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"Good. You're supposed to." Linda sat up. "Was it a problem with all this gear on you?" He started taking off the chains.

"No. I kind of liked it. Different. But I sure wouldn't want it all the time." She unbuckled the straps at her waist.

"I guess not. It's kind of complicated. And takes some of the fun out of it. I kind of like it when we… well, just do it. Naturally. When we feel like it."

"SO do I." She kissed him again.

"With all this stuff, you have to plan it out in advance. It loses something. Makes it um… I don't know… deliberate somehow… calculated."

"Like a plot."

"Right. That's it." He helped her to get up, holding the straps so she could step out of them.

"But it was fun," Linda said.

"Yeah. It sure as hell was." He took the handcuff from her wrist and hung it back on the peg. "Lot of fun." He took her in his arms. "But it's fun with you just plain naked, too. Like this." He touched her full length as they embraced, tongue moving into her mouth, dick brushing her pussy.

"You're right. It is fun just like this." Linda returned his kiss softly, touching her tits to him.

"We'd better try to get this stuff back in place. I'll bet Uncle Frank knows where it all goes."

"He probably does. But I think I remember pretty much where it all belongs. I'll take care of it. You go get a beer or something." Linda picked up some of the gear.

"Okay. Since you put it that way." Bob patted her butt before he left the room.

Linda gathered the dildos and took the box from the shelf. She started to put the fake pricks away but took a closer look at them first. The bristly one felt heavy in her hand, warmer than before and she turned it all around, looking at the slender spines that surrounded it. She touched the smooth end to her skin, dipping it toward her crotch. She looked around to make sure Bob was out of sight and touched the dildo to her cunt. Just for a second. She held it there longer, adding pressure. She spread her lets and eased a couple of inches into her box. The tool spread her snatch and she had to shove and try to relax at the same time. More went in, dragging on her clit, the thin fingers fucking at the clit as they passed.

The pressure increased, tight through her snatch. Linda let go of the instrument and it stayed in place. She brought her legs slowly together, feeling the spines dig into her flesh, tinglings flaring through her skin. She touched the base of the prick, moving it farther up. For a moment she thought she should pull it out and put it away, then decided to see if she could take it all into her body. Her hand shoved steadily and she spread her legs, receiving more of the plastic organ, almost half of it in place now. There was a brisk flash of pleasure from her clit and she pressed harder, taking more of the dildo, urging it deeper into her snatch. The walls of the channel stretched and the rest of the plastic device entered until only the base showed.

Linda felt stuffed. The dildo bulged out the front of her crotch. It warmed and her pussy glowed slightly around the large prick. It was longer than Bob's, and thicker, easily the largest thing she had ever had up there – ever.

For a moment she just stood still, then began to move the dildo back and forth. There was just pressure for a while, then pleasure started to show, tripping along her nerves. Linda moved the tool faster and the pleasure began to hum right in her crotch.

A sharp flash of enjoyment sped, from her clit. "Oh." Linda stopped moving. She touched the plastic lightly, then took hold of the bottom and drew it slowly out of her body.

Her cunt belonged to Bob. Nobody else had any business up there. Nothing but his cock belonged inside her. Nothing.

Linda put all the dildos back into their box and put it carefully on the shelf. She put the rest of the bondage gear back where it belonged.

Linda dressed carefully and left the room, closing the door after she put out the light. She locked it carefully with the padlock and went to the kitchen to replace the key.

Bob was out an the sun deck and she got a beer and went out to join her husband. He was all she wanted. No need for fakes when the real thing came attached to the man she loved.


Bob slid his moist prick from Linda's pussy and wiled to his side, caressing her tits slowly, pleasure still lingering in his crotch.

"I sure do like to make love to you." He kissed a nipple and then her lips. "Just beautiful." The session had been long, deeply felt. He relaxed and just lay still, one arm carelessly draped across her belly.

"It keeps getting better. Sometimes I think my head will explode or something."

"I know what you mean."

"I hope it keeps on getting better. All the time now. Keeps on getting better forever."

"I hope so too." He closed his eyes. "That'd sure be great. Until we both dropped dead. Here lies Bob and Linda. Dead from fucking."

"Oh, that won't happen." She snuggled closer to him. "It will just be more perfect. You know it will?"

"Maybe. We'll just have to wait and see."

Linda was waiting to see if he would begin to make love to her again, the way he had the night before. She looked at his body, the pale light from one small lamp pooling on his torso. "You are the handsomest man in the world."

"Thank you." A smile snuck across his mouth.

"And the sexiest." She traced a small circle through the hairs on his chest with one finger.

"Thank you!" He looked at her briefly. "With somebody like you, any guy could turn out to be sexy. You are sure a turn-on." His hand slid down over her hip.

Linda curled more to her side, easing against her husband, her tit rising on the edge of his chest.

Bob's fingers reached over and touched it lightly, just playing on the very closest part.

A faint stir of desire whispered through her snatch. Linda moved her hand lower, feeling the lean firmness of the man's body. The lust stirred more definitely and she let her hand ride down over his dick.

Bob spread his legs and pressed down on her boob. "You're turning into some kind of a nymphomaniac."

"It's you that's turning me into a nymphomaniac, Bob. You and your great cock." Her hand closed around his prick.

"You sound like you need servicing." He closed his fingers around her breast.

"I need you." She massaged his shaft. "I need your big, hard cock. Oh, I need it." Her hand tugged at his organ, trying to make it rise. "I need it!" Her other hand groped for his rocks.

"Easy, don't damage the merchandise." He took his hand from her chest and lay sprawled limply on the bed. He had counted on another session or two for the night, but as long as she had started on her own, he decided to go along with it. "If you want hard dick, you'll have to work for it." Bob plumped the pillow under his head and closed his eyes.

"Okay. I will." Linda crawled around and lowered her head to his crotch. She took the full dick in with one gulp and sucked furiously, making the meat drip with spit. The rich, musky smells of the man's crotch filled her nose and she moved her tongue rapidly along the delicate skin. It was the first time she had ever started a session – with Bob or anybody else. It was very exciting and her nipples hardened swiftly, a pulse of lust forming right in the middle of her snatch. More desire entered her box and she slung one knee over his torso and crouched, straddling him, her tits dragging on his gut as she kept sucking cock. She clamped her legs to him and smeared her pussy to his chest.

The prick thickened in her mouth and she sucked slowly all along the rising length. Heat washed from her twat and she ground her clit against the firm muscles of her husband's body. His cock got longer, digging into her throat as she tightened her lips and swallowed the thick rod. Her hands ran over his legs, touched under his balls, felt for his belly, raked his skin as the dick became a full hard-on and she sucked all of it down.