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At last someone tapped on the back door. Her heart pounding, she dropped the encumbering blanket and started cautiously toward the door, gun cocked.

“It’s me; Gabe said from the other side of the door.

The sound of his voice sent her chilled blood singing through her veins again. She let him in, along with a gust of frigid early-morning air “What happened?”

He relocked the door. Blowing on his hands and rubbing them together, he turned to her. “Couldn’t find a thing, but I’ll bet anything he was out there, saw me come out the back door and took off. Bullies don’t enjoy being evenly matched. He thought I was gone and you were fair game. I doubt he’ll be back tonight: He glanced down. “Would you mind pointing that somewhere else?”

“Oh!” She lowered the gun, which she’d been holding waist high, aimed right at him.

“God knows I’ve done a few things I deserve to be shot for, but I’d as soon not go out that way, if you doxi t mind : ‘

Feeling like a fool, Dallas eased the hammer back in place and started toward the bedroom. “I’ll put it away. Sounds like the danger’s over for the night.”

Behind her, he let out a shaky sigh. “I wish I could say that .”

She turned in surprise. “But I thought you said-“

“Put the gun away. Parnell won’t be back.”

“Then what-“

“For a smart lady, you can be damned stupid.”

He stood unmoving, a dark shadow just outside her bedroom door. In the weighted silence she remembered that she wore only her nightgown, a white-lace and -chiffon affair that reached to mid-thigh. He might , not be able to see her well, but obviously he could see her well enough. And imagination could be more powerful than sight.

Slowly she rested the gun on the dresser beside her. A word from her and he’d return to his bed on the sofa. He’d proven his iron will, but now she could hear his rapid breathing and knew that his will was being tested. She trembled but stood her ground, her body tightening in response to his quiet presence.

His voice sounded strained. “Come and close this door.”

“No; she whispered.

With a soft oath he stepped over the threshold and kicked the door shut. “I promised myself I wouldn’t do this : ‘

“So did I.”

He crossed the room. “Then we’re both fools.” With a groan of surrender he reached for her.

She fit perfectly in his arms, as she had on the dance floor. Except now she enjoyed the entire length of his rock solid body, and her own seemed to swell with promise in response to the coiled power of his. She ran both hands up his back and felt his muscles contract beneath her touch

His large callused hand cupped her cheek in the darkness and she closed her eyes to savor the controlled passion in his caress. He seemed in no hurry to kiss her, as if he wanted their bodies to shimmer with heat until they burst into flame with the first touch of their mouths. When his fingers brushed across her parted lips, she wet his fingertips with her tongue and his breath caught.

He combed her hair back from her face and cradled her head as he leaned close enough for her to feel his soft breath on her face. “A cowboy s dream; he murmured , closing the distance until she was submerged in his embrace, dazed by the unleashed power of his kiss.

His mouth claimed her with a sureness that left her no time to think. She gasped, helpless before the onslaught of emotions he drew forth. She was not the sort of woman to whimper, but she whimpered now. He stroked the length of her body and brought her hard against him. Her first quivering response turned to molten desire beneath the force of his compelling touch.

Her thighs were slick with moisture even before his knowing hand slid between their bodies to find her. He made a noise deep in his throat, a sound of appreciation so basic it sent goose bumps skittering over her skin. He urged her against the bed. When the backs of her knees touched the mattress, he lowered her down across the edge of it, his mouth hard against hers.

He groped for the handle of the bedside table drawer and wrenched it open. Vaguely she realized he had to have known what the drawer contained as he unbuttoned his jeans and sheathed himself.

The ache within her widened, crying to be filled. He didn’t bother to remove his shirt or her nightgown. With one hand braced beside her head and the other guiding her hips, he took her in one strong, deliberate thrust that made her gasp. Never had a man claimed her like that. Never had she quivered with the beginnings of a climax with only one sure stroke.

Ah, but never was over. Gabe was here. He eased back and shoved home once more. Her body welcomed him, throwing down all barriers and inviting him back again. And again. In wanton delight she lifted her hips and wrapped her legs around his waist, bringing him closer and deeper. Each time he came to her, ripples of pleasure spread from the pulsing center of their joining with an increasing intensity that left her breathless.

She began to spin on the axis of that center as she begged incoherently-whether for more sensation or final release she didn’t know. Only he could know. His touch filled her uruverse, his body held every delight she’d ever imagined.

The flowering began slowly, then picked up speed as she unfolded in a dazzling display of surrender that wrunga cry of wonder from her lips. Annointed with passion, she clung to him as he answered her cry with one of his own, a sound that seemed to arise from deep within his soul. His massive body shuddered once, twice, a third time, and his fingers pressed against her skin.

Slowly, slowly his bunched muscles relaxed. While they were still joined he eased her forward until they could lie together. He remained braced above her, not giving her his full weight, as he leaned his damp forehead against hers.

She held him, rubbing her hands across his back as a measure of sanity returned. Perhaps she wouldn’t ever be quite sane again where this man was concerned. He’d just given her the most satisfying sexual experience of her life. Did she have the inner strength to put that memory aside? Not tonight, she thought. Definitely not tonight.

He sighed and lifted his head to gaze at her in the dim light. “Ah, Dallas; he murmured, touching her cheek. “You don’t inspire a man to be subtle.”

She caught his hand and kissed his palm, savoring the taste of him, the scent of him. “And who says subtle is good?”

“You might .”

He’d changed her world and he didn’t even know it. She was touched by his modesty… and insecurity. “Did you follow your instincts? “

“Every single one of them .”

“I’d say you have pretty good instincts.”

She felt the quiver that ran through him, but he said nothing, as if waiting, his breath held, for her to go on. He deserved the truth, no matter where it led them. “I’ve never been loved so well, Gabe.” She chose the word “loved” on purpose, because she’d never felt as valued as now, never as sensual or desirable.

His face relaxed into a smile. “Thank you for telling me that: ‘

“I caxi t believe you didn’t know.”

His smile widened. “Women have been known to fake it.”

“I don’t.”

“No, I don’t suppose you do.”

She ran her fingers up his nape and through the thick luxury of his hair, remembering when she’d first done that, when he was seated in her chair at work. Had she known, even then, that one day she’d hold him like this? “I have a question. How did you know I had condoms in the drawer?” ,

“After I checked your window lock in here I opened both drawers to find out which one had the gun in it. I suppose I’ve been thinking about that package of condoms ever since. It didn’t make resisting you any easier , knowing they were there within easy reach.”