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volume 5 page 102

“Stone Soup” (U.S. magazine)

magazine cover picture, volume 8

page 14

stone-tool industry (archaeology)

Stone Age volume 12 page 188

stoneware (ceramics)

pottery volume 10 page 139

Stonies (Native American people): see in

index Assiniboin

stony coral (invertebrate order)

coral volume 3 page 197


athletics picture, volume 13 page 67

storage (computing)

computer volume 3 page 173

stork (bird family)

MAIN ARTICLE volume 12 page 190


wood stork picture, volume 12 page 191

storm (weather)

MAIN ARTICLE volume 12 page 191, picture,

volume 12 page 192, picture, volume

12 page 192

Storms, Cape of (promontory of South

Africa): see in index Good Hope, Cape


Storm Troopers (Nazi organization) picture,

volume 9 page 26

storytelling (art form)

MAIN ARTICLE volume 12 page 193, picture,

volume 12 page 193, picture, volume

12 page 194


mythology picture, volume 8 page 222

Stowe (town in Vermont, U.S.) picture,

volume 14 page 68

Stowe, Harriet Beecher (U.S. writer and


MAIN ARTICLE volume 12 page 194, picture,

volume 12 page 195


abolitionist movement volume 1 page 12

straight angle (mathematics)

geometry volume 5 page 98

Strategic Defense Initiative (United

States defense system)

Reagan volume 11 page 33

stratosphere (atmospheric region)

atmosphere volume 1 page 223

stratovolcano (landform)

volcano volume 14 page 101, picture,

volume 14 page 101

stratus cloud

cloud volume 3 page 144, picture, volume

3 page 143

straw (agriculture)

grass volume 5 page 141

strawberry (plant and fruit)

MAIN ARTICLE volume 12 page 195, picture,

volume 12 page 195


plant volume 10 page 96

strawweight (weight class in boxing)

boxing volume 2 page 118

248 Steuben, Frederick William, baron von BRITANNICA STUDENT ENCYCLOPEDIA


streaked tulip (botany)

tulip volume 13 page 106

stream of consciousness (literary technique)

literature volume 7 page 162

street (transportation): see in index road

street sign

Quebec picture, volume 11 page 9

street-style skateboarding (sport)

skateboarding volume 12 page 94

strep throat (bacterial infection)

MAIN ARTICLE volume 12 page 196, picture,

volume 12 page 196

Streptococcus (bacteria genus)

strep throat volume 12 page 196

stress (psychological and biological factor)

endocrine system volume 4 page 136

use of art therapy picture, volume 8

page 101

striated muscle (anatomy): see in index

skeletal muscle

strike (baseball and softball)

baseball volume 2 page 31

softball volume 12 page 123

strike (employer-employee relations)

Coolidge volume 3 page 194

strikeout (baseball)

baseball volume 2 page 31

striker (cricket position) picture, volume 3

page 215

cricket volume 3 page 214, picture, volume

3 page 214

striker (soccer position): see in index forward

strike zone (sports)

baseball volume 2 page 31

stringed instrument

African stringed instrument picture,

volume 8 page 214

modern orchestra seating arrangement

picture, volume 9 page 145

music volume 8 page 213

musical instruments volume 8 page 215,

picture, volume 8 page 216

orchestra volume 9 page 145

string quartet (music)

classical music volume 3 page 132

stringybark tree: see in index eucalyptus

striped hyena (mammal)

hyena volume 6 page 104

striped skunk (mammal) picture, volume

12 page 103

strip mining

coal volume 3 page 144

Stroessner, Alfredo (president of Paraguay)

Paraguay volume 10 page 31

stroke play (golf )

golf volume 5 page 126

stronghold (military science): see in index


strophe (literature): see in index stanza

Strzelecki Desert (desert in South Australia,

Australia) picture, volume 12

page 145

Stuart, Gilbert (U.S. painter)

GeorgeWashington picture, volume 15

page 19

Stuart, Mary (queen of Scotland): see in

index Mary, Queen of Scots

Student Nonviolent Coordinating

Committee (U.S. organization)

civil rights movement volume 3

page 130

studio painting (art): see in index easel


stun gun (weapon)

weapon volume 15 page 26

stupa (Buddhist monument)

architecture volume 1 page 169

sturgeon (fish)

Caspian Sea volume 3 page 51

stuttering (speech disorder)

speech volume 12 page 162

style of life: see in index lifestyle

stylus (writing implement)

Braille volume 2 page 121

sub (ship): see in index submarine

subacute meningitis (disease): see in

index viral meningitis

subatomic particle (physics)

atom volume 1 page 224

subirrigation (agriculture): see in index

subsurface irrigation

submarine (ship)

MAIN ARTICLE volume 12 page 196, picture,

volume 12 page 197


navy volume 9 page 25

oceanography picture, volume 9 page 119

WorldWar I volume 15 page 63

submarine canyon (geological feature)

canyon formation volume 3 page 31

subsoil (geology)

soil volume 12 page 125

substrate (enzymatic reactions)

enzyme volume 4 page 144

subsurface irrigation (agriculture)

irrigation volume 6 page 161

subsurface water (water below Earth’s

surface): see in index groundwater

suburb picture, volume 3 page 124

city volume 3 page 124

subway (railroad)

railroad volume 11 page 20

succulent (type of plant)

cactus volume 3 page 6

suckling (physiology): see in index nursing

Sucre (judicial capital city of Bolivia)

MAIN ARTICLE volume 12 page 198, picture,

volume 12 page 198


Bolivia volume 2 page 102

sucrose (chemical compound): see in

index sugar

Sudan, The (country in Africa)

MAIN ARTICLE volume 12 page 199



Khartoum mosque picture, volume 7

page 61

Middle East volume 8 page 124

village near the Nile River picture, volume

12 page 200

Sudanese man herding cattle picture,

volume 12 page 200

Sudanese Republic: see in index Mali

Sudetenland (historical region in Europe)

Czechoslovakia volume 3 page 238



“Sue” (dinosaur fossil) picture, volume 8

page 212

Suez, Isthmus of (isthmus in Egypt)

Suez Canal volume 12 page 201

Suez Canal (canal in Egypt)

MAIN ARTICLE volume 12 page 201


canal volume 3 page 28

Egypt volume 4 page 109

Mediterranean Sea volume 8 page 94

Port Louis volume 10 page 131

Queen Victoria volume 14 page 77

Red Sea volume 11 page 37

transportation volume 13 page 93

suffrage (right to vote)

South Africa picture, volume 3 page 128

voting volume 14 page 105

sugar (chemical compound)

MAIN ARTICLE volume 12 page 201, picture,

volume 12 page 202


crystal volume 3 page 226, picture, volume

3 page 226

Mauritius volume 8 page 80

sugarcane picture, volume 12 page 201

sugar beet (plant)

beet volume 2 page 46

root picture, volume 11 page 96

sugar volume 12 page 202

sugarcane (plant)

chopped stalks picture, volume 12

page 201

sugar volume 12 page 202

sugar glider (mammal)

marsupial picture, volume 8 page 63

Sugarhill Gang (U.S. music group)