zydeco Vzl-d9-,k6\ Form of dance music from southwestern Louisiana, U.S., with roots in French, African American, and Afro-Caribbean styles. Similar to the music of the Cajuns (displaced French Canadians who settled in Louisiana), zydeco was created by the Creoles (those of Afri¬ can heritage in Louisianan French culture). Its name is thought to come from a modified pronunciation of the French phrase les haricots (“the beans”) heard in a popular song. The music usually features guitar, accor¬ dion, fiddle (violin), and washboard played to a driving beat, but it may also include electric guitar, electric bass, saxophone, and keyboards. It became widely popular in the 1980s through the performances of Clifton Chenier, Queen Ida, Buckwheat Zydeco, Boozoo Chavis, and others.
zymogen VzI-mo-jonV or proenzyme Any of a class of proteins that are secreted by cells and are inactive precursors of enzymes. Transforma¬ tion into active enzymes occurs as one or more peptide bonds in the zymogen are cleaved. Examples include trypsinogen and chymotrypsino- gen, secreted by the pancreas and converted by proteolysis in the small intestine into the active enzymes trypsin and chymotrypsin; and numerous coagulation factors.
)-le\, Huldrych (b. Jan. 1, 1484,
Zwingli, detail of an oil portrait by Hans Asper, 1531; in the Kunstmuseum Winterthur, Switz.
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