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Spreading the filmy red garment with one hand, Bob put his fingers around a tit and tugged until there was a response in the flesh. He opened his robe to show off his rising dick. "How about we take a shower?" He touched her pussy.

"Oh, yes." She let the gown float to the floor, standing naked in front of the man. One finger entered her snatch and the lust began to grow. She saw his cock, all the way up as he stood, shedding his robe.

"I want you." He pulled her to him for a kiss, touching his hard-on to her cunt.

"Mmmmmmm, yes." She shoved her boobs to him and held his ass with both hands, rotating her crotch against his prick, physical desire running through her veins. "Bob!"

"Upstairs." He held her hand and turned to go to the bathroom. The last steps were taken almost at a run. He turned the shower on full force and hugged his wife, waiting for the water to run hot.

"You are so damn sexy." He pulled her with him into the streaming water. The flow drenched them, plastering her hair to her head, running down between her breasts, making a small river over her pussy. His body came close, closer, touching the wet flesh, holding it, a kiss making live passion soar as they touched, hugging, the shower just barely big enough.

Bob grabbed the soap and began to foam lather over Linda's breasts. She moaned, giggled, squealed and sighed when his hands pasted wads of thick bubbles to her snatch. She grabbed the soap away and smeared it down his chest, massaging his belly for a moment before she spread the lather all around on his thick cock. Suds plopped to the tile from his balls. He ran the foamy white bubbles around to her back, coating her round ass completely, touching right into the crack. He smeared more down her thighs, then kissed her wetly as she covered his back with soap.

Bob's cock ran up and down across her clit, making trails of lust rasp through her flesh. She clung to him, dropped the soap and wiggled to his slippery form with total desire, her lust whipping at her legs, rampaging in her head. His muscles tightened and he leaned in, crushing her to him holding the slithery body with his arms, not quite able to get a tight grip.

"BOB!" He was in her, dining up with his prick. His hands slid to her waist, fingers pressing into the wet flesh.

He fucked carefully for a moment until he was sure of the position, then let go and heaved up, lifting the woman to him.

"Ohhhhh!" Sudden stabs of brisk happiness pinged through her cunt. Her clit thrashed with passion and she felt his heavy drives. "OOOHHH!!" The climax hit with quick pangs of ecstasy, short, sharp piercing moments of delight intense, flaring for a moment, then more, bigger bunts.

Bob kept it up as long as he could, then plunged into a fast, heavy orgasm, cock very hard, balls tight to his crotch, the jism in jolts as it tore through his dick.

The session was pure lust, love taking a back seat to physical need. Bob relaxed and let his tool slip free of the cunt.

"Yeah." He leaned against the wall of the shower, water hosing over his chest.

"I… God, Bob. Don't you ever stop?"

"Do you want me to?"

"No! No way." She kissed him, smearing her tits on his dripping torso. She caressed his balls and kissed him deeply. "You are the world's sexiest man. For real."

"You've made a survey, I suppose. Taken extensive samples for comparison."

"No, dummy. That's not it and you know it." She pinched his chest lightly.

"Well I know this much, you turn me on but for real!" The water sloshed over their heads. It took a while, but they finally got out of the shower.

By early afternoon, Linda had managed to get their things put away and straightened the cabin into some kind of regular neatness.

When she put the broom back into the little cubbyhole behind the sink her hand knocked a key on a string to the floor. She picked it up and looked around, trying to see what door it fitted. The key was too small for use on the front or back doom and they were the only locks in the place. Except for the padlock on one of the storage rooms.

Linda needed three steps to get to the storage room door. The key fit and the lock popped open. A string hung down almost to her face as she opened the door. She pulled it and a light went on. "Oh. Oh, oh dear."

The walls of the room were lined with chains, ropes, shackles, handcuffs, leather belts and straps; a rack of whips on the far wall took her attention. "Bob a… Bob! Can you come here? Look at all this stuff." Linda pushed the door wide open and stepped inside. A pile of magazines, naked women in ropes and chains on the coven, stood near one corner.

"Bob… Bob, come take a look at this. It's incredible." She fingered some of the chains gingerly.

"Huh? What is it, honey?" He stopped in the door, taking it all in slowly.

"See? All this. It must be Uncle Frank's stuff."

"I'll be damned." He took a step inside. "Christ, look at all this. Chains… whips… straps… Jesus, your uncle sure must be kinky. Look at this stuff." He picked up a magazine and leafed through it.

"No wonder he keeps the room locked up. This is… I don't know what it is… weird, anyway."

"Bondage. That's what it's called. Some guys like to tie women up before they screw them. Look." He showed Linda the magazine. Women dripping chains, their flesh twisted by straps tied tightly, breasts crushed by belts.

"I sure wouldn't want to try that! Do… do you want stuff like that?"

"I like it just the way we do it. Plain and good and lots of it." He looked at another magazine.

"I never knew this about Uncle Frank. I never even dreamed he'd go for something like this."

"Whatever gets you turned on, I suppose." Bob looked at more pictures.

"Hey, here. What's this?" She took a cardboard box from a shelf behind the door. "Look!" She held up a gigantic dildo, two feet long, as thick as a baseball bat. "Isn't that the craziest thing. Look at it." She held it close to her husband's face.

"Hey, have I got to live up to that?" The dildo was flesh pink, an exact copy of a hard-on.

"Uh, well… now that I look at it." She held the base to her husband's crotch, making it stand up like a real erection. "Maybe that might be kind of fun. Yeah."

"And maybe I'll throw you down and use this on you." He took a set of chains from the wall, rusty iron cuffs it the end. "Maybe that would be fun, too." He smiled broadly.

"There's more in here." She fumbled through the box. "Look!" She held up two more dildos. Closer to normal size, but one was rough, almost like a pine-cone, the other had short spikes set all around it, very thick, the end wider than a doorknob.

"God damn!" Bob stared at the fake cocks. "I'll sure have to take a close look at Uncle Frank the next time I see him."

"Bob, be nice. He did lend us the cabin. And we really shouldn't be in here at all. He did have it locked up."

"Okay… But please, don't say anything. Okay?"

"All right. I won't if you won't." He looked through another magazine. "Some of this photography is pretty good. Nice clear focus. Good color, too. Sharp."

"Sure. That's what you look at them for. Like art."

"Well, I've never seen stuff like this before."

"Neither have I." She looked at the bristly prick closely. "I wonder what Uncle Frank uses this for?"

"For screwing. If he can't get it up, at least he can put something in the poor girl."

"Maybe so. I wonder what it would feel like."


"Well. I can think about it, can't I?" She touched the tip of the dildo to her crotch.

"If you'd rather have that than me, well, I guess there's just no hope for our marriage," he said lightly.

"With something like this, maybe I wouldn't need a husband." She stuck her tongue out at him.

Bob raffled a pair of chrome-plated handcuffs at her. "I'll show you who's boss around here. Chain you to the wall and put it to you when I feel like it."