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Storey, R. L.: The End of the House of Lancaster(Barrie and Rockliff, 1966).
Stow, John: The Survey of London(1598; Dent, 1956).
Strickland, A.: Lives of the Queens of England(8 vols., Henry Colburn, 1851; reprinted by Portway, 1973). *
Strong, R.: The House of Tudor(H.M.S.O., 1967).
Tauté, A., Brooke-Little, J. and Pottinger, D.: Kings and Queens of Great Britain: A Genealogical Chart Showing their Descent, Relationships and Coats of Arms(Elm Tree Books, 1970, revised edition 1986). *
Thomas, D.: The Royal Baby Album(Arlington, 1984).
Thompson, C. J. S.: The Witchery of Jane Shore(Grayson, 1933).
Thomson, G. M.: The Crime of Mary Stuart(Hutchinson, 1967).
Thornton, M.: Royal Feud: The Queen Mother and the Duchess of Windsor(Michael Joseph, 1985).
Thornton-Cook, E.: Kings in the Making: The Princes of Wales(1931).
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The Tower of London: Official Guide(H.M.S.O., 1966).
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Turner, F. C.: James II(Eyre and Spottiswoode, 1948).
Turton, G. E.: The Dragon’s Breed(1969).
Turton, W. H.: The Plantagenet Ancestry of Elizabeth of York(1928). *
Van Der Zee, H. and B.: William and Mary(Macmillan, 1973).
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Wakeford, G.: Three Consort Queens(Robert Hale, 1971).
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Walsingham, Thomas: Chronicon Angliae(ed. E. M. Thompson, Rolls Series, H.M.S.O., 1874).
Walsingham, Thomas: Gesta Abbatum Monasterii St. Albani(ed. H. T. Riley, 3 vols., Rolls Series, H.M.S.O., 1867–9).
Walsingham, Thomas: Historiae Anglicana(ed. H. T. Riley, 2 vols., Rolls Series, H.M.S.O., 1863–4).
Walter of Guisborough: Chronica(ed. H. C. Hamilton, 2 vols., English Historical Society, 1848–9).
Warkworth, John: A Chronicle of the First Thirteen Years of the Reign of Edward IV(ed. J. O. Halliwell, Camden Society, 1839).
Warren, W. L.: Henry II(Eyre Methuen, 1977).
Warren, W. L.: King John(Eyre and Spottiswoode, 1962).
Warwick, C.: Princess Margaret(Magna, 1985).
Watson, D. R.: Charles I(Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1972).
Wedgewood, C. V.: The King’s Peace, 1637–41(Collins, 1955).
Wedgewood, C. V.: The King’s War, 1641–47(Collins, 1958).
Wedgewood, C. V.: The Trial of Charles I(Collins, 1964).
Weever, John: Ancient Funeral Monuments within the United Monarchy of Great Britain, Ireland, and the Islands adjacent, their Founders, and what Eminent Persons have been in the Same Interred(Thomas Harper, 1631).
Wentworth-Day, J.: Princess Marina, Duchess of Kent(Robert Hale, 1969).
Westminster Abbey: Official Guide(Jarrold, Norwich, 1966).
Wheeler-Bennett, J.: The Life and Reign of George VI(Macmillan, 1958).
Wilkins, J. H.: Caroline the Illustrious(Longmans Green, 1904).
Wilkinson, B.: The Later Middle Ages in England(Longmans, 1977).
William of Jumièges: Gesta Normannorum Ducum(ed. J. Marx, Société de l’Histoire de Normandie, 1914).
William of Malmesbury: Chronicle of the Kings of England(ed. J. A. Giles, 1866).
William of Malmesbury: Historia Regum and Historia Novella(ed. W. Stubbs, Rolls Series, H.M.S.O., 1887–9).
William of Newburgh: Historia rerum Anglicarum(ed. R. Howlett, 1884–5).
William of Poitiers: Gesta Willelmi Ducis Normannorum et Regis Anglorum(incorporated in The Bayeux Tapestry and the Norman Invasioned. by L. Thorpe, Folio Society, 1973).
William of Worcester: Annales rerum Anglicarum(included in Letters and Papers illustrative of the War with France, ed. J. Stevenson, Rolls Series, H.M.S.O., 1864).
Williams, E. C.: Anne of Denmark(Longmans, 1970).
Williams, E. C.: My Lord of Bedford(Longmans, 1963).
Williams, N.: Elizabeth I(Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1972).
Williams, N.: Elizabeth I, Queen of England(Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1967).
Williams, N.: Henry VII(Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1972).
Williams, N.: Henry VIII and his Court(Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1971).
Williamson, H. R.: The Butt of Malmsey(Michael Joseph, 1967).
Williamson, H. R.: The Marriage made in Blood(Michael Joseph, 1968).
Williamson, H. R.: A Matter of Martyrdom(Michael Joseph, 1969).
Woodham-Smith, C.: Queen Victoria: Her Life and Times, Vol. 1(Hamish Hamilton, 1972).
Woodward, G. W. O.: King Richard III(Pitkin, 1972).
Ziegler, P.: William IV(Collins, 1971).
Special thanks are due to Anne Tauté for generously lending me some very rare books so that many gaps in the information included in Britain’s Royal Familiescould be filled just prior to going to press.
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Epub ISBN: 9781446449110
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Copyright © Alison Weir
Alison Weir has asserted her right under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 to be identified as the author of this work
First published in Great Britain by The Bodley Head 1989
First Pimlico edition 1996
New Pimlico edition 2002
Random House, 20 Vauxhall Bridge Road,
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ISBN 9780099539735