In other words Barack Obama is not free in two ways:
First – in the sense that he’s limited by certain ‘elitist’-corporate discipline, as well as all other representatives of these ‘elite’
Second – in the sense that his conscious, intellect, worldview – are all limited and perverted by historically developed culture of the USA, which Obama himself does not fully realize
In the book he never mentions freemasonry, and none of the politicians are named as a mason, although freemasonry in the USA is a skeleton base of their subculture of socio-political activity. We point out: “free masons” were originally assigned to politics, including geopolitics, it’s not just a hobby like collecting coins or stamps…
None the less the book mentions series of episodes, in which Barack describes his relationship with people, whose association to masonry on quite high level is whether already a publicly known fact, or can be deducted by some circumstantial evidence. Therefore, according to “those in the know will understand” masonry circles took Obama’s campaign according to the hints, that can be found in his book: he is already one of that back-stage political mafia, even if by some chance he manages to “pass” formal initiation. And masonry ringleaders wouldn’t trust him with presidential post, if by the moment of his nomination, he hasn’t already proven himself in the capacity to support an appropriate “elitist”-corporate discipline.
In particular, one of the indicators of Obama’s loyalty to masonry and its leaders consists in the fact, that in public he gives opinion typical for those, who portraits masonry as non-implicated into real policy making.
Expressing his opinion on worldview, typical for both political parties of the U.S., Obama writes:
“And yet publicly it’s difficult to find much soul-searching or introspection on either side of the divide, or even the slightest admission of responsibility for the gridlock. What we hear instead, not only in campaigns but on editorial pages, on bookstands, or in the ever-expanding blog universe, are deflections of criticism and assignments of blame. Depending on your tastes, your condition is the natural result of radical conservatism or perverse liberalism, Tom DeLay of Nancy Pelosi, big oil or greedy trial lawyers, religious zealots or gay activists, Fox News or the New York Times. How well these stories are told, the subtlety of the arguments and the quality of the evidence, will vary by author, and I won’t deny my preference for the story the Demicrats tell, nor my belief that the arguments of liberals are more often grounded in reason and fact. In distilled form, though, the explanations of both the right and the left have become mirror images of each other. They are stories of conspiracy, of America being hijacked by an evil cabal. Like all good conspiracy theories, both tales contain just enough truth to satisfy those predisposed to believe in them, without admitting any contradictions that might shake up those assumptions. Their purpose is not to persuade the other side but to keep their bases agitated and assured of the rightness of their respective causes – and lure just enough new adherents to beat the other side into submission.” (p.24)
From this extract, as well as from some others, one can understand that:
Although dialectic as cognitive method is by default programmed in Constitution of the United States, but nobody is going to make this fact public, and a very small circle of those, who, mainly by default and also not realizing it, is still using this dialectic in political goals, which spectrum is limited by traditional U.S. culture.
Conspiracy theory in public political culture of Euro-American crown-‘elitarism’ is the only theory that is trying to convince an average man that global historical process is not developing independently, but is being managed and adheres to certain reasoning, developed by some (depending on the theme of given conspiracy theory) initiators of conspiracy.
2.4.2. Globalization and the United States: issues of president Obama
However, inarticulateness of all cult for crowd-‘elitarism’ conspiracy theories devoted to problems of cognition, creativity and theory of ruling, actually allows to classify them as “urban myths”, as does classify them Obama. But the latter doesn’t eliminate the need to answer the questions, discussed by Internal Predictor (IP) of USSR in the papers of Concept of Social Security:
Is there a ruling/management in global historical process and if there is – to what extent?
How is it (ruling) executed?
What are the goals (and for those who do not buy into conspiracy theories – what is the direction of the course) of historically real globalization?
If a prospective of historically real globalization is unacceptable, is there an objective alternative?
And if a prospective of historically real globalization is unacceptable and its alternatives are objectively possible, then independently of the core of historically formed ‘conspiracy theories’ (meaning independently from the extent of adequacy or inadequacy of each of them as a whole, or of their parts) – then we are facing a milestone, where objective possibility of, alternative in its prospective, globalization demands to organize the ruling of the course of global historical process, that will be true to chosen prospective (i.e. goals) of an alternative globalization.
Therefore in order to identify an opportunities for alternative historically real globalization, which many people estimate as unacceptable for it’s prospective, it is necessary to not only work out a conspiracy theory, but also to implement it.
However B. Obama is getting lost in the face of problems of globalization. A problems there are indeed, and those are pretty big. U.S. development trends in the course of un-managed globalization, as portrayed by Obama are as follows:
«A strategy of doing nothing and letting globalization run its course won’t result in the imminent collapse of the U.S. economy. America’s GDP remains larger than China’s and India’s combined. For now, at least, U.S.-based sectors as software design and pharmaceutical research, as our network of universities and colleges remains the envy of the world.
But over the long term, doing nothing probably means an America very different from the one most of us grew up in. It will mean a nation even more stratified economically and socially than it currently is: one in which an increasingly prosperous knowledge class, living in exclusive enclaves, will be able to purchase whatever they want on the marketplace – private schools, private health care, private security, and private jets – while a growing number of their fellow citizens are consigned to low-paying service jobs, vulnerable to dislocation, pressed to work longer hours, dependent on an ender funded, overburdened, and underperforming public sector for their health care, their retirement, and their children’s educations.
It will mean an America in which we continue to mortgage our assets to foreign lenders and expose ourselves to the whims of oil producers; and America in which we under-invest in the basic scientific research and workforce training that will determine our long-term economic prospects and neglect potential environmental crises. It will mean an America that’s more politically polarized and more politically unstable, as economic frustration boils over and leads people to turn on each other.” (p.148)
In other words, in the above quote Obama talks about the fact that trends, indicating that “propaganda organization” of liberal-bourgeois capitalism in the foreseeable future will stop its existence, in the form so much desired by many people - are not just groundless speculations of the IP of USSR.
For many people in American population globalization means lack of prospective in life for their children, because for many years now there is a substantial outflow of capital from the U.S. and manufacturing off-shoring in the regions with substantially lower labor costs. As a consequence, collapses the usual for many people picture of the world, as well as American myth saying that, if one works hard, than no matter what his job is, it is possible for him to lead a wealthy life, being able to provide himself and his family with everything necessary.