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A pair of hippies came in with a Siamese cat in a basket and the brunette's little dog nearly had a convulsion. She rose and Leo stood up immediately, reaching into his pocket for some change. As he turned to leave he glanced at Brenda and smiled once more, his eyes lowering to the points of her breasts.

What had they been doing? She reached over and picked up the place mat and held it so that it caught the bright glare of the street light. For a moment it made no sense; it was just a collection of scrawls interspersed with purple circles from the girl's wine glass.

Then the pencil markings took on a hideous shape.

The girl had drawn an oval. From it, spilling out like serpentine meanderings, was an erratic curving line that twisted and turned and wove back on itself until it ended in a tangled mass of scribbles.

Crawling fear dug into the back of her neck as she dropped the paper and shrank away from it. It lay still for a moment, and then fluttered in a breeze and blew off the table onto the sidewalk.

It was the face in the poster! She could not take her eyes from it as it lay on the grimy pavement. Someone stepped on it, then someone else, until at last it was kicked into the gutter. Brenda could not move. As cars and taxis crawled by in the torpid traffic she waited, barely breathing, a silent shriek throbbing through her brain. Kill her! Run over her! Take her away from me so she won't hurt me!

What was it Leo had said as he held his fingertips on the table? "If there's a spirit present, will the table please rise?" The brunette had broken the spell when she was distracted by her dog, yet…

The spirit had been present, Ginny's spirit! It was Ginny that she had drawn, just as it was Ginny in the poster.

A noisy rumble vibrated under Brenda's feet. It was a subway passing under the sidewalk. She looked at the grating by the curb and saw that the place mat had been swept up by the whoosh of air and fluttered over the grill. Suddenly it was sucked into the opening and disappeared.

She crumpled in relief. It was gone. Ginny was gone; her spirit had vanished into the grimy pit. She stood up and put some money on her check and left the cafe.


Leo Rudd looked down at the long red shaft of his cock as it sank into the quivering lips of the brunette's equally brunette pussy. Her long, sleek body, too thin for his taste, lay spread out on its stomach side. A pillow lay under her belly, humping her compact ass high in the air. A puff of jet hair poked out from between her thighs as she offered her upturned vagina, to his rampaging cock. Her cunt was juicy and generous, but not too generous. As he thrust deep into it the walls sucked him snugly into its satiny, throbbing folds.

She groaned hoarsely and wiggled her ass, screwing him right up to the very end of her cunt, then slammed against him, quivering in delight as he fucked her in short, brutal jabs.

"Hit the end!Mmmmmmmmaaaahhhh! That's it! Make me come! Put your finger up my ass… Oh, Leo! Do it!"

Her legs spread wider, pulling her cheeks open until the most intimate part of her body lay open to his appreciative view. She had a nice, hairy ass that never failed to excite him. The valley of her buttocks was lined with black fuzz that continued under her legs to form the bushy jet diaper on her crotch. Carla was one of those pale, alabaster brunettes that had a nice, stimulating swatch without being bothered by even a trace of hair where she shouldn't have any. Her body hair was all in one place, a nice cushiony contrast to her marblesque skin.

Leo pressed his cock firmly into her cunt and left it there, not moving now. She drew on it with her clasping pussy, grunting and tossing her head as she arched her back still higher. Her gaping rectum was pink and puckered, moving in a little rhythm like a pursing mouth. He touched it with his fingertip and eased slowly into her ass.

"Yesohyesyes," she moaned. "Press it against your cock and feel yourself inside me. More More!"

She scooted back, shoving her ass at him and rubbing her cunt against his huge, swinging balls. Her widespread slit oozed out its sex honey onto his balls. She eased it into position until she was able to slide her clitoris over his aching sacks. Leo's teeth gritted as he fought against the exploding pressure in his cock. His finger shoved brutally into her asshole until his palm flattened against her cheeks. He pressed down against his cunt-trapped prick through the thin membrane, tracing his own cylindrical hardness as though it were covered only by an unusually thick rubber. God, what a fragile wall of flesh divided a woman! Her tight ass rolled over his finger in answer, pinching it like a too snug glove.

He kept his finger in place as he rammed her cunt without mercy, his balls swinging hard and slapping against her up-ended cunt until they were creamy with her lubrication.

"Your other hand," she gasped. "Tickle my clit with it. Make me cum everywhere at once. Ooooooh, yes!"

He reached around her thumping ass and delved into the thick, damp crotch, pulling her cunt open with two fingers while he used his other hand to flick the swollen bud. She had the biggest clitoris he had ever seen. It poked out like a marble when she was good and hot and ready to climax.

"Get it!" he commanded. "Get it quick, I'm going to cum in you, baby."

He did not need to encourage her now. She was soaring over the top in a burst of joy, her body rocking forward in spasms of release. Deep inside her vagina, Leo felt the sudden expansion, then a spray of fluid that met his own cum as his cock spewed out into her sucking walls.

She collapsed flat on the bed, arms and legs flying, her black hair tumbled over her face. When he pulled out of her he saw that her thighs were glistening with cum. He fell down beside her, the tip of his prick burning and sore.

Carla raised her head and smirked.

"Give me a cigarette, lover," she ordered.

As he fumbled in the pack and lit it for her, he thought that the request was the key to her personality. It was tough; the toughest, most independent and downright cocky thing a woman could do, almost on a par with pissing standing up. He had seen a girl do that once, and he would bet anything that Carla could manage it, too.

He watched her inhale, one knee raised on her outstretched arm resting stiffly on it. Jaunty and tough. Unconsciously, she reached down to her crotch and rubbed herself, making a wry face.

"God, I've got a sore cunt."

Her voice was husky and matter-of-fact. Though every line of her body was feminine she was a truck driver underneath. She was also a good, no-nonsense, no hang-ups piece of ass and no one knew that better than Leo. That was the only reason he went with her. She was a cold, unfeeling bitch who chilled his blood. He knew he could never hurt her or bend her to his will, and therein lay her basic lack of appeal for him. The only evidence of softness he had ever seen in her was her pampering obsession with that nasty little dog. He wondered why she had chosen the smallest breed she could find, but deep down he knew. Carla was just like him; she liked to lord it over things that were weaker than she was.

She worked in the garment trade and every day was kill-or-be-killed. Whether she had been lethal to begin with, and therefore drawn to such work, or whether the work had done it to her he did not know, nor much care.

She flicked the ash off the cigarette with her thumbnail and crossed her ankle over her knee. She chuckled softly.

"Well, Studs, tell me about this dead ringer for Miss Airy Fairy that we saw tonight."

Instinctively, he tried a little masculine cunning. "Who? What do you mean?"

"Oh, come on. The girl in the cafe. The blond that was huddled in mother's own hand knit sweater. She's the spitting image of Ginny. You obviously rented her some apartment in the neighborhood. I take it, it was Ginny's old pad?"