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"You bastard." Janet turned, flailing at Bob with her hands. "Let me go."

"No." He dragged her closer, hauling on both legs, twisting her around as she tried to drag herself away.

"Asshole." Janet thrashed against his hauling arms, desperately trying to escape.

With a lunge, Bob got his arms to her waist, making the chains cut deeply into his ankles. "You slimy cunt!" He dragged her closer, moving up on her body as he got a grip on her arms and shoulders.

Linda craned her neck to see clearly. "Kill her! Bob. Bob, kill the bitch! Hit her. Kill her. Kill!" Her voice was shrill, almost feverish. "KILL!"

Bob landed a solid punch to Janet's belly. The woman yelled once and lay sprawled on the carpet.

Bob grabbed both legs and dragged her back toward the wall, giving himself some slack on his chains.

"You asshole. Shit eating son of a bitch." She glared at him.

Bob leaned down and mounted the woman with an animal drive that plunged him all the way into her snatch, his body aching as he started to fuck. His balls hurt, a dull ache that spread up his spine almost to his shoulders. His arms were sore from the long session in the chain, his muscles were tired from the fighting with the woman.

But he fucked with his full force behind every blow. There were dense patches of pleasure spreading from his throbbing cock and he heaved into the box, sweating, gasping, every nerve frayed with passion.

Janet felt him in her, on her, fucking her like a bull. She lay still, feeling pain and fear. She had no fight left, no lust remained in her cunt. She only wanted it to be over.

She was defeated, completely mastered by the man.

Bob plunged up the hole until his head spun with desire. He arched his back, looking down at the woman, her sweaty, blood-streaked form limp on the carpet. A surge of lust spasmed from his crotch and he knew he was going to wine. He leaned closer, taking the tits to his chest, the arms in his hands, spreading the woman on the floor as he began his final drive, ramming into her, bearing down, twisting cruelly into the box at the end of each thrust, the shaft of his prick searing sharply as he fucked harder.

Suddenly, bright heat drenched him. His body tensed. Flares of blinding light burst in his head. He felt the rush of climax engulf his whole body and he shot a wild batch of hot cum into the steamy cunt. Raw lust heaved through his body.

More jism, ripped right out of his balls, boiled along his shrieking cock. The heat scorched his crotch and he came with savage fury, loving the dense thrills that crowded his nuts, that filled his cock with a blinding joy.

Bob gushed man-cream, hosing the woman. His arms tingled with pure desire. More pleasure, solid driving blows of physical ecstasy roared through his dick.

Savage passion gripped him. Primitive ecstasy overwhelmed him. The pleasure was pure sex, totally animal, the full glory of the encounter pounding and pounding until he could not see, could not hear. Only his cock was real. His cock, his balls, and the hot, wet pit that engulfed his cock.

The final few drives slammed into the pussy and Bob slumped away, drained, gasping far air. His lungs hurt, his back ached and he collapsed on the floor, exhausted.


Stunned by the furious beauty of his orgasm, Bob lay on the floor. For a long time the only sound in the room was his heavy breathing and Janet's gasps for air. She groaned once and rolled to her side, holding a hand over her aching pussy.

Slowly, Bob got up to his hands and knees, head hanging as he came back to reality. He knew he had never had sex like that before. Never had so much pleasure from screwing – never dreamed that so much enjoyment was possible.

Gradually his breathing returned to normal and he sat on the floor, chains tangled around his feet.

Blood smeared him from face to crotch. He looked at Janet. Blood streaked her from neck to knees.

"Bob. Bob, are you all right?" Linda asked.

"Yeah. Fine." He did not look at her.

"I need a drink," Janet said.

"I'll get it." Dan stood up and moved to the small bar.

Bob watched closely as the man fixed the drink and brought it to the woman.

Janet turned over and sat up, scooting away from Bob, before she gulped down half of the tall drink in one long swallow.

"Ahh, yeah. Thanks." She took another gulp of the drink.

"Okay." Dan moved away.

"Now will you let us go?" Linda asked. "What more can you want from us?"

Bob unwrapped the tangled chains from his ankles and sat with his arms propping him up, knees bent up close in front of his chest.

"Please let us go," Linda said. "Oh, please!"

"You might as well. Dan's all washed up. We all know he's no kind of a man," Bob said slowly. "We all know that, don't we, Dan? You're not much of a man at all." He firmed his hands into fists behind his back. "No kind of a man at all!"

"You shut up. Just shut your fucking mouth." He moved closer to Bob.

"You make me. But you're not even man enough for that. Not even with my legs chained to the floor."

"Just watch your ass, that's all. Just watch out."

Dan came closer, picking up the whip.

"I'm more of a man than you are, Dan. I proved that. Proved it but good."

"You bastard." Dan stood over Bob, whip poised to strike.

Bob kicked, both feet right together. He caught Dan square in the balls.

"Aaaarrrrnnngh!" Dan howled as the kick doubled him, his crotch a pit of pure agony.

"Shit!" Bob lunged, both fists flying. He landed a hard punch to the man's nose as Dan redoubled, clutching his balls. Bob leaped and caught Dan on the side of the head as the man fell to the floor in a heap, yelling, his nose spread across his face, blood seeping down over his mouth and chin.

Bob grabbed the man by the arm, twisted the hand up viciously behind the guy's back and hauled him close.

"Mother-fucker!" He jammed the arm up higher. Dan cried out with new pain. The arm almost left the socket. "Untie my legs. Now, damn it. I'll break your arm. Untie me, you shit eater." He jerked twice more on the arm.

"Oh, God." Dan tried to twist away.

"Damn it." Bob's other arm caught the man across the throat and he began a choke-hold, squeezing the windpipe steadily. "Untie my God damned legs. Now, you son of a bitch. Do it!" He hunched over the man's back.

"I… okay, okay," he gasped, choking as the arm squashed his neck. "Take it easy. God damn, you're killing me."

"Just take the fucking chains off. Now." He jerked on the pinned arm.

"Yes. Oh, God. Okay." Dan fumbled for the chains.

Bob relaxed his holds but kept the man in a tight grip.

Janet took up the whip and crept around behind Bob. She lifted the lash and he whirled, throwing Dan at her, almost ripping the man's arm out of his body.

"Ahhrrnggn!" Dan gave a strangled screw of pure pain.

"Put it down, Janet. Just stand still or I'll kill him. Right here and now. Do it. Just stand still."

"I…" she lowered the whip.

"Do it. For God's sake. He'll kill me," Dan gasped.

"Okay." Janet dropped the whip and moved back.

"Mow, take off the chains." Bob forced the man's head down toward the floor.

"Yes." Dan fumbled with the links. He got one set-screw loose, then twisted the restraining wire free. His fingers tightened on the second screw and the cuff slowly came open.

"The other one. Hurry up, God damn it." Bob flexed his legs slowly.

"I'm doing it, man." Dan got the other leg free. "There. That's better." Bob took a step back, releasing his hold. He watched as the man got to his feet. He reached out, took Dan by the shoulder, turned him around and bit him right on the jaw, the punch with the full force of his body behind it. Dan sprawled back, falling without a cry to the floor, knocked out.