samseksemulo/samseksemulino: a gay man/woman
sekso: sex
strangulo: weirdo
Universala Kongreso: annual worldwide UEA congress
Unua Libro: “First Book,” the inaugural 1887 pamphlet
Usono: United States
Usonozo: United States sickness
Acronyms and Abbreviations
ASE: Asocio de Sovietaj Esperantistoj // Association of Soviet
BEA (now EBA): Brita Esperanto-Asocio // Esperanto Association of
CED: Centro de Esploro kaj Dokumentado pri Mondaj Lingvaj //
Center for Research and Documentation of World Language
ĈEL: Ĉina Esperanto-Ligo // Chinese Esperanto League
CO: Centra Oficejo // Central Office (Rotterdam)
E@I: Edukado@Interreto // Education@Internet
EANA: Esperanto-Asocio de Nord-Ameriko // Esperanto Association of
North America
ELNA: Esperanto Ligo de Nord Ameriko // Esperanto League for
North America (see E-USA)
E-USA: Esperanto USA
ESF: Fondaĵo pri Esperantaj Studoj // Esperantic Studies Foundation
GEA: Germana Esperanto-Asocio // German Esperanto Association
GLAT: Gejoj, Lesbaninoj, Ambaŭseksemuloj, Transgenruloj // LGBT
GLEA: Germana Laborista Esperanto Asocio // German Labor
Esperanto Association
HeKo(j): Heroldo Kommuniko(j) // Heroldo Communique(s)
IEL: Internacia Esperanto-Ligo//International Esperanto League
IJK: Internacia Junulara Kongreso // International Youth Congress
IKU: Internacia Kongresa Universitato // International Congress
JEA: Japana Esperantista Asocio // Japan Esperantist Association
KCE: Kultura Centro de Esperanto // Esperanto Cultural Center (La
Chaux-de-Fonds, Switzerland)
KVA: Komisiono por Virina Agado // Commission for Women’s
LF-Koop: Literatura Foiro Cooperative
LIBE: Ligo Internacia de Blindaj Esperantistoj // International
League of Blind Esperantists
LSG: Ligo de Samseksamaj Geesperantistoj // League of Gay
(“Same-Sex-Loving”) Esperantists
MEM: Mondpaca Esperantista Movado // Esperanto Movement for
World Peace
NASK: Nord-Amerika Somera Kursaro // North American Summer
Esperanto Institute
NEM: Neutrala Esperanto Movado // Neutral Esperanto Movement
PIV: Plena Ilustrita Vortaro // Complete Il ustrated Dictionary
PVZ: Plena Verkaro de Zamenhof // Complete Works of Zamenhof
SAT: Sennacieca Asocio Tutmonda // World Anational Association
SEJM: Sovetia Esperanto Junulara Movado // Soviet Esperanto
Youth Movement
SEU: Sovetrespublikara Esperantista Unio // Esperanto Union of the
SkE: Sekso kaj Egaleco // Sex and Equality
TEJO: Tutmonda Esperantista Junulara Organizo // Worldwide
Esperanto Youth Organization
TTT: Tut-Tera Teksaĵo // World Wide Web
UDEV: Unuiĝo de Esperantistaj Virinoj // Union of Esperantist
UEA: Universala Esperanto Asocio // Universal Esperanto
UK: Universala Kongreso // Universal Congress
VEA: Vjetnama Esperanto-Asocio // Vietnam Esperanto Association
1. Roberto Garvía, Esperanto and Its Rivals: The Struggle for an International Language (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2015), 128.
2. Sidney
1989., accessed 9 Feb. 2014. See
also Donald J. Harlow to Bob Petry, 16 Mar. 1999.
A2=ind9903C&L=AUXLANG&F=&S=&P=9580, accessed 9 Feb. 2014.
3. Mike Lewis, “Quirky Linguist Loved Life, and Ruth for 70 years,” Seattle Post-Intel igencer, 15 Nov. 2003.
Part I: The Dream of a Universal Language
1. Umberto Eco, The Search for the Perfect Language, trans. James Fentress (Oxford, UK: Blackwel , 1997), passim.
2. Rhodri Lewis, Language, Mind and Nature: Artificial Languages in England from Bacon to Locke (Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2007), 170.
3. John Locke, An Essay Concerning Human Understanding (New York: Col ins, 1964), 262.
4. Ibid., 292, 302, 302–3.
5. Ibid., 261.
6. Robert Darnton, “What Was Revolutionary About the French Revolution?” New York Review
the-french-revolution/?insrc=toc, accessed 14 Mar. 2012.
7. George Steiner, After Babeclass="underline" Aspects of Language and Translation (Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, 1977), 82.
8. Garvía, Esperanto and Its Rivals, 64.
9. Giacomo Leopardi, letter of 23 Aug. 1823, quoted in Eco, Search, 303.
10. Andrew Large, The Artificial Language Movement (Oxford, UK: Blackwel , 1985), 51.
11. “Volapük in Danger,” New York Times, 11 Dec. 1887, 4.
12. Large, Artificial Language, 68.
13. Donald
Language,”, accessed 19 Jan. 2010.
14. Garvía, Esperanto and Its Rivals, 26.
15. Ibid., 31.
16. W. J. Clark, International Language: Past, Present and Future (London: J. M. Dent, 1907), 95,;view=1up;seq=111,
accessed 19 Jan. 2010.
17. L. L. Zamenhof to N[ikolai] Borovko, 189[6], Originala Verkaro, ed. Joh. Dietterle (Leipzig: Ferdinand Hirt, 1929) [trans. from Russian to Esperanto], 418.
18. Johan Derks, “How ‘International’ Is Your Word?” Fiat Lingua,
content/uploads/2012/11/fl-00000F-00.pdf, accessed 12 Feb. 2014.
19. Ludovic Lazarus Zamenhof, Doctor Esperanto’s International Language, trans. R. H.
Geoghegan, ed. Gene Keys, 1889, Part II,,
accessed 13 Feb. 2014.
20. L. L. Zamenhof to Borovko, 189[6], Originala Verkaro, 421.
Part II: Doktoro Esperanto and the Shadow People
1. L. L. Zamenhof to [Alfred] Michaux, 21 Feb. 1905, in Mi Estas Homo, ed. Aleksander Korĵenkov (Kaliningrad: Sezono, 2006), 100.
2. L. L. Zamenhof to Borovko, 189[6], in Originala Verkaro, ed. Joh. Dietterle (Leipzig: Ferdinand Hirt, 1929), 422.
3. Aleksander Korĵenkov, “Mark Fabianoviĉ Zamenhof, Instrituisto en Ŝtataj Lernejoj,” Ondo de Esperanto 216 (2012): 4. For a list of M. F. Zamenhof’s publications, see N. Z. Maimon,
La Kaŝita Vivo de Zamenhof (Tokyo: Japana Esperanto-Instituto, 1978), 146.
4. Korĵenkov, “Mark Fabianoviĉ Zamenhof,” 5.
5. Ibid., 5.
6. Ivan T. Berend, History Derailed: Central and Eastern Europe in the Long Nineteenth Century (Berkeley: University of California Press, 2003), 188.
7. Maimon, La Kaŝita Vivo, 144.
8. Ibid., 33.
9. Aleksander Korĵenkov, “Vera Trezoro de Oficista Saĝo: La Varsovia Cenzuristo M. F.
Zamenhof,” La Ondo de Esperanto 186 (2010): 13-14.
10. Quoted in Marjorie Boulton, Zamenhof: Creator of Esperanto, trans. Boulton (London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1960), 6.
11. Berend, History Derailed, 57.
12. Johann Gottfried Herder, Reflections, quoted in Jeffrey Veidlinger, Jewish Public Culture in the Late Russian Empire (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2009), 114.