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And when they pick us up, Ronnie is smiling radiantly. She looks happy and vibrant as always as she ushers us out to the car. Sara is dressed like a fashion model in short dress shorts, a sleeveless blouse, and ankle boots, while I’m wearing a simple black dress. Sara picked it out for me to go with my Audrey Hepburn hair, something about it being the perfect little black dress to complete my look. It has capped sleeves and a trim fit that hugs my body to my knees. A simple white satin ribbon at the waist completes the dress. It is beautiful. Sara tried to talk me into heels, but I opted for black flats instead. Thank God she’s around to dress me, otherwise I’d probably have left the house in jean shorts. Not that I don’t like to look good; she just seems to pull it off a whole lot easier than me.

We hop in the car and make the short drive to Grand Rapids. Marcus pulls up to the valet attendant, and we enter the beautiful old building. We are greeted and escorted to our table quickly. It is a small private room within the restaurant, and there are far more seats than we could possibly need for our small group of four… And this is my first inkling something might be amiss. As we are seated, I look around the table and find all eyes are glued to me. No one says a word to me, but the anxious sets of eyes smiling warmly back at me have my heart suddenly fluttering. I cock my head and wrinkle my brow in confusion as they all continue to appraise me.

My curiosity is overwhelming. “What’s going on?”

The slight smile on my lips is simply for lack of anything better to do with my mouth, but it quickly turns to a gaping “O” the second I see Logan round the corner, escorted by the maitre de. As his eyes meet mine, my hand goes to my mouth in shock as he stops mid-stride—his eyes wide and beautiful. He’s approaching from behind his parents but facing Sara and I directly. The moment Ronnie sees me cover my mouth she is off her chair, looking over her shoulder for him. And I realize in that moment, my secret has been blown wide open.

Relief and complete joy flood unexpectedly through me as I stare back at Logan. I’m trembling as he approaches the table, unable to move, to speak, to close my gaping mouth. He looks quickly to his parents, giving them an equally quick “Hi” before approaching me as I stand. He pulls me swiftly into his arms, clutching me to him.

He makes no move to separate from me, and it is many long moments before Sara’s over-obvious throat clearing catches his attention. “Ahem… Do you think you could put my best friend down now? I picked out that outfit, and you’re going to ruin it!”

I look to her quickly to see a very well-played smirk on her face. But she smiles broadly at me and winks. “And who says I can’t keep a secret?” Well quite frankly, I’ve said it a million times. I realize my mouth is still hanging open and everyone is still staring at me, waiting for me to breathe. Logan is holding my hand in his, and he makes no move to let me go as we take our chairs next to each other. I turn to him and can do nothing but stare. I hadn’t thought I’d see his face before Sara and I moved. I was resolved to this fact, depressed and upset, but resolved. And now here he is, and his entire family is watching our every move.

Logan finally starts to speak. “I might have told them … some things about us.” His face becomes serious and dark, and his brow wrinkles. “You almost died.” And as he shakes his head, his lips pursed into a tight line, I see the pain, devastating pain, he has endured because of me. His eyes gloss as he fights his emotion and the inner ache his memories must cause him, and I look up to see Ronnie tearing as well at the sight of her son so emotional. My eyes return to his, wanting to reassure him. I reach up to his face gently, and at my touch he shakes off his memories of that time, and his lips relax into a slight smile. “I just … can’t be apart from you.”

With those final words, he leans forward and kisses me gently on the forehead. Our waiter arrives and stands uncomfortably by, waiting for the eyes of our table to leave Logan and me and acknowledge his presence. Eventually, everyone at the table exhales a common breath and returns to the here and now.

We start to order drinks, but when Logan and I can’t seem to peel our eyes from each other, Ronnie interrupts the table. “You two don’t have to stay for dinner if you don’t want. I know you have plans tonight, and it might be better if you got on the road.” She’s obviously speaking to Logan, considering I have no idea what she’s talking about.

I can’t shake the feeling I know less about what is going on than everyone else at the table. With that, Logan thanks his mom and pulls me to my feet before throwing a quick "good night" at his family. Ronnie replies that they’ll see us tomorrow for lunch, and again I’m left confused and wondering what I don’t know about what is going on. But hey, what do I care? Logan is here with me, and my heart is at ease. For how long, I have no idea. For however long Logan stays in town, I suppose. But I have no intention of thinking about that at the moment.

As we exit the restaurant, he hands the valet his ticket before pulling me into his arms and attacking my mouth with his. He seals his mouth to mine, kissing me deeply and quite inappropriately for a public street. He appears not to care at all that people are passing by as he forces his tongue into my mouth, and my body radiates heat as he continues to consume me. When the valet soon returns with Logan’s Jeep, he reluctantly releases my mouth and opens the door for me. He tips the man and hurries to the driver’s door. When he pulls from the curb, he reaches for my hand, holding it tightly in his. I gaze at him as he moves through the traffic.

He occasionally looks over at me with a smile, and when he approaches a red light I start to question him. “Logan, where are we going?”

“Somewhere.” He smirks at me with a mischievous grin.

“Somewhere where?”

“Just somewhere.” And as he glances over at me, he shakes his head slightly with a mild smile on his lips. “God, I can’t wait to make love to you.”

He returns his eyes to the road, and the light turns green. He’s left me with the most provocative words he could have said to me. He wants to make love to me. There was no argument behind what he said, no failed attempts at restraint, no hesitation. And as his Jeep heads out of town, my thoughts wander to what is in store for me. My body is already craving his touch. I’m wet and now eager, and as the minutes tick off the clock and the miles slip away, I start to think I might just lose my mind before we get wherever it is we’re going. But Logan keeps heading eastward. I try on a few occasions to get him to fess up, but he doesn’t give an inch. And I’m left to let my mind wander once again. I imagine his first touch, his taste, the sight of his body. It’s been so long since I’ve had any part of him other than his mouth, and I’m a frenzied wreck just thinking about it. I wonder if it will hurt as much this time as it did the last time. I’m sure it will, but I don’t care in the least.

The last time was so incredibly bittersweet. Making love to me was so obviously not what he had intended to do that night, but he gave in to my wishes. Why? A parting gift perhaps. Or just complete lack of control more likely. It was sad but incredible. I knew the entire time I was losing him, and making love was like some desperate attempt to hold him as tight as I could before I lost him forever. How is this night any different? I don’t know when he’s going back to Colorado, but it will, without a doubt, be soon. So how is this night going to be any different? I’m once again torturing myself with the truth. My internal dialogue is like the bearer of all unwelcome news, and she pops in every time I want to just forget about what is wrong with our situation. Why can I never just be content? Because, the bitch inside my head reminds me, this is fleeting. You’re practically his Michigan whore. My heart drops, and I know my night is doomed to be tormented with thoughts of being parted from him again. I resort to looking out the window at the passing countryside as the sky darkens. We are headed toward Ann Arbor, and as we approach the exits for my future home I half expect him to turn off. But he continues by each and every exit ramp.