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“Oh, she’ll be fine,” Nala interjected. “She just has an ear infection that causes her to get dizzy and if she’s not careful, well . . .” She then motioned at the second viewing of my lunch.

Ear infection. Now why hadn’t I thought of that? “I’m sorry.” I mumbled in Cliff’s general direction not wanting to see his face, or rather the Rider that was hiding behind his face. “And I didn’t mean to snap at you either.”

“It’s alright,” Cliff reassured me. “It just means you’re going to have to make it up to me.”

Not a chance in hell, buddy. “Oh, um . . . sure.”

“Great,” he said with cheer, as if he didn’t have my puke all over his shoes. “I’ll be seeing you then.”

“Not if I can help it,” I mumbled.

“What?” he said with a hitch in his voice.

“Oh, nothing,” I said louder. “I just said thanks for helping.”

The brightness in his voice returned. “No problem. I hope you feel better soon, Paige.” And with that the hot boy known as Cliff exited stage left with the alien that had rode in on him.

I exhaled a huge sigh of relief and refocused my attention on Nala. Her long black hair was pulled back in a loose French braid and her blue eyes met mine as a smirk began to tilt the corners of his full lips up. I really hated how pretty she was. “So, care to share with me the real reason why you’re here?” A sudden excited thought made fresh adrenaline course through my system. “Bryn and Khol—”

“Aren’t here.”

“Oh,” I said, trying not to sound too crestfallen. I just hate feeling so alone and vulnerable, I told myself. It was not because I needed either one of them to make me feel safe. I was an adult woman, and I could stand on my own two feet completely on my own. Right.

“I’ll explain everything, but not here.” Her bright blue eyes scanned the empty hallway as if she thought someone might jump out of a locker at any moment. And I thought I could be paranoid.

“Yeah, okay.” I was pretty eager to get the hell out of this place and end my first day as a pretend student, even if it meant leaving with Nala.

Once we were safely back at my humble abode . . . a.k.a. the huge old creepy house that my birth mother had instructed me to take up residence in. Apparently staying in a place where it looked like probably multiple murders had taken place in was a lot safer than say . . . a cozy apartment or something. I hadn’t slept well since I’d been staying here. I was half convinced the ghost of some victim past would attack me in my sleep. I hated to admit it but I was kind of glad to have company, even if that company was Nala. “Alright . . . we’re safe from prying ears now. Care to explain why you’re here?” I huffed, wondering if we were indeed safe from all varieties of prying ears. Well, at least any spirits that might be hanging around didn’t frequent any gossip circles that might report pack to the Riders. I hoped.

“I brought you some tea, it’s made up of some herbs that will help with your morning sickness,” Nala said as if I hadn’t said anything.

“How do I know you’re not trying to poison me?”

She heaved a huge sigh and met my eyes with what reminded me a little bit of Khol’s exasperated face that he reserved especially for me. “So use your powers to see where I got it from.” She then lifted her arm up in an invitation for me to touch her.

I worried my bottom lip between my teeth. So far I hadn’t received a vision on purpose . . . ever. Sure, I’d asked questions and gotten the answers in the form of a vision, but even then, I hadn’t done anything but muse about the subject of interest. Like when I had wanted to know why Khol hadn’t used Jenna to try and forget me when I had been mated to Bryn. But what would it hurt to try? Besides my fragile ego, that is. “I will then,” I retorted with false bravado as I reached out and grasped her wrist. I closed my eyes tightly and silently pleaded with my powers. Show me where Nala got these herbs for my tea from . . . please. I felt myself sliding into a vision much more smoothly than I’d ever experienced before. It was actually working! I mentally did a happy little jig.

“You know where she went.” Khol’s beautifully sculpted face was twisted with a mix of anger and desperation. “Tell me,” he growled low in his throat as he reached out and grabbed Nala by her shoulders. “I’ll burn you to a crisp where you stand if you don’t!”

Her eyes widened slightly with fear. “I was instructed not to tell anyone—you specifically. I was told that you would know why you can’t know this information, that you wouldn’t be happy but would understand.”

Khol abruptly released his tight grip on her shoulders and turned away from her, his dragon green eyes glowing brighter. “Yes, I was . . . informed.” His voice was low and inhuman. “And no, I’m not happy.”

“So—” Nala started but Khol didn’t let her finish.

“Drake,” he bellowed. Barely a second passed before Drake appeared in a low crouch before Khol. He didn’t speak and appeared to be waiting for whatever Khol would say next. “These herbs will help her?” I’m not sure if anyone else was picking up on the slight tremble in his voice, but it made me want to go to him and to take him in my arms.

“Yes, they will help her, I swear it,” Drake rumbled low without lifting his face to meet Khol’s penetrating gaze.

The muscles in Khol’s jaw contracted as he studied the top of Drake’s head for a moment before responding. “Fine then. Go, before I change my mind.”

I snapped back into my body and the present where I was still gripping Nala’s wrist. I felt a single tear slide down my cheek and I let go of her so I could wipe at it with the back of my hand. Just seeing Khol, even if it was in a vision, made my homesickness that much more acute. And what about Bryn? How was he handling the news of my disappearance? Another vision ripped me suddenly from my body.

Bryn lay on his back, the dark sheets that covered his bed twisted around his legs. His pale muscled chest glistened with sweat and his chest heaved in and out as he slept restlessly. “Peej—” My name slipped from his sleep-encrusted lips. He looked bad. Or what I mean is not well somehow. Even with his eyes shut, I could almost see the torment that lurked in his unseen gaze. Dark circles marred his otherwise perfect face, and his skin wasn’t just pale but almost sickly looking. “Peej—” He repeated my name again as his face furrowed with worry, and then he sat up suddenly and gasped for air. He ran his hand through his sweaty black hair and blinked in confusion as he looked down at the empty spot beside him where I wasn’t. I saw a moment of regret play across his face before it turned into cold hard determination. He reached over for a glass that had been resting on the table beside his bed and drank the contents before sliding back down in between his sheets. “I’ll make sure you’re safe Peej, no matter the cost.”

“Something’s wrong with Bryn!” I exclaimed as I slammed back into the present for the second time within minutes. Maybe whatever was wrong with him was making him act the way that he was toward me. What if there was more than meets the eye with him and me feeling bitter that he’d turned away from me was completely unfair. I loved both Bryn and Khol, I’d come to terms with that truth, but no matter how much I tried to deny it there was nothing Bryn could truly do to turn me away from him. He was my first love, my best friend . . . my home. What if—

“Here,” Nala said interrupting my inner turmoil over Bryn and Khol. “Drink it while it’s still hot so it doesn’t taste as bad.”