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“I wouldn’t dream of it.” She’d tried to avoid looking at Neal tonight, but he always seemed to be hovering in her field of vision, although he’d never acknowledged her. He moved like a panther through the dance hall, making her constantly aware of his menacing presence. She was jumpy, and if Amber had picked up on her nervousness, Neal might. She’d have to be more careful. “The inventory’s no big deal,” she said.

“Well, I feel guilty, leaving you here, even if Irving Skinner is sticking around Amber said.

“It’s really no problem. I-my God.”


Dallas stared at the man sauntering toward her, a man with the power to ruin everything.

If circumstances had been different, he would have been, as he d promised, a sight for sore eyes. A boldly patterned western shirt accentuated the breadth of his shoulders, and stone-washed jeans displayed wellmuscled thighs and buttocks. Black lizard-skin boots added at least two inches to his height. His hat had been professionally blocked, and a tooled leather belt encircled his hips. Fred Axton had transformed himself into a cowboy.

Amber followed the direction of Dallas’s gaze. “Cute , but too short for you. And falling for somebody on the rebound is never a good idea, Dallas. Put your eyes back in your head.”

Dallas tried to gather her thoughts. “That’s not why I’m staring. You should have seen him a couple of days ago. I’m amazed at the transformation: And petrified that Neal will notice him and suspect something.

“What’d he look like?”

“Not like that: Dallas couldn’t see a way out of talking with Fred. He still didn’t look much like the chief prosecutor for Pima County. Maybe she was worried for nothing. “You couldn’t tell the guy had shoulders , or buns, either, for that matter.”

“Well, you can now. Like I said, a couple of inches taller and I’d want to know his name.”

“Well, I’ll introduce you, anyway.” Dallas smiled as Fred walked through the door of the shop. “I’m impressed ; she said.

“I’m a quick study,” Fred replied, his glance slipping toward Amber.

“Fred, this is my associate, Amber Dalton.”

Fred extended his hand and gave Amber the direct gaze that Dallas had observed mesmerizing more than one female juror during the trial. Dallas watched with amusement as Fred’s intensity brought a pleased flush to Amber’s cheeks. Short or not, Fred might be about , to give the unimaginative Vince a run for his money.

“Fred Axton was the prosecutor for the trial, Dallas continued as the handshake lasted a little longer than polite intercourse required.

“A lawyer, are you?” Amber asked.

“An urban cowboy; Fred responded. “Thanks to Dallas. She’s my wardrobe consultant.”

“She did a good job.”

“Thanks.” Fred took off his hat and tossed it on the rack. “But I think I need a finishing touch. How about trimming my hair, Amber?”

“LJm, sure: Amber glanced at Dallas, who gave her a covert thumbs-up as Fred settled into the chair. Dallas had never been crazy about Vince, Amber’s current boyfriend, and she couldn’t think of a better matchup than Amber and Fred. They both were intelligent, principled people with a sense of humor. So what if Fred was an inch shorter than Amber? It wouldn’t matter once they were prone.

Still, the niggling worry that Neal would recognize

Fred plagued her. She searched the dance hall and found

Neal in a far corner, leaning with both arms braced against the wall, imprison inga laughing Beth, who carried a tray of drinks. He seemed to have no interest in what was happening in the Cutting Pen. Rowdy Ranch was a huge place, after all. There were easily two hundred people within its confines tonight. No doubt she was imagining problems where there were none. Yet she’d be glad when Fred’s hat was back on his head.

After receivinga very thorough shampoo and hairstyling from Amber, Fred walked over to the bar. Dallas didn’t worry too much about it until she remembered Diego. She turned with a sense of foreboding , and sure enough, Fred had recognized Diego as a bail-enforcement officer.

Dallas watched helplessly as Diego made an excuse to get away from Fred, but it was too late. Dallas could tell the moment Neal recognized the prosecutor by the sudden stiffening of his posture and the abrupt end of his laughter. She turned away, heart racing, and tried to concentrate on the haircut she was giving. So what if Neal had recognized Fred? People from all over Tucson came to this place. But her plan no longer seemed so foolproof, and her palms grew slick with perspiration

“I like your Fred Axton; Amber said after the customer left.

“Do you now?” Dallas seized the distraction like a lifeline. “Personally, I think he’s a little short.”

Amber threw a towel at her, and she ducked.

“Did you give him your number?” she asked.

“No. That wouldn’t be fair to Vince.”

“Oh: Dallas allowed her disappointment to show.

“But he gave me his .”

“Oh! Good!”

Amber laughed. “just in case. don’t get too Excited. I told him I was going with someone.”

“I see.” Dallas smiled. “The conversation got that specific, then?”

“Let’s face it. Vince has proposed about twenty times , and I always find some excuse to stall him. Should tell me something, shouldn’t it?”

“I would say so .” ,

Amber walked over to pick up the towel shed thrown. “Funny how some people just click.”


Amber straightened, the towel in one hand, and looked directly at Dallas. “For example, I can’t forget the picture of you and Gabe kissing over there by the pool tables. I don’t care what you say. He s the right one. Maybe he went a little crazy when somebody raped his sister. What brother worth anything wouldn’t? Cut him some slack.” She peered at Dallas. “God, you have a peculiar look on your face. Are you sure you’re okay?”

Dallas put a hand over her roiling stomach. She didn’t need to talk about Celia’s rape right now. “Must be something I ate.”

“Go home after work, then. Forget the inventory “

“No .” Dallas’s voice sounded faint even to her own ears. She cleared her throat and spoke more forcefully. “I’ll feel better when it’s done

: ‘

“Did anyone ever tell you that you’re stubborn?”

“Yes; Dallas said, and glanced for the hundredth time at the clock.

GABE WIsHED that he smoked. He needed something to pass the time as he and Jasper sat in his truck parked a block from Rowdy Ranch. Jasper wasn’t much of a convesationalist. As they sat silently in the chilled cab, Gabe fooled with his watchband, snapping it repeatedly

“Damn, but you’re making me nervous; Jasper said. “And I don’t get nervous .”

Gabe stopped snapping the band. “Sorry.” Jasper’s calm temperament was one of his most endearing characteristics. An ex-wrestler, he had the kind of body that required custom clothes. When people saw jasper, they instinctively drew back, until he smiled his gap toothed smile and gave them a cheerful greeting.

Jasper liked everybody, unless he learned they’d run afoul of the law. Then he perceived it as his mission to bring them to justice. He accomplished this without rancor, but his brutal efficiency was legendary among bounty hunters. Gabe hadn’t sent him inside Rowdy

Ranch because he might have been recognized. And even if he hadn’t, Jasper never went unnoticed for long.

“We should be able to take our positions in about fifteen minutes; Gabe said. “Remember, if he comes out with her, don’t even take time for the radio. just get him, as long as you can do it without Dallas being hurt.”

“Right. And if he comes out alone, I’ll follow him and hide next to the electrical box .” Jasper hit his fist into the palm of his hand. “We’re gonna nail this sleazoid.”