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The effect was immediate. My son shot into the living room. He was still wearing his ball uniform; he was sweaty, tousled, and very happy. “We kicked ass, Mum. Whupped them totally.”

I held out my arms to him. “Come here and give a needy old woman a kiss.”

He scrunched his face. “The day you’re needy…” But he put his arms around me and hugged me hard. “So where have you been, anyway? I thought you were just going over to Mr. Mariani’s to get the keys.”

“Mission accomplished,” I said, fishing the keys out of my purse and tossing them to him.

“Cool,” he said. “This whole weekend is going to be cool. Pete coming back, and seeing Mieka and Greg and Maddy. As soon as they get to the lake, I’m taking the baby down to the point.”

“Uncle of the year,” I said.

My son winced. “Not really.”

“Why ‘not really’?”

“Because babies are universally acknowledged chick magnets.”

“With smart guys like you in the universe, we chicks don’t stand a chance, do we?”

“Not a chance. Listen, do you and T want a chili dog? We can scrape the pot and get you a couple of spoonfuls.” He gave me a sidelong glance. “What was all that chili for, anyhow?”

Taylor ate her chili dog and went straight to bed. As we talked about the evening, she seemed intrigued rather than disturbed, and I was grateful. She was asleep by the time I closed her bedroom door. I caught a glimpse of myself in the hall mirror. No queen would need to search for a poisoned apple to get rid of me that night. I looked like hell. I went downstairs, made myself a drink, then walked into the kitchen where Angus and Eli were cleaning up. They had the radio on. Eli turned when he heard my step.

“Is it true that a girl was killed up at the university today?”

At seventeen, Eli had the kind of El Greco good looks you see in Calvin Klein ads. He wore his hair in a single braid in the traditional way of aboriginal men, and his eyes were dark and luminous. His radar for pain was extraordinary, perhaps because he had known so much of it in his short life. Alex Kequahtooway was raising him, and in my opinion he had worked a number of small miracles. Eli was doing well at school, and he was making friends. My son Angus had helped. He was a generous, extroverted kid who had simply enlarged his circle of friends to include Eli. It was good news all the way, except that Eli still seemed obsessed with death in the way that anorexics are often obsessed with cookbooks and food preparation.

I sat down at the kitchen table. “That’s what I came down to talk about. The woman who was killed taught in our department. Her name was Ariel Warren. Mieka and she were friends when they were little, and she and Charlie Dowhanuik were a couple.”

Angus shot a glance at Eli. “You know who Charlie Dowhanuik is, don’t you? Your idol, Charlie D.”

Eli jumped from his chair. “Did Charlie kill her?”

“Why would you think Charlie killed Ariel?” I asked.

Eli’s face was miserable. “I listen to his show every day. I tape his ‘Ramblings’ when I’m at school. Charlie D is so cool. He used to talk about his girlfriend all the time.” He looked puzzled. “Except I thought her name was Beatrice. Anyway, he was always talking about how great Beatrice was; then a couple of weeks ago, he just stopped. I thought they broke up.

Charlie had called his beloved Beatrice. Today’s allusion to The Divine Comedy had been part of a pattern. Unbidden, an image flashed into my mind. Charlie as a little boy on the edge of the crowd; Ariel taking his hand, rescuing him; Dante, at eight, meeting the seven-year-old Beatrice and knowing “bliss made manifest.” Two loves that had lasted a lifetime – or had they? Had something happened to turn Charlie’s bliss to suffering?

My son’s voice brought me back to reality. “Mum, do you think it would be okay to pack the car tonight, or are you worried about our stuff getting stolen?”

“Go ahead, pack,” I said. “I want to get away from here as soon as we can tomorrow evening.”

Angus frowned. “Is everything okay?”

I patted his shoulder. “Everything’s fine. Make sure you lock the garage door. I couldn’t live with myself if someone stole your Tool CDS.”

After the boys went off to get their gear, I walked over to the living-room bookcase. It took me a moment to find what I was looking for. I hadn’t read The Divine Comedy since university, but as soon as I touched the book, I felt a rush of emotion. I had met my husband, Ian, in Classics 300. That period of our lives had glowed with transcendent moments and soaring idealism. Dante had been a good fit for us both, but there had been one passage that Ian had read to me so often he made it my own. I say that when she appeared from any direction, then, in the hope of her wondrous salutation, there was no enemy left to me; rather there smote into me a flame of charity, which made me forgive every person who had ever injured me; and if at that moment anybody had put a question to me about anything whatsoever, my answer would have been simply “Love” with a countenance clothed in humility.

In the margin, Ian had written a single word: “ YES!” By the time he died, my husband would have found the idea that I was the earthly vessel for divine experience as laughable as I would have. Our marriage had been a good one. We had loved and laughed and fought and grown, but somewhere along the line we had revised our definition of love. As I slid The Divine Comedy back into its place on the bookshelf, I found myself wondering how Charlie could endure losing the woman who, from the time he was seven years old, he had believed was his shining path to salvation.



The next morning my clock radio blared to life at its regular wake-up time: 5:30. As he heard the synthesizer fanfare that announced the AccuWeather forecast, Willie leaped to attention at his place beside my bed. It might be taking him two years to grow a brain, but my Bouvier had been quick to master the sequence that led to his morning walk.

Climatologist Tara Lavallee was cheerily contrite as she announced that she had to do a complete 180 on her holiday-weekend forecast. A low-pressure zone had stalled over the southern third of the province, bringing with it…

I reached over and clicked off the radio. The sky outside my bedroom window was leaden, and rain was drumming monotonously on my window. I didn’t need Tara to tell me it was going to be a rotten day.

“Bad news,” I said to Willie.

He put his paws on the mattress, shivered with delight, and eyeballed me. I eyeballed him back.

I blinked first. “Okay,” I said. “We’ll go, but it’s going to be a short one.”

I dug out my rain pants, windbreaker, and a pair of ancient Reeboks, and Willie and I hit the street at top speed. By the time we reached the bandshell, Willie had absorbed the fact that no matter how hard he pulled at the leash I would still be on the other end, and the rain had grown lighter. There was no reason not to finish our usual run around the lake. There were distractions: for Willie, the new crop of goslings strutting their stuff across our path; for me, memories of the endless day before. I tried to shake them, give myself over to the moment, as Livia would say, but I wasn’t able to let go. Every step triggered a memory. By the time we lurched through our front door, my mood was as bleak as the day.

I filled Willie’s dish, plugged in the coffee, and stripped off my wet clothes. As I headed for the shower, I glanced at the caller ID on the telephone. Alex Kequahtooway had phoned. I looked at the clock. It would be 8:30 in Ottawa.

In the time it took to dial his cell number, I decided I wouldn’t bring up the subject of Ariel Warren. Unless he had talked to one of his colleagues on the Regina police force, it was unlikely Alex would have heard of her death. He had been excited about giving the course on minorities and the justice system to a class of senior civil servants. It was a chance for him to talk to people who could make a difference, and he didn’t need to be distracted by problems at home.