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So, he did the only thing he could since he couldn’t have her. Yet. He wrapped his hand around the throbbing length of his shaft and stroked the velvet-wrapped steel up and down. He wondered as he played with himself if she would touch herself for relief. The thought made semen pearl at the tip of his cock, and he spread the moisture over the head of his shaft even as he imagined her tongue poking out to lap at it.

Oh, to see Sophia on her knees, her hands wrapped around his prick, her full mouth opening wide to take his rigid length deep. He longed to sink his hands into her luxuriant hair, to feel the warm pressure of her mouth as she sucked him, devouring him like the most delectable of meals.

Aidan groaned and worked his cock faster, his hand fisted tightly around it and pumping frantically. Would she swallow his thick cream or would she look up at him expectantly, then push her breasts together to receive a personal pearl necklace?

Biting back a cry, he came, but even before his shaft stopped pulsing, it grew hard again.

Unfortunately, only the real thing would satisfy him now and as Aidan rolled over trying to find elusive sleep, he wondered what his next step should be. If only he could talk to someone who’d faced the same problem.

Someone like Dracin.

Chapter Nine

The smell of cooking sausage and toast woke her. Sophia stretched and yawned to work the kinks out of her body. She couldn’t entirely blame the couch for her poor night’s sleep, the main reason stood shirtless and yummy looking in the kitchen. There should be a law against looking tastier than coffee in the morning, she thought grumpily as she dragged her ass to the bathroom. No amount of hair and teeth brushing would take care of the dark circles under her eyes, though.

When she came back out again, he smiled at her and immediately her nipples tightened into hard points and moisture creamed her panties. As she took a seat at the table, she tried to avoid looking at him. She was still annoyed at him for walking away from her last night, but even more annoyed at herself. She knew her control was crumbling fast. The list of reasons why she should continue to say no to what he offered paled in comparison to the delights her body-and heart-seemed to think she’d gain.

I need to get out of here. Unbelievably enough, he gave her the opening she needed.

“I’ve got to go into town this morning to grab a few things. I’d bring you with me but,” his eyes twinkled at her, “I don’t want you finding a broom and taking off on me.”

“You’re trusting me to stay alone?”

He shrugged. “Where are you going to go? I don’t get the impression you’re an experienced woodswoman, and only an idiot would go haring off in the wilderness.”

Sophia didn’t say a word. Actually, she couldn’t, because the hard kiss he gave her as he walked out the door left her head spinning. Pleasantly so, but the kiss acted as a reminder of why she needed to leave.

Aidan took off in his monster truck, and even before the sound of his engine disappeared, she was on the move. A quick search of the closet revealed a dust pan, but no broom, not even a mop.

Shoot. He’d probably hidden it. Sophia glared at the forest around the cabin. Here she was, surrounded by wood. However, the spell to imbue a broom with flight required a straight length with a bristly end. Crooked limbs made for erratic flights and lacked the bristles, which acted as fuel. Not to mention, not having that wider head at the back was like steering a boat without a rudder.

No problem, she still owned two perfectly good feet. She ignored his statement that civilization resided miles away. He could be lying-even if he didn’t seem the type. And as for danger in the forest, she was a witch. Surely she could handle some woodland critters. Besides, she couldn’t just sit around like a good prisoner. Escape at all cost. It’s what her coven would recommend, and what she needed to do, because she wouldn’t survive another night like the previous one. Heck, she probably wouldn’t last until dinner if he took off his shirt again.

So after tying a sweater around her waist and pulling out her most comfortable walking shoes from her bottomless purse, she set off on her jaunt through the big, scary woods. Her purse swung at her hip. Following the road would have probably made more sense, but she remembered the way it weaved, so logic dictated if she went in a straight line through the woods, she’d save time, not to mention avoid Aidan when he came back.

Sophia admittedly wasn’t much of a nature girl. Her idea of communing with Mother Earth usually consisted of visiting the fruits and vegetable section of the grocery store. But people went hiking all the time. Some even-ick!-enjoyed it. How hard could it be?

An hour or so later, sweating and grime-covered, not to mention scratched from slapping branches and brambles in her hair, she cursed aloud, “Stupid forest. Why couldn’t they have built a path through it?”

She said a few more choice items under her breath, most of them shockingly unladylike, but she shut up quickly when she heard the snapping of a branch, a noise that she extraordinarily enough hadn’t caused.

Sophia paused mid-step and listened. The annoying sounds of birds singing accompanied by the constant rustling of tree branches came to her ears. She chided herself for her fear. I’m not a little pig, and the only wolf I need to worry about has gone to town.

Instead of taking another step, she suddenly stopped, paralyzed with fright, for behind her came a low, rumbling growl.

Oh, shoot and double shoot. I’m going to get eaten.

Sophia debated whether to run, but then she reminded herself of something. I’m a witch. Like, hello, a stupid wild animal is no match for my magic. With more confidence than she felt, Sophia whirled around to face the beast stalking her as its next dinner.

Unlike Little Red Riding Hood, she didn’t trust the very large wolf that faced her with gleaming yellow eyes. It stood higher than a regular wolf would, its fur a mottled russet and brown with large teeth better-suited to a carnivorous dinosaur. She had a feeling the beast she faced was a shifter, but, to make sure, she tried to send a spell of paralysis. Even with the quickly chanted words and clapping hands completed correctly, the spell was to no avail. The wolf took a step forward.

Sophia swallowed and took a step back, while a drop of fear rolled down her spine to the waistband of her jeans. “Um, Aidan, is that you?” she questioned in a wavering voice. She already knew it wasn’t. Aidan’s wolf was much nicer-looking, with dark hair that glinted blue. But perhaps the mention of Aidan’s name would make the other shifter think twice about having her for lunch. Sophia took another step back, one the wolf mimicked. She held out her hands in an attempt to look benign, and she tried pleading with it. “Listen, I’m here with Aidan. He’s a wolf shifter just like you. Maybe you know him. Big, tall guy, drives a monster truck?” She ended her rushed speech on a hopeful, questioning note, but the mangy beast just growled and bared even more teeth.

Sophia would have wet her pants if her bladder hadn’t frozen tight in fear like the rest of her. Her voice worked just fine, though. When the wolf finally decided to make its move and leapt with a chilling snarl, she screamed at the top of her lungs.

Then she was too busy fighting for her life. Somehow, a necklace of puncture marks didn’t sound healthy.

* * * *

Aidan, who furiously tracked the weaving and circling path of his none-too-bright-at-that-moment mate, heard her shriek of terror come from closer than he would have thought her. With no care for his clothing, he shifted, the cloth tearing in his urgency. His fur was still sprouting even as he leapt toward the terrifying sound of snarls.