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That night she drove home constantly glancing in her rearview mirror, but she never spied a black Corvette or a battered old truck behind her. Once home she checked and rechecked her locks. Damn that Gabe, anyway, for frighterung her. Fortunately the next night was Friday, and Amber would be working with her. For the first time, she was uneasy about being alone

THE tqrEx’r nFrExqrOoN Dallas decided to make a coffee icecream run. When life puttered along without incident , she didn’t much care what she ate. But when the bumpy times arrived, she needed her number-one comfort food. She’d finished off a half gallon during the trial, and she needed another one.

“You could probably use a little yourself; she told Gretchen. The dog whined and wagged her thick rope of a tail. “In fact, you may be under more stress than I am. But the vet and I think it’s best, Gretchen. You’ll have stronger puppies if we just wait this one out, okay?”

Gretchen cocked her head and wagged her tail harder.

“I knew you’d see it my way. Be back in a flash.”

Driving felt good, with the window down and the radio blaring on KIIM-FM, a Tucson country station. She took along a small cooler in which to bring back the ice cream.

On the freeway she glanced back to change lanes and saw a black car about half a mile behind her.

“I’m getting paranoid; she muttered, and turned the radio up louder.

She took the Ina Road exit. At the first stoplight she checked her rearview mirror. Sure enough. A black Corvette. She felt as if someone were playing marbles in her stomach. Maybe it wasxi t Neal. There were other black Corvettes in Tucson. She turned off the radio.

By the time she reached the icecream store her hands were slippery on the wheel. The black car turned into the shopping center and pulled up beside her. She sat in the truck with the motor still running, her legs shaking so much she had a hard time keeping her foot on the brake pedal.

Neal was the driver of the car.

DALLAs wISHED she’d checked behind her earlier, when she’d pulled out on Avra Valley Road. She had no real proof that Neal had followed her from there, or that he’d parked somewhere nearby to watch her. But if he had… He got out of the car and glanced around. Then he demonstrated great surprise when he saw her sitting in her truck. With a smile he started toward her.

Dallas didn’t stop to think. She threw the truck into reverse and backed out of the parking space. By some miracle no one was behind her. She put the truck into gear and shot out away from the icecream store without looking back.

She drove around with no pattern, her thoughts racing , her attention constantly flicking to the rearview minor. After fifteen minutes with no black Corvette in sight, she began to relax a little. Was she overreacting? Neal could have ended up at the same icecream store by coincidence, couldn’t he?

She knew what the answer was, but she didn’t want to face it, because facing it would mean she’d have to admit that Neal was acting in a threatening way. If he could have her business loan recalled, then taking action against him could have serious consequences. And there was the other, more disturbing question. If he was capable of harrassing her like this, was he capable of other, more sinister things?

“No; she said aloud. “He’s just a mixed-up, spoiled rich boy.” She glanced at her watch. Time to go home and change for work. And if Neal showed up tonight, she’d tell him to quit following her. She could handle this.

“DALLAs, I AGREE with Gabe. Neal’s dangerous.” Amber stood her ground as they faced each other in the shop that night. “Get some help.”

Dallas gazed at Amber, the cleaning rag in her hand forgotten. While they’d been readying the shop for business she’d told Amber about the two incidents with Neal and his comment about being friends with her banker. She’d almost hoped Amber would brush them off as unimportant. “But logically he’s done nothing wrong. Probably he just needs a firmer declaration from me. “

“you’ve left no doubt about your feelings, and he hasn’t given up. Stop using that damned logic of yours and pay attention to your gut. How does that feel?”

Dallas pressed a hand to her stomach. “Terrible: ‘

“Then do something about it. Call the police.”

“The police? What about my business loan? He said-“

“Your life is more important than your business. These past two meetings sound like he’s turning into a stalker.”

“But there’s still the chance that I’m overreacting , that Gabe has me spooked and-“

“I don’t think so, Dallas. Listen, if you don’t feel right contactqng the police, what about talking to Gabe? Dave really likes him, and I’ve been impressed myself. The man looks like he could handle Neal Parnell with one hand tied behind his back. He probably has some intimidation tactics of his own.”

Dallas certainly believed that. But what would it cost her to deal with G abe, a man whose mere glance in her direction caused an internal meltdown?

“Talk to him; Amber urged, squeezing Dallas’s arm.

Dallas felt her options narrowing. She’d vowed not to make the first move in Gabe’s direction, but Neal was scaring her and she probably needed Gabe’s help. Perhaps the smoldering looks she’d exchanged with him during the past few nights meant less than she thought they did. Then again, maybe they meant that once they were alone they’d tear each other’s clothes off.

No, they wouldn’t. She wasn’t that sort of woman. She didn’t act on impulse, and her basic character wasxi t about to change just because of one sexy man. She sighed. “All right. I’ll talk to him.”

As GAsE srEPPEo into the neon grotto of Rowdy Ranch Friday night he wondered if Dallas finally understood she had a problem. But he d decided to let her come to him. Her fierce independence reminded him of the spirited mare he’d ridden years ago on the ranch. Try to chase her down and you’d never get anywhere. But if you stayed still, let her think things over, she’d sometimes come right up to you. Sometimes.

Gabe had been third in the caravan to the icecream store. She’d left without her ice cream, which told him she was finally getting scared. Good. She needed to be IF AMBER HADN’T threatened to go in her place, Dallas scared enough to come to him for help. So he would wouldn’t have followed through on her promise to talk to Gabe about Neal. After all, Neal seemed to be to wait tally involved with Beth tonight and hadn’t even made

As the eve rung wore on, Gabe noticed that Parnell as usual passes by the salon. But Dallas knew Amber didn’t go near the shop. Too bad, Gabe thought. He would go to Gabe if she didn’t, and she preferred to wanted the threat underlined for Dallas, so she’d have keep some control over the situation by talking to him , no doubt. Maybe Parnell was smarter than he’d herself. She watched him from the corner of her eye , thought. The punk spent most of his time with Beth. and when he hung up his cue stick she happened to be She wore what looked like diamond studs in her ear-without a customer. She started toward the pool tables lobes, and Parnell kept rubbling them. Gabe con-just as he turned toward her. included that the sickerung interplay meant Parnell had His direct gaze disconcerted her. She’d meant to apgiven her the earrings. If the creep didn’t leave her proach him subtly, coming up from the side, catching alone he was liable to get her fired. him slightly unaware and maybe a little unguarded. She

The music grew louder as the crowd thickened like wondered if he was ever unguarded. simmering chili. After three line dances in a row to stir As she approached, she felt as if she were walking things up, the disk jockey played a waltz while the mir-along an unrolled red carpet toward an audience with rored ball flicked shredded light over the dancers like a prince. Perhaps the Prince of Darkness, she thought, transparent confetti. Gabe turned down two requests as his brown eyes studied her with an intensity that to dance and challenged a college kid in a Uruversity of made her shiver. He lifted his eyebrows ever so slightly in question as she drew near. Arizona sweatshirt and Reebok ruruiing shoes to a “I’d like to talk with you privately,” she said. game of pool. All the while he kept watching, watch-Something flickered in his gaze. “Let’s dance, then.” ing. “Oh, I dozi t-“