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Linda trembled as she felt the force of his climax break on her body. She clung to him, gasping, then soared to a swift peak, calling his name as his cock dug into her pussy and she came with frantic spasms of pure happiness. Her body flexed, arched to him and ecstasy spilled from her clit, her tits aching with pleasure as he finished his heavy thrusts and slowed, still moving his prick in her snatch.

Bob lay slack on his wife, his dick barely sliding around. "I love you." His kiss took his tongue way into her mouth. His hands covered her boobs and he moved his dick around, already starting to make love to her again.

Linda's arms held him, her mouth returning his kiss. She loved the way he made love. "Bob," she sighed, her cunt staying warm around his tool. "Yes. I love you so much."

Bob eased his prick from the snatch. One hand stayed at her tits, the other went to her pussy, feeling for the clit. The tab of flesh quivered when he touched it. Her hips slithered to the side and he added some pressure, bending his head down to kiss one nipple.

Linda rolled slightly to spread her breasts for him. She lay quietly, feeling his hands and tongue work to start the desires stirring inside her again. He didn't have to work hard; she felt the twitches almost at once when he fondled her clit. "It feels so good when you do that. Yes."

"I like it too, you know. I'm really pretty selfish – at least in bed…" He kissed her other tit, his tongue curling around it like honey to a warm stone. Her hands ran over his back and chest, reaching down to touch his moist prick where it lay half-hard across his thigh.

"Do you want me to kiss it?"

"Sure." Bob lay back, sprawling on the bed. Late afternoon light through the east-facing windows spread a film of gold over her as she rolled around to get her mouth to his crotch. His hand held one boob and he moaned as her lips creased his cock.

Linda's lips touched the soft skin. Her mouth opened and her fingers held the shaft while her tongue licked out and touched the pink end of her husband's prick. She put it into her mouth and began to suck lightly, keeping her tongue alive against the shaft until some stiffness came into it. Even the very first time she'd made it with him he did it twice, one right after the other. "Once is never enough for me," he said. And that was always true. It got so that once was not really enough for her, either.

The dick swelled steadily as she sucked. Her fingers toyed with his rocks. Her nose brushed into the patch of curly black hair in his crotch.

"That feels so good honey." His fingers pinched at a nipple.

"Mmmmmmm." She tightened her lips around the firm flesh. The whole rod seemed to pulse on her tongue and she made it shiny, licking from tip to balls.

"Nice. Yeah!" He held her head with one hand and pulled her up for a kiss, rolling her to her back. "You turn me on. All the way." He touched her twat with one finger and lapped down her belly toward her crotch. His fingers slithered over her pussy and he crouched with his head close to the snatch and kissed toward the cunt.

"Ohhhhhhh." A long sigh floated through the air as he began to eat her box. His fingers pressed softly into the tender pink flesh and her desire pulsed. "Bob." She drew the name out like a last breath. "Yes. I love you." Her hands explored his back and chest. Her nipples sent out a faint sweet ache of pleasure. When he touched a breast she quivered with longing and arched her crotch to his face.

Bob entered her twat with his thumb. He bore down on the clit and she let out short squeals of delight. He held his hand in place and kissed up to her tits. His mouth covered one pulsing nipple and he swung onto her, his cock reaching for her cunt.

His hand guided him and he pressed his hard meat into the hole.

"Yes!" Sudden passion flared in Linda's flesh and she hugged her husband with both arms. "Take me, I love you. Oh!" Lust spasmed through her snatch. Her box blazed, the clit white-hot as his crotch beat against it. His long thrusts became a powerful driving force, totally male. "YES!" She loved the feel of his muscles, of the strength of his desire for her. "Bob, Bob." Her legs lifted beside his body, feet thrashing wildly as the pleasures grew more intense. His skilled body drove her to a flaming crest of passion and she hung there helpless under his powerful thrusts. His hands found her breasts. The fingers pinched and she soared into a climax that began in her cunt and ran through to her head. "Oh. Oh, Bob. Bob! BOB!" She clawed at him, grabbing for his butt, forcing him into her, all of his cock digging now as she came and came. Bob's dick did wonderful things all through her pussy. "YES!" Her voice was a thin wail as the passion drowned her.

Bob fucked steadily, in and out now for his own enjoyment. He heaved into the cunt, digging, taking fierce pleasure with his whole prick. His balls burned and he felt the pleasure build in his crotch. Every bit of his tool sliced into the twat and he just let the climax happen, let it swell to breaking, his body filled with the surging lust.

"God!" He dropped his head clamped his fingers to her tits and began to come. The first climax was just a warm-up. Now the full splendor of their love swept through him. He gasped and fire streamed from his nuts. Cum hosed into the sleek pussy. His dick turned to pure heat and he lunged, driving full force, every muscle working for maximum pleasure. Jism gushed and he felt his body drenched with flying ecstasy. His nerves tingled, right to his toes as he got off.

"Oh, God. Linda. Linda!" He grabbed for her with both arms and held her tightly until his desires faded and he could relax and lie still beside his wife. He felt nicely satisfied.

Linda let the happiness spill through her mind. She held her husband with one arm, kissing him lightly as he lay quietly on the bed. Bob was what she wanted. Everything she wanted – and more. Perfect husband, perfect man, perfect lover. Perfect!


They both slept very late the next morning. Bob had been at her, on her, in her most of the night. Linda woke up feeling very relaxed, very happy. Bob stirred beside her, shoving back the coven. She looked at his naked body as he slowly left his sleep. The man had given her passion. And pleasures she never dreamed of. The one night of splendid sex had given her a deeper love for her husband.

"Morning," Bob said slowly. His eyes crept open and he slid an arm around his wife's waist and pulled her close for a kiss, sliding to touch down her full naked length, moving his dick to her pussy. "Oh, Bob." She cuddled to his warm flesh.

"I sure do like your body, lady. What did you say your name was?" He grinned.

"Mazie." She smiled back at him. "And you owe me twenty bucks, mister."

"Sure thing, honey." He swung his feet to the floor and stood up. Bright sunlight streamed into the room, the rays gilding Bob's white butt, turning his tanned torn to dark bronze.

"I love you." She remembered clearly what he had done to her last night. She loved every second of it.

"You're beautiful, babe." Bob walked into the bathroom and closed the door.

Linda got up, put on a filmy nightgown – he'd let her wear it for about ten seconds before he stripped it off and mounted her. She touched her pussy lightly, touched where her husband had taken his full pleasure three times the night before. Plus the two he'd taken earlier in the afternoon. Five times in one day! Linda was amazed. And very pleased that he desired her that much. Very pleased.

Linda brushed her hair back and went down to the kitchen to make some coffee and get breakfast started.

Bob came down later, wearing a bathrobe.

He let her keep the night gown on all through breakfast. Bob was well into his second cup of coffee before he reached for his wife.