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An italic page number refers to an illustration on that page. A page number followed by the letter n refers to a footnote on that page. The End Notes and Bibliography are not indexed. The author is not indexed except for two pictures in which he appears.
109 East Plaza Avenue, 75, 76
1300 20th Street, 77, 78
Abelson, Philip (Phil), 55
Aberdeen, Maryland, 103
ablation, 9, 157
accelerator, 65
Acheson, Dean, 42
Admiralty, British, 52, 53n
AEC, 6
1949 composition of, 41n
and formation of Matterhorn, 121
forwarding GAC report to, 40
June 1951 advisory committee
to, 152–153
purchase of SEAC time by, 163
and question of thermonuclear priority, 30
and Seaborg, 15
aerospace industry, 188
Agnew, Harold, 175
Agronsky, Martin, 79
Aiken, South Carolina, 104, 113
Alamogordo, New Mexico, 112
alarm clock,” 5, 10, 106, 146
Alferov, Zhores, 11n
alpha particles, 48, 49, 50, 63
scattering of, 49
alpha rays, 46
Alsos mission, 137n
Alverez, Luis, 55
American Physical Society. See
anticommunism, 185
antineutrinos, 104
anti-war demonstrations, 185, 186
APS, 123
Los Angeles meeting of, 20, 123
New York Meeting of, 123
west coast meetings of, 123–124
Arnold, William, 54n
Aron, Walter, 141
arsenals. See stockpiles
Ashley Pond, 85
Aspen, Colorado, 126
Aston, Francis William, 55
Atomic Energy Commission. See
B-36 bomber, 159
bachelor officer quarters, 151
barium, 53
Bathtub Row, 120, 123, 187n
Becquerel, Henri, 44–45
Berger, Jay, 141
Bergmann, Peter, 123
Berkeley, 182, 186
1942 conference in, 82, 93
Berlin Blockade, 122
Bernstein, Jeremy, 90, 189
beryllium oxide, 100, 101
beta particles, 50
beta rays, 46
Bethe, Hans, 25, 58
and 1942 conference, 93n, 96
1949 meeting with Teller, 43
1951 interaction with Garwin, 155
at June 1951 meeting, 152
long life of, 90
as Los Alamos consultant, 87, 88, 119
and stellar energy, 57, 93
and Teller-Ulam idea, 14
as wartime T-Division head, 97
Bethe, Rose, 96
Beverly Hills, California, 125
Bikini atoll, 11, 112, 177n
binding energy, 63
per nucleon, 64, 66
Birkbeck College, 135
bismuth, 62, 63
Black Mesa, 78
Blair, Clay, 14n
Bloch, Felix, 93n
Bochner, Solomon, 141
Bohm, David, 133–135
acquittal of, 135
arrest of, 134
friendship with author, 136, 137
joint paper with author, 138
loss of Princeton job, 139
and SCLP, 136
Bohr, Aage, 28n, 29n
Bohr, Niels, 28, 29, 54, 55
and news of fission, 93
and Soviet threat, 32
“bomb in a box,” 22, 23
boosting, 5, 118, 148
Bradbury, Norris, 17n, 18, 19, 152
Bethe’s link to, 88
his endorsement of Matterhorn, 126
and Family Committee, 114–115
his interaction with Teller, 19
and loyalty oath, 82–83
and recruitment, 119
and September 1950 GAC meeting, 106
and Teller, 21
and Ulam, 16, 17
Bravo test, 160, 168, 183–184
Brazil, 135, 184n
Broadway Limited, 143, 144n