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They turned off 61 at Venable, bought some bait in the village, and started into the woods. It was a walk of about two miles and Tessie limped along gallantly although it was a struggle for the old bitch. Coming down into a valley they heard the sound of the stream. It was explicitly the sound of laughter-nothing else. Giddy laughter, the laughter of silly girls and nymphs, rang through the bleak spring woods. The stream was shallow-this would account for the asinine and continuous laughter-and they walked upstream until they found a deep pool. "I'll go further up and fish down," Nailles said. "Why don't we plan to meet here at around noon. I want to get back for lunch." Off he went with Tessie.

When they met at noon Nailles had taken two trout. Hammer had caught nothing. They both carried flasks of bourbon and they sat on the banks of the stream-immersed in the sound of watery laughter-and had a drink. They were about the same weight, height and age, and they both wore a size-eight shoe. Nailles's hair was dark and long enough to fall over his brow. He had a habit of combing it or pushing it up with his fingers. His father had criticized this gesture and he may have clung to it as a sign of rebelliousness and independence. Hammer's hair was brown and cut very short. Nailles's face was the broadest and most open. Hammer's face was thin and he frequently touched it with his fingers-a sort of groping gesture as if he were looking for something he had lost. His right hand moved over his face from time to time as one's hand moves over a shelf in a dark closet where a key has been left. His laughter was sharp-three harsh, explosive sounds. He had a nervous way of shifting his head, setting his teeth and bracing his shoulders as if his thinking consisted of a series of resolves and decisions. I must cut down on my smoking. (Teeth-setting.) Life can be beautiful. (Shoulder bracing.) I am often misunderstood. (A sudden lifting of the head.) Nailles's manner was much more serene.

The force of friendship-a force that Nailles had never seen described-was nearly as important to him as love although there was no resemblance at all between the two. Love with its paraphernalia of sexuality, jealousy, nostalgia and exaltation was easier to recognize than friendship, which seemed to have (excepting athletic equipment) no paraphernalia at all. Nailles had enjoyed a large number of friends for as long as he could remember. Most of his friends were partners in games-skiing, fishing, cards or drinking. He was intensely contented in the company of his friends-in which he would now count Hammer-but it was a contentment in which there was no trace of jealousy, sexuality or nostalgia. He could remember as a boy- and as a man-friends who were both jealous and possessive but he could not honestly recall having experienced this. In the clubs that he belonged to there was some vestigial, adolescent jockeying for popularity-or perhaps love-but Nailles was innocent of this. This was not insensibility. To ski a mountain in tandem with a friend was, for Nailles, close to bliss but his happiness frustrated analysis. He was genuinely delighted to meet an old friend but there was no sorrow when they parted. His friends played a practical role in his dreams but no role at all in his longings. When they were apart he did not correspond-he scarcely remembered them-but his happiness when they were reunited was absolute. Here was an affection, stripped of all the sentiments that make an affection recognizable. Nailles was very happy, drinking bourbon in the woods with Hammer.

That Hammer planned to murder his fishing companion did not, at this point, strike him in any way as unnatural. Looking at his victim Hammer thought that he would like to leach from his indictment all the petulant clichés of complaint. He knew that Nailles merchandised Spang and he had heard the worst of the commercials on TV. (If you were ashamed of your clothing, wouldn't you change it? If you were ashamed of your house, wouldn't you improve it? If you were ashamed of your car, wouldn't you turn it in? Then why be ashamed of your breath when Spang can offer you breath-charm for periods of up to six hours…) It was infantile to rail at this sort of thing, Hammer thought. It had been the national fare for twenty-five years and it was not likely to improve. He wanted change and newness but he wanted his wants to be mature. Why despise Nailles because he loved the gold cigarette lighter that he now took out of his pocket. The economy was frankly capitalistic and who but a child would be shocked to observe that its principal talisman was gold? The woman who dreamed of a mink coat-Hammer thought-had more common sense than the woman who dreamed of heaven. The nature of man was terrifying and singular and man's environment was chaos. It would be wrong, he thought, to call Nailles's religious observances a sham. He guessed they were vague and perhaps sentimental but since Christ's Church was the only place in Bullet Park where mystery was professed and since there was much that was mysterious in Nailles's life (the thighs of Nellie and his love for his son) there was nothing delinquent in his getting to his knees once a week. Hammer had chosen his victim for his excellence.

"Didn't I see your son directing traffic at the Browns'," Hammer asked.

"Yes," Nailles laughed. "He directs traffic at cocktail parties. He's been terribly sick."

"What was the matter?"


"Who's your doctor?"

"Well we had Mullin until they shut him down and then we went to old Dr. Feigart but neither of them really cured Tony. It was a very strange thing. He'd been sick for over a month when someone told us about this guru. He calls himself Swami Rutuola. He lives over the funeral parlor on River Street. He came to the house one night and I don't know how he did it but he cured Tony."

"Is he a holy man?"

"I really don't know. I don't know anything about him. I don't even know what he did. I wasn't allowed into the room. But he fixed up Tony. He's fine now. He plays basketball and directs traffic at cocktail parties. I must remind him that the Lewellens are having a party on Friday. Well, shall we go?"

They walked back through the woods, the executioner and his victim, trailed by the old setter. Nailles stowed their tack in the back of the car and then opened the door for Tessie, "Jump in, Tessie," he said, "jump in, girl." Tessie whined. Then she made a lurch for the seat and fell to the ground.

"Poor old girl," Nailles said. He picked her up, an awkward armful with her legs sticking out, and laid her on the back seat of the car.

"Why don't you do something about her," Hammer asked.

"Well I've done everything I can or almost everything," Nailles said. "There is a kind of serum you can get, a distillate of Novocain. It's supposed to prolong a dog's life but it costs fifteen dollars a shot and they have to have it once a week."

"I didn't mean that," Hammer said.

"What did you mean?"

"Why don't you shoot her?"

The contemptible callousness of his new companion, the heartless brutality involved in the thought of murdering a beloved and trusting old dog, provoked a rage in Nailles so towering and so pure that for a moment he might have killed Hammer.