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"I don't know," I said. "It was kind of weird, wasn't it?"

"You think?" Jennifer asked.

I smiled at her. "Maybe it was your phone. Maybe Mac has an app that takes down bullshit teachers."

At least that made them laugh. We kept walking forward.

"If they do,” I said, “I probably should look into that."


The meeting with Principal Roberts was brief and intense.

I told her why I was there, why Alex and Jennifer joined me, and then we showed Roberts the video of Branson in the classroom. To protect ourselves from whatever she might say later, we also showed her the video of Branson's door suddenly shutting and her being swept inside.

Roberts was a middle-aged woman with a motherly face and I have to give it to her-she handled the situation better than I expected, which gave me some hope that Alex and Jennifer weren't the only decent people left in the world.

"I don't know what to think about the door," she said tentatively. "Any ideas about that?"

We shrugged.

"It just slammed shut," Jennifer said. "You can see on my iPhone that none of us was behind it."

"I see that, but I don't understand why it would shut on its own."

"Maybe Mrs. Branson did it," I said. "She knew she was on camera. After what she pulled on me in that classroom, I don't put anything past her. She could have just yanked it shut to make people question it. But, who knows? I don't understand it myself."

Roberts looked at me and after a moment, her questioning eyes softened a bit. "Mrs. Branson will be spoken to," she said. "So will Mike Hastings. Right after you leave. I don't tolerate bullying of any kind in this school."

"With all due respect, Principal Roberts, I've never not been bullied in this school."

"You've never come to me about it."

"That’s true. But when so many teachers watch you go down time and again without stepping in to help, you tend to get jaded. Why would I think that you'd help me when none of your staff has? Nobody has ever stepped in to stop it. And if I can be frank, you must have been aware on some level what I've been going through for the past three years. It’s no secret."

When she didn't answer, I knew she knew.

"So, you see?" I asked. "You knew and yet nothing has changed. Today, I met a new friend in Alex. He gave me a little push. He gave me some confidence.” I looked at Jennifer and part of me melted when I did. She was beyond pretty. “And I met Jennifer, who saw what was happening and had the presence of mind to get it on tape when I was trying to reason with my teacher to make it stop. What that got me was a trip to your office. Pretty incredible, isn't it, that teachers can be the worst bullies? You know what really scares me?"

She shook her head.

"It's only going to get worse before it gets better- if it gets better. That's how it goes. If they don't tackle me here at school, then it will happen off school property. And there's nothing you can do about that. It will be up to their parents, who also will do nothing because they believe there's no way their precious child would bully anyone. Coming here was like opening Pandora's box. I am so in for it, I can't tell you."

"Then here is what I can tell you," Roberts said. "You go to the police next time someone pulls something. And as much as I hate to say it, I know you're right, Seth-they will come after you. But you do have that option of going to the police."

"What proof would I have if I did? People hate me here. I don't know why they do, but I can guess. Probably because I'm poor and because, yes, my parents are alcoholics. I'm the person who lives in the tin-can trailer. I'm the person who never has fit in. It's like I'm Kryptonite. If somebody saw someone take a swing at me, they'd say nothing because if they did speak up, they'd be targeted. They'd be branded as the person who snitched. That's how it works. With the exception of these two, nobody has ever taken a stand. I'm screwed."

"No, you're not," Alex said. "I've got your back."

"I appreciate that," I said. "But you're not always going to be there. Hastings will have his day with me. I can give you the names of two dozen others who also will have at me."

"Then give me the names," Roberts said. “I’ll talk to them.”

"And make things worse? I can't do that. There's no way you can shut down all of the people who have made it their life's work to make my life a living hell. And don't think I'm being melodramatic-I'm not."

"You're going to have to trust someone, Seth."

"I do," I said. "After today, I trust these two. After you've talked to Mrs. Branson, I'll know how firm you were with her and then, if she does find some compassion and does change, maybe I can trust you, too."

"I hope that's the case, because I plan to talk to her and Mike Hastings immediately."

In the silence that passed, I felt embarrassed. I'd never opened up like this to anyone. I felt exposed and uncomfortable. I just wanted to leave. "Anyway," I said. "I've probably said too much. I've gotten through years of this crap and I can get through this year. Then I can move out of this town and start a new life somewhere else.” I looked at her. “Do you mind if we leave now?"

She shook her head.

"Do I need to go back to her class? There's, like, another forty minutes left. I don't want to go back in there."

"I don't expect you to. Why don't you take the rest of the day for yourself? Go home. Let me talk to Mrs. Branson and Mike Hastings. We also have a teacher's meeting tonight. Believe me when I say that I'll be sending every teacher in that room a warning."

Outside Roberts' office, the three of us stood together. They were trying to be discrete, but I was aware of them looking at my face and my hair, and wondering what the hell I had done to myself to go from what they knew to what they saw now. I 'd gone too far. I should have been more subtle. What was I thinking?

"I appreciate what you both did for me today," I said. "It means a lot."

"Are you walking home?" Alex asked.

"Because you don't need to," Jennifer said. "I've got a car. It's not much, but I saved up for it and it runs. I'll take you home if you don't want to walk. I could ask Principal Roberts. She won't mind."

Alone with her in a car? I’d never spent much time around girls because none wanted to spend time around me. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Alex looking intently at me. Did he want me to take the shot and go with her? Or was he interested in Jennifer, himself? "Thanks," I said. "But actually a walk sounds good."

"You sure?"

I nodded. And truth be told, I needed that walk. I planned on doing something on that walk. I wasn't looking forward to it, but it had to be done, regardless of the death it would cause. "I'll be fine-all of the beasts are rubbing their hands in here. Would you do something for me, Jennifer?"

"Of course."

"Can you get that video you shot off your phone and put it on a thumbdrive for me? I think I might be needing it if Branson tries to screw me."

"I can do that. I'll have it for you tomorrow."

"I'll pay for the drive."

"Don't worry about it," she said. "My brother's a techie. He won't miss it."


There are woods behind the school that, if you keep on the main path and walk along several winding miles, will eventually empty out near the neighborhood where I live.

And also where creepy Jim lives.

I needed to see if he was home and have a talk with him, but first there was something I needed to do if I was going to fully understand the amulet's power and the weight of responsibility that came from wearing it.

The day was bright and warm, so warm that I took off my light jacket and exposed my pale arms to the sun. The heat felt good. I ran a hand over my face and for the first time in years, what I felt was smooth, with just a touch of stubble. There were no swollen bumps, no pustules ready to pop-instead, my face wasn't the cratered valley of boulders it had been that morning. Now it was normal.