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She sipped her coffee and wondered how much to reveal about herself. Every bit of information seemed to strengthen the link between them, and she shouldn’t be doing that. “I took elocution lessons; she said at last.

He raised both eyebrows.

“I’ve always wanted my own business, and I decided a long time ago I’d have more success with barqlcs and leasing companies if I dropped ‘y all’ and ‘honey from my vocabulary.” She neglected to mention that she didn’t want to sound anything like her mother, who represented the worst side of feminine frailty to Dallas

He seemed to accept her explanation. “You really think things through, don’t you?”

“I’ve seen what happens when you don’t.” The declaration sounded prim and possibly judgmental, but she couldn’t call it back.

Gabe chuckled and gazed at the ceiling. “Ah, yes.”

“I guess we’re not alike in how we look at things.” First prim and now defensive. Where was her usual poise?

He pierced her with that warrior’s stare. “No, we’re not alike, Dallas.”

She shouldn’t like the way her name sounded when he said it. She shouldn’t like the picture he made lounging in her kitchen in his worn jeans, his jacket open and the top two buttons of his shirt undone. By his subtle admission he was the sort of guy who took life as it came. Maybe she was a conservative prude, but now wasn’t the time to fall for someone like Gabe. When he finished his coffee she’d send him on his way. Better not to learn more about this cowboy.

Then she remembered what Gabe had said to Neal at Rowdy Ranch. “I guess Neal thinks you’re my boyfriend”

Gabe shrugged, his face expressionless. “At the time it seemed like the best way to make an impression on him.” A ghost of a smile flickered. “If the idea bothers you I can tell him we broke up .”

“Boy, that was quick.” The retort masked a slight wrenching of her heart as he discussed their phantom relationship so casually. “Dumping me already.”

“Your call; he said evenly. “I “

Gretchen whined and leaped to her feet.

In one fluid movement Gabe set down his coffee and turned toward the living room door in a semi crouch as Gretchen stood in front of it, her ears pricked forward.

“Gabe, it could be “

“Stay there.” He crept toward the window and eased back the vertical blinds.

Dallas watched him in awe as adrenaline pumped through her. Gabe obviously was good at his job. The intruder could be Neal… or the mongrel down the Street Despite Dallas’s brave words about the gun in her bedside table drawer and her confidence in her locks, she was trembling. And very glad to have someone like Gabe around right now.


“Yes?” She held her breath.

“Does Gretchen’s boyfriend have long shaggy hair?”

She sighed with relief. “Yes .” She walked to the door and took Gretchen by the collar. The tension, followed by a reprieve, made her giddy. “Not tonight, my eager young virgin. “

Gretchen wouldn’t budge from the door. She whined again and strained forward, as if she would hurl her self through the wooden barrier if Dallas gave her a chance.

Gabe let the vertical blind fall back into place and came over to kneel beside the dog and scratch behind her ear. “Hey, Gretch, he’s an ugly son of a gun. You’d have really scruffy children.”

Basking in the comradery of danger faced and unmasked , Dallas dropped to one knee on the dog’s other side and threw an arm around Gretchen’s neck. “Listen to the man. He doesn’t like your choice any better than Ido:’ ,

“I didn’t say that.”

Dallas’s gaze snapped up to meet Gabe s. They eyed each other across Gretchen’s head.

“I just said the puppies would be scruffy, he said gently. His fingers continued to massage behind Gretchen’s ear, only inches away from where Dallas’s arm lay draped around the dog’s neck. “That doesn’t mean they wouldn’t be good dogs or that Gretchen and her friend wouldn’t have a hell of a time making them: ‘

An invisible fist squeezed her heart, then turned it loose to gallop in a furious rhythm. She swallowed. “Gretchen doesn’t know what’s good for her.”

His dark gaze softened as his tone caressed her. “Maybe that mangy hound outside does.”

Scraps of a waltz floated through her mind. She could feel his arms around her and his firm lead as they whirled around the floor. She d never been loved by a man who didn’t fumble. She put out a mental hand to steady herself. “Gabe, I-“

He reached over and placed a finger against her lips. She closed her eyes as he traced the outline of her mouth while he spoke. “I’m leaving now;’ he murmured. “Much as I don’t want to. I don’t even think you want me to .”

Her mouth tingled; her body ached. No, she didn’t want him to. “I have no more sense than Gretchen.”

“Yes, you do .” He cupped her chin and she opened her eyes. “You know exactly where you’re going and what you want. I woxi t mess up your life for you, Dallas

Wade : In one easy movement he rose and walked toward the kitchen to retrieve his hat. Pulling it low over his eyes, he opened the door. “Lock up after me.”

GAsE ToOK the trailer steps in one bound and headed out toward his truck. Another minute in that room with Dallas and he might have forgotten all his reservations about becoming involved with her. The huge mongrel slipped into the shadows as he opened the gate and walked to his truck.

“Better beat it; he said to the hulking canine. “Neither of us belongs inside that fence, amigo, no matter how much they flirt with us. We wouldn’t be thanked for giving them what they want. You can count on it.”

But restraint hadn’t been easy, he thought, swinging up into the truck seat. He’d had a tough time ignoring the outline of her nipples through her soft cotton shirt, or her smooth thighs beneath shorts that mesmerized him with the dancing movement of the fringed hem. His groin tightened at the memory of Dallas turning to reach into the cupboard for coffee mugs. Hair Stylists Get You Lathered Up. No kidding.

As he maneuvered down the dirt lane toward the paved stretch of Avra Valley Road he almost missed the car parked beneath a mesquite. He glanced in the rearview mirror to make sure the low-slung vehicle was a Corvette.

His pulse quickened and he relished the renewed challenge as just the distraction he needed right now. So the bastard was out there. Good. He’d tip his hand any time. And when he did, he was dead meat.

Gabe continued at the same pace, not letting on he’d noticed anything. The black car was deep in the shadows , and most people would have missed it. Gabe wondered when Parnell had decided to drive a black car. During the day it stood out, as he probably hoped it would. But after sunset the car was camouflaged by darkness and became nearly as invisible as other creatures of the night.

Gabe rolled down his window a fraction. Cold air wafted past his face as he listened for the sound of a car engine. He’d have to go back to Dallas’s trailer, but he didn’t want to let Parnell know about it. And he didn’t want to take too long.

FoR sEvERaL MINCrTES after Gabe left, Dallas leaned her forehead against the locked door and battled her emotions She’d wanted him to kiss her. More than kiss her. And he hadn’t done it. Why not?

Her image of him shifted yet again. She’d thought of him as aggressively sexual, someone shed have to control. He’d controlled himself, and she didn’t think it had anything to do with being faithful to another woman. Most men would haveqseized the opporturuty to seduce a willing partner. Gabe hadn’t done that. Obviously she’d underestimated him.

And now that he’d gone, what was she to do about the ache he’d left behind? Dallas wasn’t used to men rejecting her for her own good. She didn’t much like it. Gabe had been absolutely right to leave, and she was furious with him for having the strength to do it.