be in intense pain and indignation when her pussy was really so hot it could melt steel.

The trucker reached around her thighs with both hands now, fingering her pussy mound, laughing when he felt it move like a tiny furry animal at the lightest pressure. He peeled back the outer labes, revealing the dark red moist meat. When be traced his fingers up and down her small inner cunt lips, Linda thought she was going to die. Hot flashes soared through her cunt, radiating to her asshole, then shooting back again. And swirling below her prancing feet was Shadow, his big head tilted back, his tongue hanging out invitingly, watching the woman struggling and twitching above him.