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Dallas stared at her. “you’re kidding “

“Nope: ‘

Dallas moved her finger over the signatures decorating her cast, and a lump formed in her throat. “They’re good people.”

“Good, but not too perceptive. They all thought Gabe was a dead issue. I didn’t. So I pestered Fred to interrogate those two friends of Gabe s.”

“Interrogate?” She glanced up. “Good Lord, Amber”

Amber shrugged. “I’m picking up some of the lingo. Sorry. I meant he asked some questions. And the answers describe a guy who’s sure he s too rough around the edges for you. He thinks you see him as a savage who enjoys beating people up.”

Dallas felt light-headed. “Amber, he saved my life. How could I possibly judge his actions? He did what he thought was necessary. And he didn’t kill Neal, when I know every instinct told him to do it. Even Jasper told him to : ‘

Amber looked at her. “Yeah, well, you know how these guys jump to conclusions, and they caxi t communicate worth a dairm. He already had it in his head that he wasn’t the man you wanted. And once upon a time you told me the same thing: ‘

Dallass heart thudded painfully. Surely Gabe couldn’t think that she d reject him. Not after all they’d shared. “I didn’t really know him when I said that. And I was afraid he’d be like my father and stepfather, always trying to run things. I didn’t know the difference between a bully and someone with inner strength.”

“But you didn’t tell him any of that stuff later on.”

“I should have.” Dallas twisted the reins in her hand. “But there was the business with Neal and…”

“And some wonderful times in bed; Amber finished for her. “That can distract a woman from conversation real easy. “

Dallas’s face warmed. “But I still can’t believe he thinks I have a low opinion of him.”

“It seems he remembers you referring to ‘reckless bounty-hunter mentality I can certainly believe you said that, Dallas .”

Guilt washed over her. “But that was before I -” Before

Ifell in love, she finished silently.

“Also, Jasper said Gabe’s first wife left him because she hated his job. So Jasper figured out-and mind you, Gabe didn’t explain this to him-Jasper figured out that on that horrible night, when you were screaming at him not to become an animal, he decided he’d better get out of your life for good: ‘

“Oh, God.” Dallas buried her face in her hands and fought tears.

Amber put an arm around her shoulders. “But I guess that’s not what you wanted, was it; sweetie?”

Dallas shook her head.

“I had to make sure before I gave Fred the go-ahead. You see, Gabe’s two buddies are very protective.”

“I know,” Dallas murmured, head down. “Once Jasper and Gabe were sure I was okay, they tore back to the rest room to find Diego : She shuddered. “Thank God he only ended up with a massive headache and a wounded ego. Neal could have killed him: ‘

“And if he had, he’d be dead now himself.”

Dallas stared at the pebbled ground. “I wouldn’t have blamed them for doing that: ‘

“Good. Then you’ll understand that if Diego and Jasper thought for a moment you’d give Gabe the boot tonight, they’d move heaven and Earth to keep him away from you. “

Dallas lifted her head and swiped at her eyes. “I won’t give him the boot, Amber: “you’re sure? What about that fabled need to be in control, to be independent?” Amber gazed at her and waited.

Dallas thought of the past few weeks without Gabe. Oh, she’d been able to come and go as she pleased without considering another person. She d made all her own decisions. None of them had seemed worth making without

Gabe there. “Gabe once predicted that we’d fight a lot if we stayed together, but he said it would keep life exciting.”

Amber’s eyes sparkled with understanding. “It’s great to meet your match, in every sense of the word.”

Dallas nodded. “Maybe his unpredictable traveling and the constant danger will bother me. Maybe my compulsive neatness and stubborn streak will bother him. But I.. love him so much I was willing to take the risk. When he left I decided he wasn’t.”

Amber touched her hand. “You owe it to yourself to find out .”

“How will I know if he’s coming or not?”

“Not until they walk in, I’m afraid. Fred’s in court all day today, and he told me to leave a message with his assistant if I wanted him to call Gabe. And then there’s always the chance they won’t link up. Fred said he’d come in tonight, whether he brings Gabe or not, but he probably won’t know what’s happening until the last minute.” She patted Dallas’s knee. “Sorry to put you through that .”

Dallas gave her a watery smile. “Beggars can’t be choosers. “

IT WAS A TYPICAL TGIF crowd, boisterous and ready to party. Business at the Cutting Pen was brisk, for which Dallas was thankful.

“I think I’m more nervous than you are; Amber said,

tricately carved as the original doors, covered a metal core that the managers swore a tank couldn’t penetrate

The Rowdy Ranch slogan had been repainted over the door, and Dallas had taught herself not to look at the slash of purple neon that had illuminated the deeds of that awful night. Beth had been arrested and would no longer work at Rowdy Ranch. The blood stains had been cleaned from the carpet.

Best of all, Dallas didn’t have to fear Neal Parnell might come into the dance complex. The judge, knowing the nearly unlimited resources of the Parnell family , had ordered him held without bail in the Pima County jail until the trial. Celia had called Dallas to thank her, but Dallas had declined Celia’s lunch invitation Talking with Celia would only remind Dallas that Gabe was lost to her.

“What are you going to do when he comes in?” Amber asked duringa lull between customers.

“Ifhe comes in: ‘

“Okay, if. But I’m betting he will .”

Dallas glanced at her in horror. “don’t tell me people are placing bets on this !” ,

Amber laughed. “Actually, Dave suggested it and I told him you’d never forgive us .”

“That’s for sure. So I assume you told everybody that G abe might show up tonight?”

“Well, yes, I did. They’ve been suffering through this with you, you know. Shirley Jorgenson said you’ve ignored her several times, and Ted and Louise McNulty tli,.u x

, “Great choice. Any particular waltz?”

“I didn’t mean to be, Amber. I’ll make it up to them. we’ll have a big barbecue at my place sometime soon.”

Dallas didn’t think she could bear to dance to the

“If you think it’s definitely called for. Irving Skinner waltz Neal had sullied with his sick behavior. “No, I

still hasn gotten over being the decoy when you pre-guess not.

tended you and he were taking inventory together: “Then I’ll make a suggestion. That wonderful old

Dallas gazed at her. “you’re still upset about that, Anne Murray number, where she asks the guy if she can too, arexi t you?” have this dance for the rest of her life. That would be , “

“Yes; Amber said quietly. “I thought we were perfect. You wouldn’t have to say a word. friends .”

Dallas took a shaky breath. “He probably won’t

“We are, which is why I didn’t tell you. You would come.” have tried to stop me. “I’m going to set it up with the deejay, anyway. can’t

“Of course I would have tried to stop you, you idiot! hurt. Can you take this next customer while I run over That was the dumbest stunt I’ve ever heard of.” there?”

“But Neal’s in jail now.” Before Dallas could protest, Amber left. Dallas

“And you could be dead. Not a good trade, in my seated the man and reached for the massage wand. It opinion.” was getting late. She didn’t know how much longer she