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Boy said, “I don’t know. I kind of like dogging for a living. It’s not a bad life at all. No responsibility, pretty good chow, and a lot of laughs. Would you still be my Boss?”

“Well, I’m supervisor rank, as Lee Chang is. We’d both be your bosses, in a way.”

Boy thought about it. “What’s in it for me?” he said finally.

“Why, you’d get a salary, just like anybody else. You’d start at five hundred interplanetary credits a month. That’s a hell of a lot of money for a dog. You could buy any kind of food you wanted.” Ronny snorted. “For that matter, you could buy yourself a whole kennel full of female Vizslas. Have a regular harem.”

“Hmmm,” Boy said. “At first it sounds great, but at second thought I wonder if I’d like a bunch of dumb bitches around all the time.”

“You could rent a special seraglio for them and only spend as much time as you wanted. The pay is high. You’d be able to afford to hire a full time attendant for the harem. The equivalent of a eunuch.”

Boy thought about it. He gave his tail a wag or so. “Hmmm, and I’d be this human attendant’s boss, eh?”

“Of course.”

Boy shook his head in wonder. “I’ve heard the old wheeze about when man bites dog, it’s news. But this is really news. Dog hires man.”