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“Remember out in LA when you hired me, and the girl came in and took my blood and I joked about ‘staff vampires?’”


“You looked like you saw a ghost.”

“Your comment did startle me until I realized what you meant.”

She smiled. “You also welcomed me to the ‘family.’”

“Yes, I did.”

“I didn’t know you really meant to the family.”

“Well, you technically are of the family, even before you and Matthias finally admitted your feelings for each other. You’re a fellow Clan member.”

A horrifying thought struck her. “Matthias and I aren’t kissing cousins or anything, are we?”

Albert laughed, then toned it down a notch so as not to draw attention. “No, dear. His origins are the Western European Clan, yours were the Eastern. Well, at least your mother was. Even if your father was of the line, the closest you could possibly be are very distant cousins many times removed. Matthias knows his family lineage.”

“I thought he was in charge of North America?”

“He is. Because he came over first, and is the oldest here, he’s head of the Clan here. Rafael was…” Albert let the sentence drift, perhaps fearing her reaction. He collected his thoughts and continued. “It’s simply a label for who is where. Technically, the only ‘true’ members of the North American Clan are those born here. Like yourself, they are all descended from elsewhere. Same with the South American Clan.”

“Oh. That makes sense.”

Albert nodded and glanced at his watch. “I don’t wish to cut this short, but I have a conference call I must attend to.”

Before he could stand, she reached for his hand. “Albert,” she softly asked, “when are we having Rafe’s funeral?”

He froze, not wanting to meet her eyes. He quietly replied, “We are still awaiting the return of his ashes. Then you and Matthias can decide.”

“Did he leave any instructions?”

“Not written. Years ago, he told us he wanted to be cremated, but nothing beyond that. Matthias must go to Rafael’s condo and retrieve his effects and paperwork.”

* * *

Back in her office, Taz tried to focus. Why had she asked about the funeral? She’d done so well all morning, throwing herself into her work. At least now she knew what happened to Rafe’s body after the Stooges, what she’d dubbed the three-man security team working for Matthias at Yellowstone, recovered him.

A thought occurred to her. She went online and searched, ordering what she wanted after nearly an hour of looking for just the right one. Yes, she should be working, but this was more important. She wasn’t sure what, if anything, Matthias would say about it.

She didn’t care. It was for her, not him.

“That’s sweet, Taz.”

She shivered and looked around, even though she was alone in her office. That voice would drive her mad if it didn’t stop. That, and the feeling of someone constantly looking over her shoulder.

She stroked Rafe’s ring.

Chapter Six

When Taz returned home late that afternoon, Matthias’ car was in the garage, but he wasn’t in his study or their bedroom. She made her way back to the kitchen. Before she could ask, Robertson tipped his head toward the garage door.



“Well, that’s what Albert dubbed it. It’s the sparring room.”

“I didn’t know we had one of those.” Then again, there was a lot she didn’t know. She hadn’t even explored the entire house yet. It was huge.

Robertson led her to the garage and pointed out another door in the far corner that she’d assumed was backyard access. Taz walked through the five-car garage to the door. She listened for a moment but didn’t hear anything. Cautiously, she opened it.

The large, well-lit room was painted bright white. Mirrors lined one wall, and she noticed a variety of fighting gear, mats, and punching bags. A large cabinet against the far wall stood open, containing more protective gear, training swords, and other items. It looked a lot like the dojo where she’d taken karate classes back in LA.

Matthias stood in the middle of the room, shirtless, his back to her. He held the large sword and worked his way through a fighting form. Every muscle in his back rippled with each slow, deliberate motion. Taz’s heart fluttered, heat building in her lower belly.

She knew he sensed her presence even though he didn’t physically acknowledge her. His mind opened, welcoming her to watch. Taz stepped inside and quietly shut the door behind her, content to observe his fluid movements.

He was all hers. And he wanted to marry her, God help them both. They’d been to hell and back—literally—and he still wanted her.

In the mirror she watched his mouth twitch into that yummalicious half smile that always turned her insides into a gooey mess around him.

While she held a black belt in karate, she’d never used such a heavy, large, bulky sword as that one, not in a form or in sparring. The one time she’d wielded it was in Yellowstone, when she dispatched the daemon pulverem disguised as Rafe.

In Matthias’ hands it appeared to weigh nothing. Inscriptions she couldn’t read were engraved down its long blade. He’d said it was old, but she didn’t know much about it.

As part of the form he turned, continuing his movements, with his eyes now locked on hers. She didn’t want to get away. His deep-blue gaze did what it always did to her, melting her, chaining her heart to him in a way she didn’t understand.

He stopped and lowered the sword, crooking a finger at her. Unable to resist, she went and pressed against him, kissing him deeply, moaning softly into his mouth as his free arm gathered her against his firm body and held her a willing captive.

After several long, heated minutes he broke their kiss and whispered into her ear, “I love you, Taz. Always remember that. No matter what, I love you.”

“Even after I was such a bitch?”

He smiled and stroked her cheek. “I told you, it wasn’t your fault. It was your powers taking you over. I did warn you that would happen.”

She grabbed his face in her hands and kissed him again, their tongues thrusting and exploring. His large cock grew hard against her hip. She ground against him, wanting him. He eventually pulled away and smiled.

“Did you want to try this?” He hefted the sword.

She thought about it and shook her head, remembering the last time she held it. “No. Not right now. It’s too soon.”

“All right, love. Let me put this away and we can take a shower.” He turned to put the sword away, and that’s when she noticed the panel in the back of the cabinet concealing a secret compartment. He carefully wiped the sword down, then placed it inside the compartment and locked it.

“Why don’t you have regular exercise equipment here?”

He shrugged and started to say something, but she caught the tail end of his thought. “You and Rafe used to practice in here?”

“Yes. We always have a gym at the offices, so that’s easy enough to access. Rafe and I frequently blew off stress in here. Sometimes you get to a point where it’s all that will suffice.”

“Want to spar with me?”

“Darling, I don’t want to hurt you—”

He landed on his back on a mat five feet away, Taz standing over him with a smile on her face. “Cut the crap, Matthias. You know full well what I’m capable of.”

He climbed to his feet, a wary eye on her. “You caught me off guard, cara.”

She stepped back a few feet, kicked off her shoes, and motioned him to her. “Come on. Take your best shot, big guy.”

“Taz, I don’t think—”