Выбрать главу

page 29

flag volume 5 page 29

Independence Day parade picture, volume

6 page 122

Ross volume 11 page 98, picture, volume

11 page 99

“Star-Spangled Banner, The” (U.S.

national anthem)

Key volume 7 page 60

national anthem volume 9 page 12

sheet music picture, volume 7 page 60

“Star Trek III: The Search for Spock”

(motion picture) picture, volume 12

page 50



StarWars (United States defense system):

see in index Strategic Defense Initiative

state (U.S. political subdivision)

electoral college volume 4 page 119

State, Department of (U.S. government


government executive departments

table, volume 14 page 35

State College of Agricultural and the

Mechanic Arts (university in Orono,

Maine, U.S): see in index Maine, University


State Department (U.S. government

agency): see in index State, Department


state education: see in index public education

state government

MAIN ARTICLE volume 12 page 181, picture,

volume 12 page 181, picture, volume

12 page 182

State House (building in Concord, New

Hampshire, U.S.) picture, volume 3

page 175

State House (building in Trenton, New

Jersey, U.S.) picture, volume 13 page 95

Staten Island (island and borough in

New York City, New York, U.S.)

New York City volume 9 page 60

State of Israel (country in the Middle

East): see in index Israel

states’ rights (government)

state government volume 12 page 182

static electricity (physics)

effect on a child’s hair picture, volume 4

page 121

electricity volume 4 page 120

static equilibrium (physiology): see in

index equilibrium

statistician: see in index statistics

statistics (science of analyzing numerical


MAIN ARTICLE volume 12 page 182, picture,

volume 12 page 182, table, volume

12 page 183

statue (sculpture)

Great Sphinx at Giza picture, volume 12

page 163

Lincoln picture, volume 12 page 169

merlion picture, volume 12 page 91

monument in downtown Ashgabat picture,

volume 1 page 199

Ramses II picture, volume 10 page 69

Statue of Liberty National Monument

(monument in New York City, New

York, U.S.): see in index Liberty, Statue


Staufer dynasty (German dynasty): see in

index Hohenstaufen family

stave (literature): see in index stanza


boiling water picture, volume 4 page 166

states of matter picture, volume 8

page 78

water volume 15 page 22

steamboat (vessel) picture, volume 8

page 141

technology and invention volume 13

page 27

“SteamboatWilly” (animated film by


animation volume 1 page 131

Disney volume 4 page 58

steam engine (machine)

Industrial Revolution volume 6

page 133

navy volume 9 page 26

railroad volume 11 page 21

“Rocket” steam locomotive picture, volume

11 page 21

technology and invention volume 13

page 26

transportation volume 13 page 92

steel (metal alloy)

MAIN ARTICLE volume 12 page 184, picture,

volume 12 page 184


alloy volume 1 page 87

architecture volume 1 page 168

iron volume 6 page 158

metal volume 8 page 106

skyscraper volume 12 page 104

steel sculpture by Picasso picture, volume

10 page 79

technology and invention volume 13

page 26

steel, stainless (metal): see in index stainless


steel industry

fire picture, volume 5 page 25

Pennsylvania volume 10 page 57

steel rolls in a mill picture, volume 12

page 184

steeplechase (athletics)

track and field volume 13 page 86

Stegosaurus (dinosaur)

MAIN ARTICLE volume 12 page 184, picture,

volume 12 page 185


dinosaur volume 4 page 51, picture, volume

4 page 53

Ornithischian dinosaurs picture, volume

4 page 50

stem (plant part)

seed volume 12 page 62

vegetable volume 14 page 60

stem lettuce (vegetable)

lettuce volume 7 page 135

step (dance)

ballet volume 2 page 13

Stephen I (king of Hungary)

Hungary volume 6 page 101

statue in Budapest picture, volume 2

page 141

Stephenson, George (British inventor)

railroad volume 11 page 21

“Rocket” steam locomotive picture, volume

11 page 21

Stephenson, Robert (British engineer)

“Rocket” steam locomotive picture, volume

11 page 21

steppe (grassland)

grassland volume 5 page 143

Russia volume 11 page 105

Stepped pyramid (pyramid at Saqqarah

in Egypt): see in index Step Pyramid

Step Pyramid (pyramid at Saqqarah in


pyramid volume 10 page 171

steps (architectural feature): see in index


stern (watercraft part)

boat volume 2 page 97, picture, volume 2

page 97

ship volume 12 page 81

stethoscope (instrument) picture, volume

9 page 111



Steuben, FrederickWilliam, baron von

(U.S. military officer)

Valley Forge picture, volume 1 page 101

Stevenson, Robert Louis (British author)

Apia volume 1 page 149

Stewart, Henry (British lord): see in index

Darnley, Henry Stewart, Lord

stick insect (insect): see in index walkingstick

Stieler, Josef Karl (German painter)

Beethoven portrait picture, volume 2

page 47

still-life painting

painting volume 10 page 8

still rings (gymnastics): see in index rings

stingray (fish) picture, volume 11 page 30

ray volume 11 page 30

stink badger (mammal)

badger volume 2 page 6

stoat (mammal) picture, volume 15

page 27

stock (finance)

stock exchange volume 12 page 185

Stockbridge Indians (Native American


Mohican volume 8 page 153

stock exchange (finance)

MAIN ARTICLE volume 12 page 185, picture,

volume 12 page 186

Stockholm (capital city of Sweden)

MAIN ARTICLE volume 12 page 187


Riddar Island picture, volume 12

page 187

Sweden volume 12 page 212, picture,

volume 12 page 213

Stockholm Bloodbath (Swedish history)

Sweden volume 12 page 214

stock market (finance): see in index stock


Stock Market Crash of 1929 (U.S. history)

stock exchange volume 12 page 186

Stoicism (philosophy)

human rights volume 6 page 97

stolen base (baseball)

Bell volume 2 page 59

stolon (plant part): see in index runner

stomach (anatomy)

MAIN ARTICLE volume 12 page 187, picture,

volume 12 page 188


digestive system volume 4 page 47

frog picture, volume 4 page 48

grasshopper picture, volume 4 page 48

human picture, volume 4 page 47

proximity to liver picture, volume 7

page 167

stone (material)

architecture volume 1 page 168

Stonehenge picture, volume 12

page 190

quarrying picture, volume 11 page 7

sculpture volume 12 page 55

Stone Age (prehistoric period)

MAIN ARTICLE volume 12 page 188


Bronze Age volume 2 page 134

prehistoric life volume 10 page 146

technology and invention volume 13

page 25, picture, volume 13 page 25

stone fruit (botany): see in index drupe

Stonehenge (ancient monument in

England, United Kingdom)

MAIN ARTICLE volume 12 page 190, picture,

volume 12 page 190

Stone Mountain Park (park in Georgia,


sculpture of Confederate leaders picture,