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I’ll tell you what happened in the church: the woman thought she was going to die, so she went to see the Padre, so that he would hear her confession. She knew there was no way of escaping her pursuers. She was received by the Padre, who, offended by her nudity, gave her a sheet to cover herself with. It was almost certainly the same sheet they used to cover the altar. So the woman covered herself and was then received by the Padre in the confessional. She confessed, was given her penance and absolved. Then she took Communion and the priest told her to go in peace. I’d like to think that’s what happened, for we saw the woman come out and her persecution continue. But I often ask myself whether that priest did enough. Could he really not have done more? Could he not have come out and admonished the crowd, threatened them with damnation if they carried on with what they’d set out to do? I know the Padre’s word has always been accepted on our island, and the faithful on the island have always feared damnation. Or he could have told the woman to stay in the church until her pursuers had gone. I firmly believe he should have gone out to speak to them, to reason with them, pacify them, and that, if he did not do so, it was because he was governed by the same evil spirit that governed the mob. For he let her go back outside, and what did he do with himself then, after he’d heard her confession and given her Communion? Did he do some meditating? Some praying perhaps? Some crying for the sins of the faithful? What would have happened if he’d told the mob that if they wanted to carry on beating that woman they’d have to kill him first, and then taken her in his arms? I doubt very much — but very, very much indeed — whether those wicked people would have dared touch the Padre. And if they didn’t touch him, it would have shown they weren’t actually evil.

But the Padre told her to go in peace and those wicked people showed her no mercy. Even watching her leave the church to face the crowd didn’t soften the Padre’s heart, and so the mob decided to see things through to the end. I’ve already said what happened when we realised those men, and women, and children, planned to see things through to the end: we decided not to witness it. For most people, beating a woman to death was no small thing. But it was what they wanted, perhaps what they’d sworn to do beforehand, come what may. And they became increasingly hard-hearted and they saw it through to the end. And what if they thought the Padre had given them permission to do so by letting the woman out to face their sticks? To face the end? They went on beating her until she died at their hands. It was something we had never seen before on the island, nor heard an adult tell of ever happening before. They killed that woman.

Such a terrible thing could not have happened in sunlight, although the sun had been shining earlier on in the day. Terrible things tend to happen in the late afternoon, when the sky turns gloomy in the absence of the sun. They chased that woman all around town until she was dead, killed before everyone’s eyes! They killed her running right through the big village, and so the evil took hold of the big village and entered everyone’s spirit. It was the first time such a thing had happened and nobody knew what to do about it. Dios mío, they killed that woman, they beat her with sticks until she died at their hands! Before that, they thrust a stick into her nakedness, as if to remind her that she had children, two daughters in fact. And do you know who those two daughters were? The two sisters who’d gone up to the plantations and accidentally set fire to the Pico. That fire had been a terrible accident, but all the adults, and maybe even the sisters themselves, knew that it was also a terrible omen. Which was why they’d cried not so much for the fire itself but for what they thought would come next.

That woman was killed and a sense of foreboding spread through the big village, as if the evil was spreading. As if what had happened hung in the atmosphere and was breathed in, though never talked about. Such an awful thing should have been talked about everywhere in the village, but it couldn’t be, at least not on the day it happened, and not in the days that followed. Nobody knew what to say. And before we’d had a chance to fix what had happened in our minds, the evil spread throughout the island and death spread its wings over the village. For weeks, indeed for months, the spirits of death and evil had our Atlantic Ocean island in their grip. In fact it was one evil after another. First there was the fire, seen by many as an omen of more evil to come. Then the killing of that woman, something that had never happened before on our island, and seen by the adults as a warning that untold pain and misery were on their way. And no ordinary adults either but certain adults who had special powers and could see into the future. These people saw everything. And they walked the streets in tears saying that they wouldn’t tell, that their ‘leaders’ were pounding them to make them tell, but they wouldn’t tell of what terrible future lay ahead of us. That’s what the adults who talked to my grandmother said. Something was going to happen, something was going to happen, and the women who saw things from the future, because they talked to the departed, were supposed to inform everybody of what this terrible thing was, but they refused because it was so bad. But something terrible already had happened! Surely not more? Yet if the clairvoyants said it would happen, it would happen, it was inevitable. What fear I felt during those days! And before I’d had time to think about the terrible thing that had already happened, to try and understand why the whole village had stood by and watched as the Devil ran amok among us, the air turned thick and the skies darkened over everyone as we waited, waited for something we didn’t want to come. And I was very, very afraid.

What came next began when a man who was strong and healthy one day dropped down dead the next. He’d seemed perfectly well, chatting contentedly with numerous people, and then, when night came, he asked someone to accompany him to the beach so he could relieve his belly. He asked his wife, who was the only person who could be expected to accompany him to the beach at such an untimely hour. This was because it wasn’t just a matter of going to the beach, any old part of it, but of going to a bit beyond the vidjil, where the men beached their canoes. The man felt a desperate need to go and he left home accompanied by his wife. They made their way through the darkness and reached the section of the shore where people from that part of the big village went to satisfy their needs, and the man pulled his trousers down and squatted. Time passed, sufficient time for him to have satisfied his need, but he remained squatting.

‘You nearly finished?’ his wife asked.

‘No,’ he answered, and although it was only a monosyllable, the way he pronounced it was enough for his wife to know her husband wasn’t well.

‘Everything all right?’ she said, from where she was waiting a few steps away.

But the man gave no answer, other than a series of groans, groans that suggested all was not right with the relieving of his belly. Ay! ay! aaay! Emptying his belly brought sharp pangs of pain, and each pang made him groan. He was getting cramps. Ay! huy! huy! And he held his hands to his gut, a gesture his wife couldn’t make out, for the moon had not been seen for several weeks and the beach was in total darkness. The pain continued, until finally he summoned up the strength to make his way over to where the sea washed onto the sand, and there he performed the basic ablutions; that’s to say, he washed himself in the splash of the waves … He still felt pangs of pain but he thought he ought to go back to the house, so he set off home, preceded by his wife. As they turned onto the road that led to their house, the man had another attack of cramps and he had to stop. He leaned on a rail outside a house and bent over, holding his stomach with his free hand. Aay! huy! he wailed in pain. Then he had a sudden, desperate need to go, and he tried to hurry back down to the shore to satisfy the need, but he only made it halfway along the path before he had to pull his trousers down and squat. This was totally unacceptable behaviour; he and his wife both knew this. A person couldn’t just do his business anywhere, certainly not somewhere that wasn’t set aside or used for such a purpose, no matter what the time of day or circumstances. And especially if that person was an adult. It was simply unacceptable. And because they both knew this, his wife knew something was seriously wrong with her husband. And she caught up with him and asked him if the cramps were persisting. But the man no longer had the strength to answer. He suddenly felt a great need to sleep and, without even washing himself, he pulled up his trousers, whimpering in pain. He could no longer walk, at least not without great difficulty.