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“No,” he answered quickly.

So quickly that I whipped my head up, no longer interested in the pretend piece of lint I was picking off my skirt. Okay, I knew I wasn’t supermodel material or anything, but I wasn’t dog meat either, so his attitude hit a nerve. The thing of it was I was surprised at my reaction.

“I could use a walk after eating all that food.” Nathan glanced at me, and I hoped he could tell that I wasn’t into this peach thing. It wasn’t my fault that Gram was hopelessly looking for ways to—what had my therapist called it? Engage me. She wanted to bring me back to life and was willing to sell me to the local hottie to do it.

“Monroe will pick you up around four tomorrow, sound good?”

His eyes were still on me, so I thrust out my chin, though when his gaze wandered down to my chest—just for a second—my breath caught, and I hated the blush that stained my cheeks.

I could say no. I could ruin Gram’s expectations that her granddaughter would have a great night. Or her hope that, finally, Monroe would snap out of the funk that was never ending. I could disappoint her and watch the light fade from her eyes. I could watch her smile disappear altogether. Lord knows I’d done it to my parents many times in the past year.

But I couldn’t. Not with Gram. Besides, it would be worth it just to make Nathan as miserable at the thought of a night out with me as he obviously felt.

“Monroe?” Gram asked again, and I glanced toward her.

“I’ll try and fit it into my schedule.” I pushed my chair back and left.

Of course I didn’t want to seem too eager or anything.

Chapter Six


At two minutes after four, I watched Mrs. Blackwell’s old Crown Vic make its way up my driveway. The thing was practically an antique, but man, she kept it mint. American-made and a pig on gas, the car had to be at least twenty feet long. And judging by the speed at which Monroe turned into our driveway, it would be lucky if it was returned to its owner without a ding or two.

She drove like a city girl, which would be one speed—fast—and it was obvious she didn’t know how to corner the damn thing. I wasn’t sure what Mrs. Blackwell was thinking letting Monroe drive, but then, it wasn’t my car.

My jaw tightened as I glanced toward the garage. Toward the car that was mine. The one that was off limits.

Monroe pulled up and threw the Crown Vic into park, her eyes finding mine as she sat there for a moment. I wondered if she was as uncomfortable about this situation as I was.

It wasn’t like it was a date or anything, and I wasn’t sure if she knew that. I decided as I took the first step off the porch I was going to have to set Monroe straight on that point.

Technically, I still had a girlfriend. And even though I had decided sometime in the night—most likely between the twentieth and thirtieth pathetic, drunken text I had received from Rachel—that I was gonna call it quits as soon as she got back from the cottage, this thing with Monroe still wasn’t a date.

I yanked on the passenger door, slid in beside her, and was immediately hit with the smell of…summer. Fresh, sweet summer.

I glanced at her in surprise, noticed that her hair was down, and again was hit with summer…and something else. Something heavier. Something I had no name for, but man, it was nice.

“Hey,” I said, clearing my throat because suddenly there was a frog the size of a baseball lodged in my throat.

God, you smell good.

“Hey yourself,” she replied as she reversed the car into a three-point turn. Once she had maneuvered the vehicle back down the driveway and turned right onto the road, she cleared her throat. “And just so you know? This isn’t a date or anything. I don’t date boys like you.”

Okay, that got my attention, hard and fast. I glanced at her. I let my eyes roll over the mint-green halter top that did nothing to hide the curves this girl had. Her legs were smooth, trim, and athletic, and from where I was sitting, the white skirt she had on was on the short side. Hell yeah, was it ever. Her toes were painted green to match the halter top, her feet slipped into casual sandals.

At least the girl was practical when it came to shoes. Good to know. The last time I had taken Rachel to a music festival in the neighboring parish, she’d worn these four-inch platform things that (a) looked ugly as shit, and (b) hurt her feet so badly that I had to listen to her complain for freaking hours.

Shit. When Rachel and I had first started dating, it was all about being together—just hanging out at my place and getting to know each other. But the last year was more about how we looked when we were out together, and that got pretty old after a while. I wasn’t sure what had changed, but there had been a time when Rachel was a lot of fun.

Or maybe it was me who had changed.

I pushed all thoughts of Rachel away and snuck a peek at Monroe.

Her hair was a mess of inky-black waves, and those eyes were as interesting as I remembered—so light they appeared almost clear—and her mouth…


This might not be a date, but she sure as hell was dressed for one.

My gaze rested there, on that perfect, lush, and glossy mouth, for a heartbeat—maybe longer. No girl put on that glossy shit and let her hair down unless she wanted to look good. And smell good.

I smiled.

She scowled and arched an eyebrow.

“A guy like me?” I settled back in my seat, indicating that she turn left. This would be good, I thought. “Should I be insulted?” I continued, thinking that I kinda sorta was.

“Don’t take it personally, Romeo, but you’re not my type,” she said, a hint of rasp in her voice, as if there was something caught in her throat. Words, maybe?

“You have a type?”

“Don’t you?” she shot back.

I shrugged but didn’t answer.

“I’ll bet your type is tall, blond, and tanned, but then, what do I know?”

That annoyed me. Mostly because she was right. But hey, in my defense, Rachel was a good time in addition to being real easy on the eyes, and she rocked a string bikini like no one’s business. At least she used to. Hell, I’m sure she still did, it’s just not something I noticed anymore.

She still wanted to drink and smoke weed and party, and I didn’t. Not with her and not with anyone else.

“And you think this because…” I glared at her.

She made another weird sound, and I noticed that she gripped the steering wheel so hard her knuckles were white.

“Do you have a girlfriend?” she asked, eyes straight ahead on the road.

Shit. This was going to make me look bad. I could lie but that really wasn’t my thing.

“Yeah, at the moment, I do.”

“At the moment?” She laughed and muttered, “Unreal.”

“It’s not what it sounds like,” I retorted, pissed off that she’d managed to piss me off minutes into our non-date.

“I’m sure it’s not.”

“Look, I don’t know what your story is, and I really don’t care. In case you forgot, it was your grandmother who arranged this little whatever the hell it is, not me. So get over yourself.”

“Whatever,” she muttered.

“Besides,” I continued, feeling a wave of heat rush through me, one that was full of anger. “You’re right about one thing.”

She slowed down as we approached the city limits. “Oh yeah, Romeo, what’s that?”

“I do have a type, and you’re not it.”

“Ouch,” she replied sarcastically, eyes on the road ahead.

“I can’t imagine with that attitude you’d be anyone’s type.”

She had no comeback for that one, and I exhaled, sinking into my seat as I stared out the window. I thought that maybe it was going to be the longest afternoon of my life.

We reached the festival grounds about five minutes later. After Monroe refused to take money off me for parking, we headed into the Peach Festival, one that I hadn’t attended since I was, like, twelve.

As we headed into the main area, I remembered why. It was for kids. I looked around and sighed. Old people and kids. Lots of old people and kids.

There was a midway near the back. I could see the Ferris wheel from where we stood, and game alley was set up just in front. Between us and the midway was a huge number of arts and craft booths, and beyond that were food stands.

“You want something to eat?” I grumbled, wanting nothing more than to end this thing as quickly as I could. I figured if I shoved some food into her and toured the grounds quickly, we could call it a night and be done with it.

“Sure,” she said. “In a bit. I want to look at the craft booths, if that’s all right?”

I glanced down at her sharply, but she stared straight ahead. It was then that I realized a few things. She was small next to me, probably five-four, while I was a couple of inches over six feet and still growing. With her pale skin, pale eyes, and dark hair, she really was the opposite of Rachel or any other girl I’d ever dated.

There was something about her though. I couldn’t put my finger on it, but I thought that maybe if I wasn’t so screwed up and she wasn’t such a bitch, she could be someone I’d be interested in.


“Oh, look,” she pointed toward a booth. “Rag dolls.”

I groaned and followed her into the craft center.

Maybe not.