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"Hey, how about we try some of this stuff? See what Uncle Frank gets out of it. Just a little. What do you say?"

"I'm happy now." She licked at his stomach.

"Just once. What the hell? Okay?"

"Well… if you want to. Maybe… just a little. It's kind of scary."

"It'll just be for fun. Just do a little. And we'll stop any time you say so." Bob stood up. "Maybe just tie your hands. Yeah." He took the chrome-plated handcuffs from their peg. "Here, honey."

"What do I do with these?" She held them like they might bite.

"Put it on your wrist." Bob picked up the whip she had dropped. "I'll show you who the true master is." He cracked it in the air.

"Is this right?" She held up one arm, the sparkling metal dangling from the wrist.

"That's good. Yeah." He fucked the handle of the whip under his arm and took a leather belt from the other wall. "How's this look?" He stretched the wide belt across his stomach. Black nail heads gleamed from the surface of the shiny brown leather.

"It's kind of… sexy. Yeah. Makes you look fierce. It really does."

"Okay." Bob slung the belt around and buckled the four narrow straps on his side, puffing it down tightly so some flesh bulged at the top and bottom. "Like that, Linda?"

"I kind of do. Yeah." She looked at him, new desire beginning to pow as she saw the muscular power of his body highlighted by the leather.

Bob sorted through some of the other equipment. "You need some leather, too."

"Like what?" She looked around the room.

"Maybe… here. This should do it." He took a tangled harness and handed it to Linda. "Put it on, honey. See how it looks."

"What is it, anyway?" She held up the straps, frying to figure out which way it went.

"I think it's sort of a girdle thing. Look. Your legs go through here. Like this." He held the equipment for her, stretching the snaps apart.

"Oh, yeah. Like panty hose, only just for my thighs. Yeah." She put one leg through and stepped into the other half of the harness, hauling it up so it clung around the top of her legs. A patch of leather stuck just below her cunt. A pair of belts ran up from the leg loops, a wide strap with brass buckles fastened to them to go around her waist. "This is kind of wild." Linda cinched the strap across her belly.

"Yeah. I kind of like that." He ran his hand over her pussy, touching the leather patch below it.

"What's this for?" Linda touched a couple of the rings that hung from the straps on the sides.

"I guess to tie things to. Thongs or ropes… something like that. They're set in with rivets." He tugged at the rings. "Or maybe they're just to get a good grip. Like this." He ran his fingers through the rings at her hips and drew her to him, touching his dick to her snatch. "You know, this could be real handy." He kissed a tit and slid his tool on her warm twat. "Nice." His arms crushed her body to his.

"It is kind of nice." The straps pressed into her skin. She got her fingers to his broad belt and hauled them more firmly together, the studding on his leather cool on her flesh.

"I can see where a guy might really go for some of this stuff." He made fuck-moves toward her box.

Linda spread her legs and the dick touched inside. "It is sexy, somehow." She warmed to him, feeling light pricks of delight with her cunt.

"Reilly!" He let her feel more prick, crouching a little to move in securely. His knees brushed the inside of her thighs and he eased more cock into the cunt.

"Do you want to go upstairs?" She caressed his butt and nibbled at one ear.

"No. Not yet, anyway. I'd like to play with some of this stuff for a while."

"Okay. Anything you want."

Bob carefully made a few slow strokes with his rod, both hands massaging her boobs. Lust washed over his crotch. "I sure do love your body." He put all of his tool into her.

"I love you. All of you, Bob." She kissed his head.

"You need something for your breasts." Bob withdrew from the box. "You've got leather, so how about… chains."

"Hey, take it easy."

"It's okay. I'll just sort of drape them around you. Not tight or anything." He picked up a length of steel chains and laid it across her chest, going from one shoulder down between the mounds toward the opposite hip. "See. That's what these rings are for." He wrapped the chain through the circle. Another length of chain was draped crossways, tied off to the other hip.

Bob stepped behind his wife and took the hanging ends of chain below her shoulders, crossed them and wrapped them under the belt across her waist, tugging to make them slightly taut. "Is that comfortable for you?"

"It's okay. Kind of chilly, bout it's warming up." She looked around at him. "How do I look?"

"You look sexy as hell." His hands cruised over her tits. The links held the boobs apart. The nipples hardened against his touch and he bore down until she gave a small moan. He tugged at the chain, pulling the breasts farther apart.

"Just bitchin'." Bob covered one tit with his mouth, sucking at the firm nipple. His hand followed the chain down to her leg, then moved across to her snatch. The cunt firmed instantly when his thumb caressed it and he curled a finger into the pussy.

"Mmmmm, Bob. Bob." Desire twitched from her snatch. She touched her husband from chest to crotch, fondling the heavy balls, stoking the hard prick. His mouth went to her opposite tit and her pleasure deepened. A second finger went into her box and she felt the warm flow of cream begin.

"Why don't you lie down?" Bob whispered. "Right on the floor." He pushed her back.


"Sure. Might as well do it all the way with the gear." He guided her butt until it touched the boards. As she stretched out he crouched between her legs, the end of his dick brushing over the broad leather strap across his belly. "Sexy as hell." He lowered himself until his chest dipped to her tits and his dick touched her snatch.

Bob went into the cunt with a quick jab. The hist raced from his crotch and he fucked with strong drives, jamming into the tight tunnel. His hands got to the rings at her hips and he pulled up, forcing her crotch to his, making her take all of his dick. He felt the chains on her torso rub on his skin and slithered against them. His arms held her hips in a solid grip and he screwed faster, more energy behind the drives, his legs braced on the floor.

"God damn." Bob loved the wild feelings that swirled through his body. "Shit. Oh. This is great. Oh, yeah!" He shoved full strength into his wife. "God damn!"

"Bob. Oh. Hey, yes! I like it when you do that." Her passion soared when she felt his strength drive against her. She sensed the power of his lust and the heat stung out of her clit.

Bob grunted as his lust surged. Spasms of frantic desire burst and he hammered at the woman. Need, pure physical longing, took control and he felt the wild pleasures crush his crotch into a field of live fire. One soaring crest of total pleasure shimmered from his head to his balls and he leaped into his climax, thrashing, arms like steel bars holding the woman to him, cock fining as it hosed cum into the soft twat. Ripples of ecstasy passed through his flesh.

"Bob. Bob!" Linda clawed at the man as he came, the handcuff slapping on his shoulders and arms. She clung to him with both arms, desperately hugging his heaving form. She arched into orgasm, howling as the pleasures crashed through her body. Her tits ached for a moment, then sweet passion smoothed the need and she lay back still, deeply happy. "Oooooh, Bob." She sighed, her arms limp on his back. "So strong. Oh, I love you."

"It was pretty damn good, huh?" Bob was surprised at how much he had enjoyed the session. He slid his prick from her and sat on the floor by her side.

"Was it okay for you?"

"Yes. It was… well, it was good. Very good."

"I'm glad." He kissed her lightly. "I didn't want to hurt you, but it felt so great and I… well, I just went ahead and screwed."