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Brad Boyer

Bride for bondage


Bob set the two suitcases inside the door of the mountain cabin and turned to look at his wife. His bride smiled, the clear light shimmering over her lightly tanned face, the sun glinting on her pale blonde hair.

"Here we are," Bob said. "Honeymoon cottage." He swept Linda into his arms and carried her over the threshold into the large living room.

Linda clung to him, her arms around his broad shoulders. She turned her head and kissed her new husband lightly, hardly brushing his lips. "I love you," she said softly.

"I love you." Bob returned the kiss with real feeling, fucking his tongue to her lips. "Where's the bedroom?" He held her firmly to him.

"Upstairs. That way." She nodded with her head toward the back of the cabin.

"Okay." Bob carried her toward the stain.

The living room took up moot of the downstairs. Just a kitchen and a small dining space and a couple of storage rooms. Bob moved easily with the slim form, turning to climb the stain. Two bedrooms, separated by a bath, took up all of the upper story.

"Hey, I can walk, you know." Linda smiled and tried to get out of his arms.

"Not yet." Bob turned at the middle landing and continued to the top of the stairs. The large bedroom was on the right and Bob carried her right to the bed and put her down.

Leaning over, Bob put both hands to Linda's shoulders to hold her flat and began a warm, slow kiss. His tongue probed at her lips, tapped on her teeth and entered her mouth when she yielded and accepted his advance.

"Mmmmmmmm." Linda moved her head against his moving mouth, taking his tongue, massaging it with her own, pressing to enter Bob's mouth. Her arms circled his back and held him close.

"I love you." Bob nibbled at his wife's lips. One hand slid over her dress and found a breast, fondling the firm flesh lightly. He lay closer, letting his chest rest on her boobs. His other hand caressed down her side to her hip, roaming lower, around the butt and onto the thigh.

Bob knew her body. He had taken her many times before. But the thrill was always strong, his desire urgent as he touched the body again. "I love you so much. So much." His lips kissed over her face, tongue flickering toward her ear. Both hands crawled over her torso, feeling the warm, yielding flesh under her clothes. A swelling started in his dick and he pressed more firmly with his hands.

Linda's arms roamed along her husband's back, aver his sides, whisking to his butt, his thighs.

Linda had wondered how Bob would begin the lovemaking now that they were mated. She knew now and liked it. Direct, simple and very lovely. Pleasure began to pulse in her cunt and she arched her breasts to the man. "Oh, Bob. Bob. Yes. I love you." She began to tingle with anticipation of the wonderful love making to follow. She had been with him dozens of times; each time it seemed to get better.

Bob curled his fingers and slid them along the inside of Linda's leg, under the skirt. His cock was straining in his pants and he shifted to make it less crowded. She seemed as willing as always, her skin smooth where he felt it, the flesh springy to his touch. His hand reached her crotch and he pressed the palm to her pussy, the silk panties sliding under his touch. His balls began to ache with desire and Bob sat up and loosened his tie.

"Bob. Oh, Bob. Yes. I love you." Linda's hands slid under his suit-jacket to caress his chest. His tie came undone at his neck and their fingers met as they both unbuttoned his shin.

"You are so beautiful." Bob gave her another kiss before he stood up. When he got to his feet his stiff prick showed clearly through his trousers. He took off the jacket and shirt, draping them over the back of a chair.

"You'll have to help me with the zipper, honey." Linda stood and turned her back to her husband.

"Glad to." Bob pulled the zipper down to her waist. As she eased out of the dress his hands glided over her slip, cupping under the breasts from behind, holding her close to him, his cock pressing to the small of her back. He left a trail of kisses along her shoulders, savoring the delicate perfume and tender softness of the skin.

Linda pulled the straps of her slip from her shoulders and stepped out of the garment, leaving it rumpled on the floor. Bob's fingers unhooked her bra and she turned to present her breasts to her husband.

Full, high mounds of pale flesh, pink and white, moved toward him. The nipples were already firm, sticking up, the breasts pointing slightly apart, so large they touched at the middle of her chest.

"Oh, God." Bob pulled off his T-shirt and took the woman in his arms. Their bare torso's met and a kiss soon brought full passion racing through them. Bob, ran his hands all over the blonde. He held her close, leaning forward with his hips to let her feel the hardness of his dick.

"Beautiful! Oh, so beautiful." He moved to slide her tits on his skin.

"Love me, Bob. Love me." She kissed him deeply, offering her body, her entire self.

"Yes, yes." He fumbled with the top of her panties.

"I'll do that." Linda stepped back, sat on the edge of the bed and peeled down the pale blue panties and let her nylons fail to the floor.

Naked, Linda stretched back on the bed. "I love you, Bob. I love you."

Bob gazed at his bride's naked figure. She was nineteen, slender, waist trim, legs long. Her gold-blonde hair was natural, matched by a patch of the same color over her pussy. Bob got out of his shoes and dropped his pants. His eyes went over the luscious figure and he slipped out of his shorts. His dick sprang up to full length instantly and Bob put one knee on the bed and advanced toward the woman.

Linda's eyes scanned her husband. Dark, wavy hair, almost black, dark brown eyes, the best feature in a chiseled, almost craggy face. She loved his broad shoulders, the wide chest, two sweeps of dark hair curling over it, blending with the path of dark hair that led over his lean belly into his crotch.

And the cock. Linda had had boyfriends, and a couple of them had gotten her into bed, but nobody had done to her what Bob did to her.

Linda's eyes locked on the long, thick tool as Bob moved toward her and she raised her arms and spread her legs. "Take me," she whispered. "I love you."

Bob's hand closed around one breast and he lay between his wife's legs. He lowered his chest to her boobs, began a passionate kiss and put his dick to her cunt. His hips curled and his rod went up the smooth snatch, probing right through the warm pathway until he was all the way into her. Bob lay very still, savoring the wonderful feelings of his first fully legal and proper fuck. Lots of girls had gone to bed with him, but now it was going to be just Linda. From now on. Linda. His wife!

Bob began to screw, slow stokes, the full length of his hard prick gliding back and forth. Linda melted when the man penetrated her twat. His naked body inflamed her and she clung to him, feeling him breathe; loving the solid feel of his muscles, the hard cock starting to move in her precious love-pit. Warm juice seeped through her box. His cock filled her pussy as completely as his love filled her desires.

"Oh, Bob. Bob." Heat surrounded her as he fucked. His fingers moved along her skin, pressing in from shoulders to tail. His chest mashed her tits and pleasure spun from her clit as his dick moved more strongly up her cunt. "Yes." Lust bloomed steadily in her flesh. Her clit throbbed constantly. Bob drove with more strength, feeling the pleasures increase, his balls starting to whir with lust. The woman moved with him, meeting his thrusts easily, his dick turning hotter with each stroke.

"Bob! Take me. Yes. All of me. All the way. Fuck me. Oh. YES!" She clutched at his ass, drawing him farther up, wanting more strength from his drives.

Bob shoved full force, his hips striking down, sharp flashes of pleasure speeding from his nuts. His crotch swam with passion and he drove right into his climax, not able to hold off, the urgent pressure suddenly alive, his rocks aching as they spewed his jism into the sweet cunt.