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GABE HAD STAZ’ED with Parnell until nearly five in the morning. Parnell and his buddies had closed down Rowdy Ranch at two before heading out into the desert to drink beer theyti bought at a convenience store. Gabe had followed at a safe distance and parked off the road about a half mile from the spot where Neal and his friends partied around a makeshift fire of mesquite and creosote. The pungent odor of the burning wood and the loud voices didn’t draw the attention of any passing patrol cars. Gabe had hoped they would, so he could go home to bed, but no such luck.

Parnell seemed to be drinking more recently and spending fewer hours at the dealership: Jasper and Diego’s reports indicated he put in less than two hours at work each day. Gabe figured the wilder Parnell became , the greater the chance he’d tip his hand by molesting another woman. His continued attentions to Dallas told Gabe who that woman was likely to be.

A little before 5:00 a.m. the party finally broke up and Gabe followed Parnell back to his apartment before putting in a call to Diego to spell him. He felt lucky both Diego and Jasper were available. If a more lucrative job came along, either of them might be forced to take it, but for now they were unemployed and willing to help out for a modest fee.

Once Diego arrived, Gabe drove home and fell into bed with his clothes on. Something would break soon, he thought, just before sleep claimed him.

The phone woke him and he reached for it with the automatic reflex of someone used to interrupted sleep.

Diego spoke without preamble. “he’s found out where she lives, amigo. I followed him to the turnoff to her house. He waited behind some bushes until she drove away, then tailed her into town and went into the pet store after she did. They came out together, arguing It looked like he wanted to carry her dog food and she wouldn’t let him .”

Gabe rubbed one eye with the heel of his hand. He’d been right. The campaign was escalating. Maybe Dallas would realize that now. “What happened after that?” he asked.

“She drove away, and I guess he was ticked, because he peeled out and tore over to the grocery store muy pronto to buy some beer before he went home. He’s still in his apartment, probably polishing off the six-pack. Thought you’d want the update: ‘

“Si. Gracias, amigo. Stay there until I can grab a shower and call Jasper. I want to take it from here today”

“Want some help?”

“Not yet, but maybe soon. Adios.” The excitement of the chase banished his tiredness. It always did.

DALLAS HOPED THAT AFTER the argument in the parking lot of the pet store and Neal’s abrupt exit she’d be rid of him for good. But that night, when he showed up at Rowdy Ranch, that hope died.

“You womens-lib types are making a mistake; he said, leaning in the doorway of her shop while she was firushinga trim on a customer. “If you don’t let us help out once in a while, we’re liable to quit offering.”

“Hello, Neal,” she said. “You’ll have to excuse me. I’m busy with a client just now. “

“Yeah, okay.” He pushed away from the doorway. “Just wanted to mention a mutual acquaintance we have, Stewart Ellison, The Ellisons lived next to us when I was growing up. I understand you know him, too.

Small world, huh?”

Dread touched the small of her back with icy fingers Stewart Ellison held her business loan. Was Neal threatening to have that loan called in? “Yes, I do business with Mr. Ellison, she said, not looking at Neal.

“Well, like I said, he’s a good friend of the family s. Thought you d want to know.”

She looked up, trying to gauge the level of menace in his statement. She didn’t like the speculative expression on his face.

“See you around, sweet thing.” He turned on his expensively booted heel and swaggered away.

“Sounds like he’s trying to make an impression on you,” the customer said.

“I guess he is .” Dallas unclenched her teeth and willed herself to relax. Maybe that was all Neal meant, after all. He just wanted to let her know he had important friends. “That takes care of you for another couple of weeks, Mr. Nelson.” She unsnapped the cape and removed it before handing him a mirror.

“Somebody should tell that poor boy he has the wrong approach.” He held the mirror and admired the back of his head. “Nice job, as usual, Dallas.”

“Thank you: She accepted his payment and smiled her goodbyes, although a piercing headache had lodged just behind her right eye. Neal was getting very tiresome She heard loud laughter and glanced out the door in time to see Neal hugging Beth, one of the waitresses. With luck he would find someone else to bother. She fervently hoped so, because she couldn’t have him embarrassing her in front of customers. Maybe she would have to speak to the security staff, although she hated to make an issue of his behavior. She wished this wasn’t Amber’s night off. She’d like to discuss the situation with someone.

As if on cue, Gabe Escalante walked in. Definitely not the person she wanted to discuss her problem with.

He shoved his hands in the pockets of his worn jeans and cleared his throat. “There’s something you need to know.”

Willing her heart to stop beating so fast, she turned away and reached for the broom to sweep up. “I can just imagine. “

“Parnell didn’t find you at the pet supply store by accident. He followed you there from your trailer.”

She whirled and stared at him, her stomach churning’ How do you know that? And how do you know I live in a trailer?”

He looked slightly uncomfortable, but he met her gaze. “I have two men on Parnell. The three of us have him covered around the clock. One of the guys followed him to your place, or at least he figured out it was your place when he saw you drive away.”

Dallas backed up a step, a protective hand to her chest. “You are certifiable. What in God’s name are you doing following that man twenty-four hours a day?”

“I told you. He’s dangerous.”

“According to you!” Dallas saw a customer coming toward the shop and lowered her voice. “Look, I doxi t have much experience with this sort of reckless bounty hunter mentality, but I think it’s pretty stupid. Neal could have you arrested for harrassment: ‘

“He could.” Gabe hooked his thumbs in his belt loops and gave her a hard look. “Especially if you tell him about it. I took a chance by coming in here. I had some idea you should be warned.”

Dallas inclined her head toward the bar, where Neal had one arm around Beth. “Maybe you’d better warn her, too. And everyone he dances with.”

Gabe followed the direction of her glance. “Might not be a bad idea. But you’re the only one whose home he’s staked out .”

“Staked out?” She rolled her eyes. “you’re giving me dialogue out of a grade-B movie. This version may not fit your sense of drama, but I’ll bet he happened to drive that way and recognized my truck. Avra Valley Road is a well-traveled road.”

“And he followed you into town. don’t you get it?”

“Hehas a crush. That’s all.” She turned toward her customer with a forced smile. “Mr. Abernathy! How great to see you again. “

Gabe stepped closer. “Listen; Dallas “

“I have work to do,” she said in an undertone.

He strode away, obviously furious. She was surprised that he didn’t leave Rowdy Ranch, but apparently he was still on his appointed mission and stayed nearby for most of the night, playing pool with Dave Fogarty. Dammit, he was getting to her, making her jumpy when there was no evidence she should be. Neal hadn’t done anything wrong. He was heavy-handed , but there wasn’t a law against boorish ness