Lapenna, 2001. [Esperanto]
Pabst, Bernhard. “Marie Hankel (1844–1929), Esperanto-Dichterin, Organisatorin, Feministin.”
http://www.familienforschung- [German]
Phil ipson, Robert. Linguistic Imperialism. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, 2003.
Sekso kaj Egaleco (1979–1988). [Esperanto]
Silfer, Giorgio [Valerio Ari]. “Kion Signifas Raumismo.” La Ondo de Esperanto no. 5 (1999): 55. [Esperanto]
Taylor, Charles. “Cross-Purposes: The Liberal-Communitarian Debate.” In Debates in
Contemporary Political Philosophy: An Anthology. Ed. Derek Matravers and Jon Pike, 195–
212. New York: Routledge, 2003.
Tonkin, Humphrey. “‘Generale Parolante’:—Lapenna kiel gvidanto kaj oponanto.” Beletra
Almanako 8 (June 2010): 103–13. [Esperanto]
Tonkin, Humphrey. “Ideoj Kiuj Restas Freŝaj.” Kongresa Libro, 72a Universala Kongreso de
Esperanto, 16–22. Rotterdam, Universala Esperanto-Asocio, 1987. [Esperanto]
Tonkin, Humphrey. Lingvo kaj Popolo: Aktualaj Problemoj de la Esperanto-Movado. Rotterdam:
Universala Esperanto-Asocio, 2006. [Esperanto]
Tonkin, Humphrey and Mark Fettes. “Esperantic Studies and Language Management in a
Globalized World.” Presentation. “Multidisciplinary Approaches in Language Policy and
Planning,” University of Calgary, 5 Sep. 2013.
Juro.” [Esperanto]
The index that appeared in the print version of this title does not match the pages in your e-
book. Please use the search function on your e-reading device to search for terms of interest.
For your reference, the terms that appear in the print index are listed below.
ABC de Amo (ABC of Love)
‘Abdu’l-Bahá. See Effendi, ‘Abbás
Abramovitch, Sholem Yankel
Adam, Eugène Aristide Alfred (Lanti)
background of
death of
endorsement of neologisms
health of
marriages of
move from France
photograph of
press release on “suicide” of
pseudonyms of
SAT and
on Stalin
visit to the Soviet Union
Advancement and Proficience of Learning, The (Bacon)
African Americans
“After the Great War” (Zamenhof)
Aggressor program
Ahad Ha’am
Akademio de Esperanto
Alden, Wil iam L.
Alexander II
Al gemeiner Deutscher Sprachverein
Alto Paraíso
Amerika Esperantisto
Anderson, Frank W.
Angulo, Julián Hernández
during Białystok Congress
of Boulogne Congress Committee
Esperantist press and
impact on young Soviet Esperantists
as motivation for creation of Esperanto
in Pale of Settlement in 1905
philo-Semitism vs.
Arab Spring
Ari, Valerio. See Silfer, Giorgio
Army, U.S.
Arnzt, Gerd
Ars Magna (Llul )
Arulo (Auxiliary Rational Universal Language)
Asian Americans
Auld, Wil iam
Auto-Emancipation (Pinsker)
Babel story
Bacon, Francis
Baghy, Julio (Gyula)
Bahá’í faith
Bahá’u’l áh (Husayn-‘Alí)
Baker, Arthur Brooks
Baláž, Peter (Petro)
Banet-Fornalowa, Zofia
Bartholdt, Richard
Bastien, Louis
Baudouin de Courtenay, Jan
Beaufront, Louis de
as anti-Dreyfus
background of
criticism of Dogmoj de Hilelismo
death of
photograph of
role in French Esperanto movement
support of Ido
Beck, Cave
Becker, Ulrich
Behrendt, Arnold
Beijing Universal Congress of 1986
Beijing Universal Congress of 2004
Beletra Almanako
Bel , Alexander Graham
Bel , Alexander Melvil e
Belmont, Leo
Ben-Yehuda, Eliezer
Bérard, Léon
Berend, Ivan
Bergson, Henri
Bern Universal Congress of 1947
Bernard, Heinz
Berthelot, Paul
Białystok Universal Congress of 2009
activist groups at
anti-Semitic attacks during
discussions and lectures at
opening ceremony of
trip to Tykocin during
Biltoft, Carolyn
Binglin, Zhang
Bishop, Elizabeth
Blair, Eric (George Orwel )
Blanke, Detlev
Blonstein, Neil
Boehme, Jacob
Boirac, Émile
Bona Espero
children at
construction projects at
farming at
founding of
future of
goals of
misconceptions about
photographs of
as a place of pilgrimage
scandals at
staff at
targeting of Grattapaglias through
Bona Espero (Dobrzyński)
Borel, Marie
Borovko, Nikolai
Borsboom, E. (Ed)
Boston Herald
Boulogne Universal Congress of 1905
Boulton, Marjorie
Bourlet, Carlo
Bowker, Gordon
abuse of children in
Bona Espero in (see Bona Espero)
Esperanto and spiritism in
Brennan, Anna. See Löwenstein, Anna (Brennan)
Brewer, Steve
Britain’s Gay and Lesbian Humanist Association
Bronstejn, Mikaelo
Buarque, Cristovam
Budapest Universal Congress of 1983
Bul er, Osmo
Camacho, Jorge
Cambridge Universal Congress of 1907
Cart, Théophile
Casini, Brunetto
Caspry, Pepita de
Castro, Fidel
Cecil, Robert
CED. See Center for Research and Documentation on World Language Problems
Centassi, Rene
Center for Research and Documentation on World Language Problems (CED)
Chevreux, Louis Eugène Albert. See Beaufront, Louis de
Chmielik, Tomasz
Christen, A.
Civito. See Esperanto Civito
Clark, W. J.
climate change
Colbert, Stephen
Cold War, Esperanto movement during
Cologne Universal Congress of 1933
Commission on Women’s Action (KVA)
conjunctions in Esperanto
Connor, Doris
Connor, George Alan
Copenhagen Universal Congress of 1974
correlatives, system of
Corsetti, Renato
as an Esperantist
on anti-Semitic attacks during Białystok congress
on Esperanto in 2087
at International Youth Conference
photograph of
country names in Esperanto, formation of
Couturat, Louis
Cox, George
Croatian Esperanto League
Cromwel , Oliver
Cu Chi tunnels
Esperanto in
Havana Congress of 1990 in
Havana Congress of 2010 in
health of citizens of
Cuba Esperanto Association (KEA)
Culbert, Sidney
Cwik, Michael
Czerniaków, Adam
Czerwinski, Abilio
Dancu, Marionetoj (Dance, Marionettes) (Baghy)
Danĝera Lingvo, La (Lins)
Danning, Peter
Dasgupta, Manashi
Dasgupta, Probal
de Kock, Edwin
de Wahl, Edgar
Declaration of Boulogne
Declaration of Tyresö
Delegation for the Adoption of an International Auxiliary Language
Department of Defense
Destutt de Tracy, Antoine
Dinwoodie, John Sharp
Dobrzyński, Roman
on Bona Espero
Zamenhof Street
Dodge, Ernest
Dogmoj de Hilelismo (Dogmas of Hil elism) (Zamenhof)
Dombrovski, Alexander
Down and Out in Paris and London (Orwel )
Dr. Esperanto’s International Language, Introduction & Complete Grammar (Geoghegan)
Dreyfus, Alfred