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"Bob," Linda gasped when she saw her husband was free.

Janet shrank back when Bob looked at her, unable to meet his eyes.

"Linda. God, oh, Linda." Bob ran to his wife.

"Bob, Bob." Linda started to cry as he fumbled with the straps on her wrists.

"Linda, oh, God. Linda. Are you all right? Jesus, what they did to you. Christ. I'm sorry. God. Oh, Linda." He got her hands free and turned to undo her legs.

"Oh, Bob. Bob. I love you." She tried to sit up but the straps still held her to the bench, the chains biting in round her tits when she moved. "Hurry. Please. Get these off me. Please."

"Yes, I will." Bob got her legs free and helped her sit up as he took the chains from the ring in the middle of her back and removed the metal circles from her boobs.

"Bob. Oh, God. Oh." She clung to him, shuddering. "Just hold me. Please. Hold me. Just hold me. Please."

"I know. It's over. It's all over, honey. We can go home. Get away from here. Leave this place. It's over. It's all over now. It'll be like before. Like it never happened." He stroked her blonde hair softly. "I love you."

"Bob, Bob." She sobbed on his shoulder, holding him close.

"Come on." He started to get up. "Let's get out of here. We'll call the cops from our cabin. These creeps are going to jail for a long, long time."

"Bob… I… no. No cops." Linda clung to him.

"No cops? Why the hell not? After what they did to you? Did to us?"

"No… I… I don't want to have to… to tell anyone. Not ever. It was… oh, God. So awful. I don't want to talk about it. Not to cops. No."

"I… well… I guess if you want to."

"Please, Bob. I just want to forget it. Forget it ever happened. Please."

"I… okay. But let's get the hell out of here. Now." He started looking around for their clothes.

"That's good, Bob," Janet said. "About not calling the cops. You see, you went along with it."

"Like hell!"

"I've got your cum in my pussy. That'll show up in any lab test. And how the hell will you explain that? Huh?"

"Bob. Let's go. Just go from here. Please." Linda covered herself with the remains of her blouse and tried to straighten her capris out enough to put them on.

"You are sure one slimy cunt, Janet." Bob found his jeans and slid into them.

"You ought to know, Bob. You sure seemed to like it when you were fucking me. Liked it a hell of a lot."

"I did that to get loose. It was all a plan. The whole thing. And when I made fun of Dan, that was to get him close enough for me to take him. It worked. I got you turned on and you untied my arms. Then I punched Dan out and he undid my legs. All part of the plan."

"I figured as much. But you didn't figure on one part of it, Bob."

"What the hell are you talking about? I set it up, the whole thing, and it worked. It got me loose. Got us free."

"Sure. But you didn't know how much you were going to like it."

Bob looked away from her. She was right. "You liked it, Bob. You liked it one hell of a lot saw your face when you came. You loved it. You got your rocks off like you never did before. I saw it, Bob. Written all aver your face. I saw it, Bob."

"You're full of shit." He found the remains of his ripped shirt and threw it away. "Let's go, honey. I want to get the hell out of here."

"Yes. I'm ready." Linda stood beside her husband, holding on to his arm with both hands. "I hate this place."

"All right, Bob. I'm right and you know I'm right. You liked it. You're one of us, now."

"Bullshit!" Bob turned toward the door. "You're one of us, Bob. One of us. One of us." She kept repeating the words as Bob led Linda out to the car.

"She's crazy. Just crazy." Bob helped Linda into the car. "It's over." He got in beside her and started the car. "Over and finished. Done." Bob drove down the mountain road toward their cabin.

"Just hold me." Linda said to him, one arm going over his shoulders. "I love you." She caressed his arm.

"You are so… I don't know… I… I just love you. God, so much."

Linda snuggled against her husband all the way to their cabin.

Bob helped her inside, moving beside her until they were in their bedroom. He let her go into the bathroom and stripped off his jeans and lay on the bed in his bathrobe.

Bob knew Janet had been right. He had loved the feel of his body when he fucked her. And he had loved the massive passions that crashed out of his crotch. He loved the savage sexual thrills… loved every part of the encounter with her.

And he wondered if he… if Linda would be able to satisfy him again. Would she be able to give him the kind of pleasure he knew about now?

Linda spent a long time in the bathroom, cleaning the most intimate parts of her body thoroughly. The long night had left her exhausted and frightened. There were lingering aches in different parts of her body.

She had shut her eyes through most of the things they had endured, but occasionally she looked. One sight she knew she would never forget: Bob with Janet, heaving desperately into her, their blood-smeared bodies glued together. His face blazing with ecstasy – ecstasy beyond anything she had ever seen there when he screwed her.

Linda knew that somehow, someway, she would have to give Bob that same degree of pleasure. She would have to do that if she was going to keep him around for very long.

Drawing the bathrobe closely around her, she went back to the bedroom.

"Thank you, honey. For letting me go first. I feel better now. All the filth washed away." She sat on the bed beside him. "How do you feel?"

"Tired. Washed out. Exhausted."

"I'll fix you something to eat if you want me to."

"No. That's okay. I just want to get cleaned up and get some sleep. About three weeks worth." He swung his legs to the floor and got up, keeping the robe closed to hide the blood that clung to his skin. "I won't be long."

"That's okay, honey. I'm not scared now. It's all over and behind us and we can forget all about it."

"Yeah, I gum so." Bob went to the bathroom. The shower stung where it hit against the dozens of small cuts. But all the bleeding had stopped and he washed carefully, cleaning the sweat, the smell of the woman's body, from his skin. He laid an extra batch of lather over his balls and dick.

A long rinse with the warm water gushing and he felt more relaxed.

Linda was curled under the blankets when he went into the bedroom, the light dim, just spilling from the hallway. He left the light on and crawled under the coven beside his wife. There was a slow kiss, an embrace and he fell asleep.

It was nearly noon when Linda woke up, feeling stiff and achy. She looked at Bob, asleep beside her, face down, head turned away from her, pressed into his pillow. She slid carefully from the bed and put on her robe. Going to the kitchen she had to pass Uncle Frank's storage room and she shuddered, keeping far away from the padlocked door.

Linda fixed a large breakfast, sausage, eggs, sweet rolls, juice and coffee and put it on a big tray to carry up to her husband.

She knocked a cup on a saucer by accident and the man stirred as she came through the bedroom door.

"Mmmmmnnnnnnrgnnh?" Bob barely moved his head around.

"Good morning," Linda said quietly. "How are you?"

"I'm… fine." He opened one eye, peering around carefully until he saw her, advancing with a cup of steaming coffee for him. "Good morning." Bob turned slowly, moving so his muscles did not ache too much.

"Did you sleep well?" She handed him the cup.

"Yes." He took a small sip of the coffee. "How about you?" He looked, at her closely.

"Fine. I feel a lot better." She fixed plates of food for them both and carded them to the bed.

"This is real nice of you, honey. Thanks." He gave hem a little kiss on the forehead when he took the plate.