soldiers picture, volume 12 page 157
United States volume 14 page 30
Spanish Armada (Spanish naval fleet): see
in index Armada, Spanish
Spanish CivilWar (Spanish history)
MAIN ARTICLE volume 12 page 158, picture,
volume 12 page 158
Spanish Guinea (former Spanish colony
in Africa): see in index Equatorial
Spanish language
Central America volume 3 page 75
North America volume 9 page 81
Spain volume 12 page 154
Spanish mission (Spanish history): see in
index mission, Spanish
Spanish moss (plant)
oak trees in Georgia picture, volume 5
page 102
Spanish Succession,War of the (European
Spain volume 12 page 155
spark plug (electrical device)
automobile volume 1 page 236
internal-combustion engine volume 6
page 141
sparrow (bird)
MAIN ARTICLE volume 12 page 159
Eurasian tree sparrow picture, volume 12
page 160
finch volume 5 page 21
Sparta (ancient city-state of Greece)
MAIN ARTICLE volume 12 page 160, picture,
volume 12 page 160
ancient Greece volume 5 page 154, volume
5 page 156
city-state volume 3 page 126
speaker (House of Commons)
Parliament volume 10 page 37
speaker of the House (U.S. government)
United States government volume 14
page 33
spear (weapon)
war picture, volume 15 page 9
special effect (technology)
movie volume 8 page 198
Return of the Jedi picture, volume 8
page 198
Titanic picture, volume 8 page 199
special hospital (medical facility)
hospital volume 6 page 88
Special Olympics (international athletic
MAIN ARTICLE volume 12 page 161, picture,
volume 12 page 161
species diversity (environmental science):
see in index biodiversity
speckled trout (fish)
trout volume 13 page 99
spectacled bear (mammal)
bear volume 2 page 41
spectacles (optical aid): see in index eyeglasses
spectral tarsier (primate): see in index
Sulawesi tarsier
spectrum (physics)
light volume 7 page 148
prism volume 10 page 153
speech (ability to talk)
MAIN ARTICLE volume 12 page 161, picture,
volume 12 page 162
child development volume 3 page 97
communication volume 3 page 167
language volume 7 page 104
tongue volume 13 page 80
writing volume 15 page 76
speech disorder (medical condition)
speech volume 12 page 162
speed (mechanics)
motion volume 8 page 192
sound volume 12 page 134, picture, volume
12 page 134
speedboat (water vessel)
pirate volume 10 page 90
speed skate (sports equipment)
ice skating volume 6 page 109
speed skating picture, volume 6 page 110
types of skates picture, volume 6
page 109
speed skating (sport) picture, volume 6
page 110
ice skating volume 6 page 110
types of skates picture, volume 6
page 109
spelunker (cave explorer): see in index
cave exploration
spelunking: see in index cave exploration
sperm (reproductive cell)
chromosome volume 3 page 116
egg volume 4 page 108
gender determination picture, volume 5
page 93
genetics volume 5 page 93
pollen volume 10 page 116
reproductive system volume 11 page 48
spermatozoa (reproductive cell): see in
index sperm
sperm whale (mammal)
whale species picture, volume 15 page 37
sphagnum moss (plant): see in index peat
sphere (mathematics)
geometry volume 5 page 99
sphinx (mythology)
MAIN ARTICLE volume 12 page 163, picture,
volume 12 page 163
Alexandria, Egypt picture, volume 1
page 75
Sphinx of Thebes (Greek mythology)
sphinx volume 12 page 163
spice (food)
MAIN ARTICLE volume 12 page 163, picture,
volume 12 page 164
East Indies picture, volume 4 page 95
pepper volume 10 page 59
Spice, Isle of (island country in theWest
Indies): see in index Grenada
Spice Islands (islands in the Indian and
Pacific Oceans): see in index East Indies;
spider (arachnid)
MAIN ARTICLE volume 12 page 164, picture,
volume 12 page 164
heart volume 6 page 32
silk volume 12 page 89
spider crab (crustacean)
crustacean volume 3 page 225
Spike (cartoon character)
Schulz volume 12 page 48
spike (plant part)
wheat volume 15 page 39
spillway (construction)
dam volume 4 page 10
spin (ice skating)
figure skating picture, volume 6
page 110
spin (physics): see in index rotation
spinach (plant and food)
MAIN ARTICLE volume 12 page 165, picture,
volume 12 page 165
spinal cord (anatomy) picture, volume 9
page 36
nervous system volume 9 page 34, picture,
volume 9 page 35
Spindletop (oilfield in Texas, U.S.)
Texas volume 13 page 52
spine (anatomy)
meningitis volume 8 page 99
skeletal system volume 12 page 96
spinneret (animal anatomy)
spider volume 12 page 164
spinning jenny (textiles)
Industrial Revolution volume 6
page 133
spiny anteater (mammal): see in index
spiny hedgehog (mammal)
hedgehog volume 6 page 33
spiracle (anatomy)
exoskeleton volume 4 page 173
grasshopper respiratory system picture,
volume 11 page 54
spiral galaxy (astronomy)
galaxy volume 5 page 81
Whirlpool Galaxy picture, volume 5
page 81
spire (architecture)
twin-spired cathedral picture, volume 15
page 100
Spirit (Christianity): see in index Holy
Spirit (Mars rover)
Mars volume 8 page 60
Spirit of Saint Louis (aircraft) picture,
volume 7 page 157
Lindbergh volume 7 page 157
spiritual (music)
gospel music volume 5 page 130
spitting cobra (snake)
cobra volume 3 page 145
spleen (anatomy)
cardiovascular system volume 3 page 39
lymphatic system picture, volume 7
page 189
malaria volume 8 page 25
Split (city in Croatia)
outdoor cafe picture, volume 3 page 219
Split Sides (dance by Cunningham)
picture, volume 4 page 11
spoils system (politics)
Hayes volume 6 page 30
Spokane (Native American people)
MAIN ARTICLE volume 12 page 166, picture,
volume 12 page 166
SpokaneWar (U.S. history, 1858)
Spokane volume 12 page 166
spoken language: see in index speech
sponge (animal)
MAIN ARTICLE volume 12 page 166, picture,
volume 12 page 167
sponge gourd (gourd): see in index loofah
spongy bone (anatomy)
arm picture, volume 2 page 106
bone volume 2 page 106
spoonbill (bird)
ibis volume 6 page 106
spore (seedlike reproductive body)
ferns volume 5 page 12
fungus volume 5 page 75
moss volume 8 page 190
plant volume 10 page 95
protist volume 10 page 159
sport fishing (recreation): see in index
sporting breed (dog group)
dog volume 4 page 63, table, volume 4
page 62
MAIN ARTICLE volume 12 page 167
children playing soccer picture, volume
12 page 167
Native American ball game picture, volume
3 page 109
spotted hyena (mammal) picture, volume
6 page 104
hyena volume 6 page 104
spotted-tailed native cat (mammal)
marsupial picture, volume 8 page 63
spring (machine component)
clock volume 3 page 140