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About thirty minutes into the movie, Matthias casually draped one arm over the back of her seat. She tried to conceal her smile. He was going to take this as far as he could. Apparently if she wanted a date, she got a date.

She leaned into him, and eventually his hand drifted south, settling on her shoulder.

When it was over, he held her hand and walked her to her car. “I really enjoyed this, Anastazia.”

“Me, too.”

There was a moment of hesitation at the car, and she fought the urge to jump him the way she did the night before. It was nearly nine thirty and she was getting hungry.

“Would you like to grab a bite to eat somewhere?” he asked.

I know what I’d like to eat, she thought, glad her barrier was up so he couldn’t hear her. She didn’t want to ruin this. Instead, she nodded. “I’d like that. What did you have in mind?”

“There’s a place over there.” He pointed across the street.

“That’s fine.”

She thought he’d lean in for a quick kiss, but didn’t. Instead he took her keys and unlocked the car. He handed them back and opened the door for her, holding it.

She got in, and before he shut her door, he leaned over and whispered, “I’ll give you dessert at home.”

She shivered as she felt that familiar heat growing between her legs. “Okay.”

Somehow she managed to make it through dinner. And for a second day in a row she realized the voice hadn’t reappeared. She didn’t know where it was, but she wasn’t questioning the blessed silence in her brain.

* * *

True to his word, Matthias had a special surprise waiting for her. Instead of letting her rip off his clothes, he asked her to get undressed and lie on the bed.

“Why?” she asked.

That devilish half smile. “If you don’t, you’ll never know, will you?”

She studied him for a moment, finally unbuttoning her blouse.

He disappeared into the bathroom. When he returned, he lit a few candles and turned off the lights.

She closed her eyes and felt him sit on the bed. “Roll over,” he whispered. She hesitated. Then she decided if she couldn’t trust him after all they’d been through, she didn’t deserve him. She rolled onto her stomach.

He moved, straddling her legs, and she felt something warm and wet on her back. She realized it was massage oil, and as his fingers kneaded her muscles, she moaned with a different kind of pleasure, her body attempting to melt into the mattress as he slowly, sensually worked every muscle in her back.

He didn’t make any sexual overtures, although with every erotic movement of his fingers across her flesh, she felt that familiar throbbing between her legs as her clit decided it wanted some action. He worked up to her shoulders, down her arms, then he changed position and started on the backs of her legs, eliciting more moans.

“How does that feel?” he asked.

She almost dropped her mental barrier, it felt so good. “Oh, God, Matthias. That’s amazing,” she mumbled into her pillow.

He slowly worked his way up her legs, and she hoped he’d take the hint when she spread them a little, allowing him easy access.

He didn’t take the bait.

Instead he kept her waiting, working up her spine to her shoulders. No one had ever touched her like this before, this sensually, this tenderly, yet she felt the power in his hands.

It got to the point where she teetered on the edge between falling asleep from relaxation and wanting him to fuck her brains out. Either could easily win. She didn’t open her eyes as he stretched out beside her, his hand lightly resting on the small of her back.

He kissed her cheek. “Why don’t you go to sleep, Taz? I know you’re exhausted.”

He wasn’t working his vampire voodoo on her. It was just a suggestion she was happy to take. She was sound asleep in seconds, more relaxed than she’d ever felt in her entire life.

* * *

The next morning, Taz awoke to find Matthias propped up on one elbow, watching her. She stretched and looked at the clock.

“Holy crap! It’s that late?”

“I didn’t have the heart to wake you.”

She started to sit up, stopped, then looked at him.

There was such a thing as taking things too far. He was the boss, and she was his fiancée. If she wanted to go in late once in a while, dammit, she could.

She leaned into him, kissing him. They made slow and tender love. He took his time working down her body with his lips, all the while teasing her clit with his fingers. Finally, he let her push his head down between her legs. Then he used his tongue and his lips on her clit until she had to bury her face in her pillow when she came to muffle the scream.

Apparently convinced he’d satisfied her, he sat up and entered her. He took his time, moving slowly until his cock was completely buried inside her pussy. Only then did he start moving, languorously stroking, kissing her, making it last. When he finally climaxed, it was quiet, peaceful, without the frantic energy of many of their encounters. She held him, listening to his heartbeat, loving him.

When he finally lifted his head and kissed her, she whispered, “Thank you.”

“For what?”

“Patience. Love. Faith in me.”

He touched her cheek, smiled. “Anastazia, you’re all I’ve ever wanted in a soul mate. If it takes me years to do what you want, I’m willing to do it.”

“I feel like I’m being a bitch.”

He shook his head. “No.” He rolled off her, gathering her to him. “No, don’t think that about yourself. You are overwhelmed, and in a few weeks or months, you’ll start to feel better.”

“What if I don’t?”

“I know you will. You’re already starting to even out, I can sense it.”


He nodded, kissing the top of her head. “The past couple of days you’ve seemed much calmer, steadier. Less agitated. You’re getting used to your powers. This won’t happen overnight. You’ll have more rough patches ahead, I’m sure. Just remember I’m here for you, no matter what, whenever you’re ready to let me back in.”

She felt guilty. She wanted to fully drop her mental barrier, but she sensed there was still something not quite right about her, beyond the obvious. Even though the voice had stayed silent the past couple of days, there was still something different about her. Ever since the night she played succubus in Yellowstone.

No. I will not think about Rafael right now.

“I’m sorry. It’s just easier for me to hold it in right now. I’m afraid I’ll hurt someone if I don’t.”

“That’s understandable. That’s why I haven’t pushed you. I’m not pushing you about it now, either. Whenever you’re ready.”

“Thank you.” She looked at the clock. She was even later. “I should go to work.”

“Want to take a shower with me?”

She started to refuse, then hesitated. Was she honestly going to say no to him? “Okay.”

He didn’t try to seduce her, but she couldn’t help herself and coaxed him into taking her there, in the shower. Their bodies fit together perfectly. She wrapped her fingers around his cock, enjoying the feel of his member stiffening in her hand. Before he could stop her she dropped to her knees and engulfed him with her mouth. His moan of pleasure at the sensation sent bolts of need straight to her clit. She didn’t need any preparation to get wet. She already was.

As she stroked his shaft with her tongue, she enjoyed the taste of his pre-cum she drew from him. When he finally couldn’t take it anymore, he grabbed her under the arms and lifted her to her feet. Then he pressed her against the wall and entered her, his lips on hers.

Despite desire, she was physically too spent from before and knew she couldn’t come again. She whispered in his ear, “Take me, big guy.”