“Not entirely,” Bessian said. “I have some knowledge of the Kanun myself, and I can imagine what you are dealing with.”
“I count the wounds, classify them, and do nothing else.”
For the first time Bessian had the feeling that the doctor was getting irritated. He turned to Diana, but their eyes did not meet. There was no question that this discussion would not make a good impression on her, but he told himself, too bad; provided that this comes to a stop as soon as possible, and we can get away from here.
“Perhaps you know that, according to the Kanun, the wounds inflicted are paid for by fines. Each wound is paid for individually, and the price depends on the part of the body in which the wound is situated. The compensation for head wounds, for example, is twice as high as that for wounds on the trunk, the latter being divided into two further categories, according to whether they are about or below the waist, and there are further distinctions. My work as an assistant consists of this only — to determine the number of the wounds and where they occur.”
He looked at Bessian and then at his wife, as if he wanted to be sure of the effect of his words.
“Wounds present problems when it comes to rendering judgment — rather more problems than outright killing. You must know that by the terms of the Kanun, a wound that has not been compensated for by the payment of a fine is regarded as the equivalent of half of a man’s blood. A wounded man, accordingly, is considered to be half-dead, a kind of shadow. In short, if someone wounds two persons in a family, or the same person twice, he becomes, by virtue of that fact — if he has not paid compensation for each of the two wounds considered separately — a debtor to the extent of all of one man’s blood, which is to say a human life.”
The doctor fell silent for a moment to give them time to absorb the meaning of his words.
“All that,” he went on, “gives rise to extremely complicated problems, principally economic ones. You are looking at me as if you are surprised, aren’t you? There are families that are unable to pay the compensation for two wounds, and they choose to discharge the debt by taking a human life. There are others that are ready to ruin themselves, to pay for as many as twenty wounds received by the victim, in order to keep the right, once their victim is well again, to murder him. Strange, isn’t it? But here’s something that puts all that in the shade. I know a man from the Black Ravines, who has supported his family for years on the indemnities he has received for the wounds his enemies have inflicted. He has escaped death several times, and he is convinced that, thanks to the training that he has had, he can escape dying by any bullet whatsoever, and without a doubt he is the first man in the world to create in some sense this new trade — that of making a living from his wounds.”
“Horrible,” Bessian muttered. He looked at Diana, and she seemed to him to be even more pale. This conversation must stop as soon as possible, he thought. Now the room at the inn, the fireplace, and the kettle of hot water hanging on the crane seemed far away. Let’s get away from here, he said to himself again. Let’s get away right now.
The people in the square had broken up into small groups, and Diana and Bessian were alone with the doctor.
“Perhaps you know,” the doctor went on — and Bessian was on the point of interrupting him and saying, I don’t know and I don’t want to know—“that according to the Kanun, when two men fire at each other point-blank and one of them dies while the other is merely wounded, the wounded man pays the difference, as it were for the surplus blood. In other words, as I told you right at the beginning, often, behind the semi-mythical décor, you have to look for the economic component. Perhaps you’ll accuse me of being cynical, but in our time, as with everything else, blood has been transformed into merchandise.”
“Oh, no,” Bessian said. “That’s a somewhat simplistic way of looking at things. Of course economics plays a part in many things, but it won’t do to go too far in that direction. And on that subject, I’d like to ask if you aren’t the person who wrote an article on the blood-feud that was banned by the royal censor.”
“No,” the doctor said shortly. “I supplied the facts, but I was not the author.”
“I think I remember reading in that article the same phraseology — blood has been turned into merchandise.”
“That is an incontestable truth.”
“Have you read Marx?” Bessian asked.
The doctor did not reply. He just looked at Bessian as if to say, “And you who are asking me that question, have you read him?”
Bessian glanced swiftly at Diana, who was looking straight before her, and he felt that he must argue with the doctor.
“In my opinion, even your explanation of the murder that you gave judgment on today is much too simplistic,” he said, hoping to find something that he could contradict.
“Not at all. I said it and I’ll repeat it. In every aspect of the events that were discussed today, it was purely a question of settling a debt.”
“Yes, a debt, certainly, but a debt of blood.”
“Blood, precious stones, cloth, it makes no difference. To me, it concerns a debt, and that is all.”
“It’s not the same thing.”
“It’s exactly the same thing.”
The doctor’s tone had become harsh. His delicate skin reddened as if it were burning. Bessian felt deeply offended.
“That is much too naive an explanation, not to say a cynical one,” he said.
The doctor’s eyes turned icy.
“You’re the one who’s naive, naive and cynical at the same time — you and your art.”
“You needn’t raise your voice,” said Bessian.
“I’ll yell my head off if I please,” the doctor said, though he lowered his voice at the same time. But, coming through his lips as if he were whistling, his voice sounded all the more threatening. “Your books, your art, they all smell of murder. Instead of doing something for these unfortunate mountaineers, you help death, you look for exalted themes, you look here for beauty so as to feed your art. You don’t see that this is beauty that kills, as a young writer said whom you certainly do not care for. You remind me of those theaters built in the palaces of Russian aristocrats, where the stage is large enough to accommodate hundreds of actors, while the living room can scarcely accommodate the prince’s family. That’s it. What you remind me of is those aristocrats. You encourage a whole nation to perform in a bloody drama, while you yourselves and your ladies watch the spectacle from your loges.”
At that moment Bessian noticed Diana’s absence. She had to be somewhere ahead of him, perhaps with the surveyor who would be sticking close to her, he thought, half-dazed.
“But you,” he said, “I mean you personally, you who are a doctor, who claim to understand things in the right way, why do you take part in this hoax? How about it? Why do you take advantage of that situation to earn your living?”
“When it comes to what I do, you’re absolutely right. I’m just a failure. But at least I understand what I am, and I don’t infect the world with my books.”
Bessian was looking for Diana, but he did not see her. From one point of view it was just as well that she had not heard those morbid opinions. The man went on talking and Bessian tried to listen, but as he himself was about to speak, instead of answering the doctor he said, as if he were talking to himself, “Where’s my wife?”
Now he was looking for her among the people who were still walking slowly to and fro in the church square.