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“I wouldn’t advise that anymore : ‘

She held up the second key. “This is it. I won’t put it back there again. Did you drive here through the wash?”

He nodded.

“Where’s your truck?”

“I left it in the wash and hiked the rest of the way.”

She grimaced. “That must have been a sacrifice. I know how cowboys hate to walk: ‘

“I managed.”

She shouldn’t have expected anything but these taciturn responses, but they knifed through her, nonetheless She waved him toward the rocker. “Have a seat.”

“I’ll stand: ‘

“All right.” She adopted his brusque attitude. “I’ll make this quick. I have reason to believe that Neal Parnell did rape your sister, as you said.”

His eyes flickered, but other than that he gave nothing away by his expression. She’d bet he was one hell of a poker player.

“Because I feel responsible for setting him free, I plan to help put him in j all, where he belongs .”

Gabe hooked his thumbs in his belt loops and waited.

“I remember all the details from the trial, and my guess is he’s more comfortable attacking someone in a deserted parking lot than breaking into their home, not that he wouldn’t do that, if all else fails. But if I guide him to the parking lot, he’ll try to rape me there, I think

: ‘

Gabes stoicism vanished and his face contorted. “You’ll whatY’

Her heart hammered and breathing became difficult , but she continued. “I’m going to lure Neal into the parking lot. I’ll spread some story around Rowdy Ranch that I’m staying late to do inventory.” She chuckled without mirth. “It could be the truth. I am behind on that little chore, thanks to all that’s happened”

His fists clenched at his sides. “Forget it.”

She gazed into his dark eyes that burned with anger. “That’s just it, Gabe. I can’t forget it. i can’t forget the trial, or Celia s testimony, or Neal’s part in traumatizing her. I’m going to make it right by catching him in the act .”

“No : ‘

Her shoulders slumped. “I had hoped you’d help me.

You and your two bounty-hunter friends.”

He took a step forward. “If you think for one minute that I’d allow you to put yourself in-“

“Allow?” His use of the word propelled her from the sofa to brace herself in front of him. “How dare you imply you control me? You have nothing to say about it.”

“The hell I don’t: He grabbed her and hauled her against his chest. “I won’t let you be the bait for that bastard:’

The rich scent of him filled her nostrils. Amber was right. She d know this man with her eyes closed. She longed to tangle her fingers in his hair, crush his lips to hers, but she struggled to put distance between them. As much as she wanted him, she wouldn’t ever be dictated to.

He held her fast. “Listen to me, Dallas. Please: ‘

“I’m doing this: She shoved hard at his chest. “With you or without you. “

“You’re crazy!” he gasped, holding her with effort. “Now be still and

“Never: She was panting, but she met his gaze straight on. “I’ll never be still. I’ll fight until the day I die to be my own person and make my own decisions.

Got that, Escalante? Now let me go before I kick you in a very uncomfortable spot.”

Slowly his arms came to his sides. He spoke through clenched teeth. “I’ve never met a woman like you.”

She lifted her chin. “Then it’s about time: ‘

He continued to stare at her. When she stared back, he glanced away and rubbed the back of his neck. “You want to lure him into the parking lot?”

She sensed the tide might be changing in her favor.


“Then what?”

“You’ll be there. I checked tonight, and there’s a Dumpster that would keep you hidden. I’ll get him talking. You’ll be the witness I need to show what his intentions are.

Gabe shook his head.

“What’s wrong with that?”

“Everything. He might grab you before you get to me. He might somehow grab you inside the building.”

“I thought of that. Station one of your friends inside Neal doesn’t know what they look like. You won’t even be there that niqht, but your friend will. At closing time your friend can hide somewhere-inside a rest room stall or something-and be available if I need him. But I think Neal will try to get me outside, where he has a clear escape route.”

He groaned. “You really think this is possible, don’t you? You have no experience with criminals. You don’t “

“And what’s the alternative? Do you enjoy hanging around this guy, waiting for him to make a false move? Do you want him to have that kind of power to keep your life on hold?”

“I won’t put your safety on the line!”

“But I will, she said quietly. “And you’re either in or you’re out :

“If I say no, who would you get?”

She had no clue, but she didn’t want him to know that. “I know some guys. I’m sure they’d help.”

“Amateurs,” he retorted.

She could feel him weakening. “Well?”

His sigh seemed torn from the depths of his chest. “Damn you, Dallas”

“Help me do this, Gabe: ‘

His gaze was tortured. “I’d as soon be in helclass="underline" ‘

“If you won’t help me, that’s where I’d wish you.”

With a cry he turned away from her. After many long minutes he turned back, resignation and frustration obvious in the set line of his mouth. “I’d want both guys on this. One inside with you, another near the door where you’d come out, in case he grabs you there and tries to force you into his car or something: ‘

“Fine, three of you, then. Four of us, counting me. We can do this, Gabe. We can hang this guy.”

He stood, silent and brooding, in front of her. “How far am I supposed to let him go?” he asked quietly.

As GAsE wnI’rED for her answer, images assaulted him-of Parnell tearing at her clothes, of him putting his filthy hands on her skin and his insolent mouth on her lips. He closed his eyes as if to block out the ugly pictures. “How far, Dallas?”

“I… hadn’t thought that out yet.”

“I think you’d better consider that angle.” He knew from the way her glance shifted that he’d hit a nerve.

Then her gaze swung back to him, the gray depths cold as slate. “Far enough that he thinks he’s going to get away with it and starts saying things that will incriminate him.” She lifted her chin. “I realize it will be… unpleasant, but I’ll survive. When I think he’s gone far enough, I’ll shout a code word or something.”

He felt the sharp pain originate in his heart and spread outward to his arms and fingers. The pain engulfed his stomach and plunged dowm his legs as his body rebelled at what she was saying. “And I’m supposed to watch him paw and insult you? What are you asking of me, Dallas?”

“I’m asking you to help me catch the man who raped your sister.

Something loosened in his chest, and the outpouring of anguish left him dazed. How he loved this woman! This stubborn, courageous, foolhardy woman He stepped forward, his movements restrained, and touched her cheek. “All right, he said quietly.

She gazed up at him in wonder, then reached to brush her thumb across the corner of his eye. Only then did he realize his eyes were damp. “you’ve asked me to willingly risk what is most precious to me,” he said, his voice shaking. “don’t ever doubt the depth of that sacrifice.” Then he swept her up in his arms, her warmth against his chest reassuring him, soothing his pain, as he carried her to the bedroom He gazed into her eyes and saw mirrored there the same fierce agony that suffused him.