Subsequently Jupiter was found to be a bright source at decimeter wavelengths as well. But the spectrum was very peculiar. At a wavelength of a few centimeters, very low temperatures of around 140°K were found-temperatures comparable to those uncovered for Jupiter at infrared wavelengths. But at decimeter wavelengths-up to one meter-the brightness temperature increased very rapidly with wavelength, approaching 100,000°K. This was too high a temperature for thermal emission-the radio radiation that all objects put out, simply because they are at a temperature above absolute zero.
Frank Drake, then of the National Radio Astronomy Observatory, proposed in 1959 that this spectrum implied that Jupiter was a source of synchrotron emission-the radiation that charged particles emit in their direction of motion when traveling close to the speed of light. On Earth, synchrotrons are convenient devices used in nuclear physics for accelerating electrons and protons to such high velocities, and it is in synchrotrons that such emission was first generally studied. Synchrotron emission is polarized, and the fact that the decimeter radiation from Jupiter is also polarized was an additional point in favor of Drake’s hypothesis. Drake suggested that Jupiter was surrounded by a vast belt of relativistic charged particles similar to the Van Allen radiation belt around the Earth, which had then just been discovered. If so, the decimeter emitting region should be much larger than the optical size of Jupiter. But conventional radio telescopes have inadequate angular resolution to make out any spatial detail whatever at the range of Jupiter. A radio interferometer can achieve such resolution, however. In the spring of 1960, very soon after the suggestion was made, V. Radhakrishnan and his colleagues at the California Institute of Technology employed an interferometer composed of two 90-foot-diameter antennas mounted on railroad tracks and separable by almost a third of a mile. They found that the region of decimeter emission around Jupiter was considerably larger than the ordinary optical disc of Jupiter, confirming Drake’s proposal.
Subsequent higher-resolution radio interferometry has shown Jupiter to be flanked by two symmetric “ears” of radio-wave emission with the same general configuration as the Van Allen radiation belts of the Earth. The general picture has evolved that on both planets electrons and protons from the solar wind are trapped and accelerated by the planetary magnetic dipole field and are constrained to spiral along the planet’s lines of magnetic force, bouncing from one magnetic pole to the other. The radio-emitting region around Jupiter is identified with its magnetosphere. The stronger the magnetic field, the farther out from the planet the boundary of the magnetic field will be. In addition, matching the observed radio spectrum from synchrotron emission theory specifies a magnetic field strength. The field strength could not be specified to very great precision but most estimates from radio astronomy in the late 1960s and early 1970s were in the range of 5 to 30 gauss, some ten to sixty times the surface magnetic field of the Earth at the equator.
Radhakrishnan and colleagues also found that the polarization of the decimeter waves from Jupiter varied regularly as the planet rotated, as if the Jovian radiation belts were wobbling with respect to the line of sight. They proposed that this was due to a 9-degree tilt between the axis of rotation and the magnetic axis of the planet-not very different from the displacement between the north geographic and the north magnetic poles of Earth. Subsequent studies of the decimeter and decameter emission by James Warwick of the University of Colorado and others suggested that the magnetic axis of Jupiter is displaced a small fraction of a Jupiter radius from the axis of rotation, quite different from the terrestrial case, where both axes intersect at the center of the Earth. It was also concluded that the south magnetic pole of Jupiter was in the northern hemisphere; that is, that a north-seeking compass on Jupiter would point south. There is nothing very bizarre about this suggestion. The Earth’s magnetic field has flipped its direction many times during its history, and it is only by definition that the north magnetic pole is in the northern hemisphere of the Earth at the present time. From the intensity of the decimeter and decameter emission, astronomers also calculated what the energies and fluxes of electrons and protons in the Jovian magnetosphere might be.
This is a very rich array of conclusions. But all of it is remarkably inferential. The whole elaborate superstructure was put to a critical test on December 3, 1973, when the Pioneer 10 spacecraft flew through the Jovian magnetosphere. There were magnetometers aboard, which measured the strength and direction of the magnetic field at various positions in the magneto-sphere; and there was a variety of charged-particle detectors, which measured energies and fluxes of the trapped electrons and protons. It is a stunning fact that virtually every one of the radio astronomical inferences was roughly confirmed by Pioneer 10 and its successor spacecraft, Pioneer 11. The surface equatorial magnetic field on Jupiter is about 6 gauss and larger at the poles. The inclination of the magnetic to the rotational axis is about 10 degrees. The magnetic axis can be described as apparently displaced about one quarter of a Jovian radius from the center of the planet. Farther out than three Jupiter radii, the magnetic field is approximately that of a dipole; closer in, it is much more complex than had been estimated.
The flux of charged particles received by Pioneer 10 along its trajectory through the magnetosphere was considerably larger than had been anticipated-but not so large as to inactivate the spacecraft. The survival of Pioneer 10 and 11 through the Jovian magnetosphere was more the result of good luck and good engineering than of the accuracy of pre-Pioneer magnetospheric theories.
In general, the synchrotron theory of the decimeter emission from Jupiter is confirmed. All those radio astronomers turn out to have known what they were doing. We can now believe, with much greater confidence than heretofore, deductions made from synchrotron physics and applied to other, more distant and less accessible comic objects, such as pulsars, quasars or supernova remnants. In fact, the theories can now be recalibrated and their accuracy improved. Theoretical radio astronomy has for the first time been put to a critical experimental test-and it has passed with flying colors. Of the many major findings by Pioneer 10 and 11, I think this is its greatest triumph: it has confirmed our understanding of an important branch of cosmic physics.
There is much about the Jovian magnetosphere and radio emissions that we still do not understand. The details of the decameter emissions are still deeply mysterious. Why are there localized sources of decameter emission on Jupiter probably less than 100 kilometers in size? What are these emission sources? Why do the decameter emission regions rotate about the planet with a very high time precision-better than seven significant figures-but different from the rotation periods of visible features in the Jovian clouds? Why do the decameter bursts have a very intricate (submillisecond) fine structure? Why are the decameter sources beamed-that is, not emitting in all directions equally? Why are the decameter sources intermittent-that is, not “on” all the time?
These mysterious properties of the Jovian decameter emission are reminiscent of the properties of pulsars. Typical pulsars have magnetic fields a trillion times larger than Jupiter’s; they rotate 100,000 times faster; they are a thousandth as old; they are a thousand times more massive. The boundary of the Jovian magneto-sphere moves at less than one thousandth of the speed of the light cone of a pulsar. Nevertheless, it is possible that Jupiter is a kind of pulsar that failed, a local and quite unprepossessing model of the rapidly rotating neutron stars, which are one end product of stellar evolution. Major insights into the still baffling problems of pulsar emission mechanisms and magnetosphere geometries may follow from close-up spacecraft observation of Jovian decameter emission-for example, by NASA’s Voyager and Galileo missions.